
Does having ADD/ADHD have any medical impact on being a commercial pilot?

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Being a pilot is the only thing I've wanted to do. I don't want someone telling me I have ADD and disqualifying me from doing that. I've suspected I have it but don't want to go to the doctor for it.




  1. well, a pilot in the air force or navy, or even to get in to the military, you cant have ADD. im sure it works the same way with commercial airlines

  2. I have it also and it's nothing to be ashamed of. I would think that if you are going to be taking someone else's life into your hands you would be willing to do anything you can to protect their safety. I think that if this is a career that your really wanting to get into Going to the Dr. would be a great idea.....Please I might be on that plan, you never know.

  3. There are a myriad of reasons for disqualification and just as many exceptions. The FAA considers whether professional diagnoses have been made on disorders, whether you are taking medication for them, and how long it has been since the diagnosis and if you are still taking the medication.

    The only way to know for certain is to talk to an FAA qualified medical examiner (you can find them through your local medical society or asking your doctor). They can answer these questions for you based on your specific information and history. If as you mentioned on an answer you are finishing up your private training, you should have an ME you can talk to. If you are leery of saying anything to him, find another to discuss it with or talk to AOPA. They are quite familiar with all sorts of medical issues affecting pilots.

  4. The best answer you can ever get is to talk to an airline pilot who also has ADD ADHD. In this case, the pilot is Ron - a retired airline captain: You can get info on how he gets around this ADHD problem so much so that it enables him to fly 757 and 767 aircrafts: =>


  5. um. you might not be able to pay attention?

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