
Does having a dream of becoming a werewolf mean anything?

by  |  earlier

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i keep havingthe same exact dream of becoming a werewolf and running through the woods. isnt that wierd? or normal? maybe its strange but i always wanted to be able to change into a wlf. i have the same dream of the wolf i want to be. any explanations? lol srry its a wierd question




  1. i had a werewolf dream bout anoher dream

    not sames like yours and it fills wierd

  2. i have a similar dream like this ... wath means i am a werewolf ? i'am not yet transformed ? ....

  3. i think your a werewolf and don't worry i've had a similar dream

  4. Your gonna b a werewolf!! Congrats!! Don't worry, u'll b fine, just a little crazy on the first change, not that you'll remember any of it! I may b a werewolf, so I know a lot of legends.

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