
Does having a dynamic IP address make it difficult to connect to other users online?

by  |  earlier

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Recently when I try host a room on gamespy arcade I find out that I have a dynamic IP address because it is saying my actual IP address is different to what others can see, because of this when I host a room online, nobody can see it, and if they can, they can't join. How can I configure my settings on linksys router? Or is it my windows firewall?




  1. Having A Dynamic IP means that your IP Address changes on a regular basis. ie every time you log on, or every day, etc, etc.

    Having a Static IP means that it for the most part, stays the same. Or only changes once in a while.

    For one thing, I don't generally use the Windows Firewall.. IMHO it generally causes more problems than anything. I use a alternate Firewall. Also, if the IP address you get is 192.168.0.x*x or something

    very similar, then that is your local IP, meaning it is the address assigned to your PC by your Router for your local systems to access

    eachother, and setting up a server, etc with that will not work.

    You don't say what exactly you are trying to do. But depending on that

    you may need to open the proper ports for your specific application.

    To help further, I'd need more info.

    EDIT - Having a Dynamic IP does not affect your ability to play online games. Your problem lies elsewhere.

    See this page for more info on proper setup.


    check to make sure windows firewall is forwarding your ports as well as your own firewall program

  3. The only way is if you plug your computer directly into your modem. You can also upgrade to a modem with built in wireless. When the modem and router are separate, this happens.


    Don't use game spy, just host it in the game.

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