
Does gum help the braces process

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I know, i know, your not suppose to chew gum when you have them on, but i love gum.

Your not suppose to, because you can break brackets right, well ive had mine for 16months, and haven't broken one.

I was wondering if gum can actually speed up the process, because heard this once, and was wondering, it seems to help a little, and make it go some what faster, what do you think. Can it




  1. im not sure if it speeds up the process but if the gum is not making your braces come off then keep chewing it if it is sugar free- like orbit gum. it is good for your teeth and when i had braces i never broke one wire and i chewed seriously a pack of gum a day! i guess it just depends on your dentist and the quality of the braces. i just reccomend not eating stuff like Sugar Daddies because those will get stuck.  

  2. Yeah It can my dentist said so....I have had braces for 6 months and getting them off in three because of chewing gum!!

  3. My orthodontist says its good to chew gum, and i when i first got my braces on he gave me a pack of gum. When your braces hurt and you chew it then it wont be as sore. But only chew sugarless gum or else it will stick all over your braces! And chewing gum wont make the process go any faster or slower.

  4. no it doesnt.

    it make it go slower bc it makes the wire loose

    btw i broke my bracket by chewing gum

  5. My dentist actually told me it would be good to chew soft sugarless gum while having braces, because it takes down the soreness...It will not break your braces, as i have been chewing gum almost every day for like the last 6 months with my braces on, its good for you

    But it wont speed up the process any, only the braces will do anything, gum wont make it go faster or slower

  6. No idea..  Depends if you're dentist wants to make money out of you! When I had mine I always got gum stuck.. Not nice..

  7. Gum won't break brackets - it will get stuck in them and create a mess.

    If you chew gum, use sugarless - it doesn't stick as much as the sugared kind.

    I really don't think it speeds up the process. If it does, it wouldn't be by any appreciable amount, considering how long it takes teeth to move anyway.  

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