
Does having a carbon footprint 'tempt ur era'?

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Ok folks I let it lapse undecided the last time I posed it on;_ylt=Ask7WMx4nm3pCGHE88dyjvogBgx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080625090734AA4c7OF - it was largely misunderstood.

It's only almost cryptic however, more a peripheral revelati°n ;) so I will make no further attempt to provide the insight I believe the question implies




  1. ****

    Having a carbon footprint is something the average person cannot avoid at this time.  We can reduce the size of the footprint, but we'll never erase it entirely.  

    Yes, the thought of my carbon footprint encourages me to reduce mine to as small a footprint as possible by doing all I can to help the planet. . . . . . . however, there are those who have no choice but to continue living life exactly as they are now.  (employees who must commute to work, emergency vehicles, public service employees, farmers, factories dealing with necessary products, etc., etc., etc.)

  2. i dont have much of a carbon footprint as i cant drive so i only travel in a car with my family if both me and my mom need shopping my husbands footprint is larger as he needs his vehicle everyday to get to different jobs. if i have to travel out of area i travel by train or bus but i walk my son to school even in horrible weather and i dont go on a plane very often its only when we can afford to go away.

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