
Does have alot of muscle make you gas out faster in a fight?

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  1. no lack of cardio does that

  2. People think muscular guys gas fast because they typically do.  In reality it's not because of the muscles, but because they focus on strength training instead of cardiovascular / endurance training.

    An example of a big guy with great cardio is George St. Pierre - he's really muscular, and toned, but focuses on cardio, so he can go hard without gassing.  It's guys like Houston Alexander who rely on strength alone that have problems in late rounds or with a fast paced bout.

    Some people argue that having more muscle mass causes the heart to pump harder to deliver the additional oxygen that the bigger muscles need -  that is true, but can be minimized, if not negated by proper cardio training.

  3. Having a lot of bulk muscles do cause you to gas out faster.

    The bigger the muscle, the more oxygen required to power it. If you have big huge muscles, it requires a lot of oxygen to keep them moving, your lungs and heart can only do so much for so long. You will also burn more calories trying to keep those muscles moving, resulting in you fatiguing faster than someone with smaller lean muscles, that are explosive, and fast twitch, and use less oxygen and calories.

    Having lean muscle mass (like GSP or most athlete's/fighters) allows you to be explosive, strong, and fast, while still allowing your body to be in cardio shape to allow you to move at a certain tempo for extended periods of time.

    Hence bodybuilder types (Phil Baroni, Ken Shamrock, Brock Lesnar) have a tendency to gas quicker. As to guys who go up in weight division by putting on muscle.

    Tempo has a lot to do with it as well.

    But in general, bigger muscles need more oxygen and burn more calories during their use.

    Ideally you want compact, lean explosive muscle, not big huge bulky oxygen hogging muscles.


    Mike Tyson was a bodybuilder type and could go 12 rounds easily?

    Most fights in Tyson's career that went over 6 rounds he lost.

    He went to 5 decisions in 58 fights, and those were early in his career, one of them him and his opponent were so banged up they were hardly standing the last 4 rounds. He never went "EASILY" in 12 rounds, nor would I consider Mike Tyson (in his heyday under Cus D'Amato) a bodybuilder type.

    Keep in mind he put on about 20lbs of muscle after he got out of prison, and therefore is the bigger form you see now... also he has gone 9-7 (most of which on Tomato cans). So you can see how 20lbs of muscle affected his fight performance.

    Also keep in mind the difference between bulky body builder type of muscle: (keep in mind Lesner dropped like 40lbs of Muscle to compete in MMA)


    Lean muscle mass athletes, who still are pretty buff. But it is lean muscle mass.

  4. if they do not cardio then yes

  5. Well you don't see many 240lb muscle heads winning marathon races, bigger muscles require more oxygen.

  6. I see many people in this category believe such stuff. That depends on the man. Some very muscular men will run you to death.

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