
Does hannah montana jealous of selena going out with nick jonas/?

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Does hannah montana jealous of selena going out with nick jonas/?




  1. The real question is: Why should we even care?

  2. First of all your question has horrible grammar. It's IS Hannah jealous...

    Secondly... Hannah didn't date Nick... MILEY did. Yes, same person, but yet two different people.

    And MILEY has a boyfriend of her own.  

  3. more than likely thats why she feels like she hads to bring up the fact that they once dated

  4. Probably... idk I don't care for some reason for miley. I say, good for Selena if she's going out w/ Nick!! I do not like her (no offense if you do like her).

  5. ya she is..but she dosnet want the whole world knowing it

  6. im not a fan but i hate anti ppl every one has the write to like

    any one they like  hey watch the video bye miely (7 things)

    ohh ya she dose!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. it's is hannah montana jealous of selena going out with nick jonas       and im sure she is

  8. obviously cuz i heard she was CRAZY about nick


  10. YES! she made a mean youtube video out her JEALOUSY!

  11. No she isn't, because she knows that deep down inside he is really g*y.

  12. I think that they might not stand each other but in front of cameras they lie. Disney wants the world to think they are all some happy family when really they control their stars ans make them lie because i've never even heard then say any of them are fighting so i bet Disney pays them to hang out together and take pics hugging. That's why some might and have started to rebel.

  13. Nick is going out w/ his brothers guys not girls lol

  14. according to the most recent issue of Seventeen Magazine. (Miley's on the cover), The interviewer asks about Miley's past relationship with Nick.

    Miley claims that she and Nick became an item on the first day they met (weird...) in her words "He was on a quest to meet me and he was like, 'I think you're beautiful and I really like you" (hahaha...)

    She also claims that they LOVED each other and still do right now.. they're just "not IN love"

    After they broke up, Miley apparently went into "rebel" mode (dyed her hair) since when she was Nick, he said she should get the opposite of highlights? BLACK MODE! xD the way she tells the story..i could imagine her getting really jealous about Nick and Selena since

    A). it's her exbf, Nick Jonas, whom she still loves as she claims

    b). It's Selena Gomez the "other disney queen" who is BFF with "rock princess" of the movie Camp Rock, Demi Lavato, whom starred in Camp Rock with Joe Jonas, whom is brothers with Kevin and NICK JONAS. and the whole cycle begins again...(hope that made some sort of sense...)  

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