
Does having a healthy rain forest help prevent global warming'???

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Does having a healthy rain forest help prevent global warming'???




  1. Scientists have proven that tropical trees do help prevent global warming by releasing moisture into the atmosphere, encouraging cloud formation, cooling the air. On the other hand, trees in places where it snows may do the opposite. They do not readily release moisture, especially when laden with snow, and more of them can actually darken the landscape, theoretically absorbing more heat. For more on this click the top link below. For pictures on the effects of global warming, such as a giant wasp nest inside a Chevy, go to the bottom link and look for "global warming" in the archives.

  2. First of all let me make it clear

    GLOBAL WARMING IS A NATURAL PROCESS AND NO ONE CAN STOP IT. So preventing it is not possible but we can certainly reduse its speed.

    Yes, that is a fact but we can certainly stop the rise in temperature caused by human influence and one of it is reduce in green cover caused by cutting forests. Forests are very important  factor which help in controling temperature by reducing CO2. They put in a lot of water in the environment  / air and this helps in reducing the temperature. They help in lessening the pollution and thus reducing effect of green house effect causing gases.

    We are inducing the rise in temperature due to our non sustainable way of living, over exploitation of natural resources, burning of fossile fuel, pollution and other like actvities. Reduction in green cover is a very big factor effecting rise in temperature and if we save our forests certainly we will reduce the effect of global warming.

    So, we need to SAVE FORESTS to control global warming.

  3. yes as they take away the co2 in the atmosphere reducing the blanket of co2 that traps the heat that results in the global warming

  4. You bet it does.  See here's the deal.  The trees in tropical rainforests need carbon dioxide, the major cause of global warming, to survive, therefore, they absorb it from the atmosphere and, through the process of photosynthesis which they use to make their food, expel oxygen.  We and other animals take in this oxygen and expel carbon dioxide, and the plants take in this carbon dioxide and the cycle continues. This helps to keep the carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in check to prevent any dramatic warming of the earth.  Remember, carbon dioxide traps heat, therefore a moderate amount of the gas ensures a moderate amount of heat and thus, a slimmer chance of the polar ice caps melting as quickly as they are now.

  5. Yes it helps but not enough.  3/4 of the worlds oxygen comes from algae.  Think about that one.

  6. Yes it does!

  7. No

    only if all of them were healthy all over the planet .would it make a big difference .

    and lately many forrest animals are getting sick and dying off ,making great changes ,breaking links in the food chains

    we are witness to the first mass exstinction since the dinosaurs,of flora and fauna ,and events are happening to fast to monitor ,the world is kept in the dark of the seriousness of global warming.

    it is probably a good thing that nobody in America believes it is happening ,we are too late to make a positive impact any way.

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