
Does having a normal results from a full blood count pretty much mean there is no ill health in your system?

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Does having a normal results from a full blood count pretty much mean there is no ill health in your system?




  1. No.  It just means that you're probably not infected with anything, you're probably not anemic and you probably don't have a problem with your platelets.

    But it doesn't even definitely mean any of those things.  Any lab test is only a number, and the meaning of that number has to be interpreted in the context of everything else that is going on with the patient.  (As an example, if it looks like you have a very high red blood cell count, you could have polycythemia--or you could be severely dehydrated.  You can't tell just from the number, you have to look at the patient.)  And as previous posters have pointed out, there are all kinds of issues that wouldn't show up as abnormalities in a CBC at all, even though they can be quite serious.

  2. no. what it means is that whatever lab values were measured showed results within the "normal" range. there are many, many types and detailed panels of blood tests to be taken, depending on what condition/infection is suspected.

  3. no, it's just a prelimary to some other things, such as a high iron count could mean a hepatitise disease, or other things to look for, don't worry you in good hand if u can  afford insurance

  4. Not really but it is a good sign.  There are literally thousands of other things that could be wrong.

  5. No - not by a long shot.

    We can only test for a very few things in a full blood count.

    That is we can only do the tests we currently know how to do.

    There is no blood test that will tell you if you have cancer, injuries, certain types of infections yadder yadder yadder.

    A full blood count is really very basic.  You need a who truck load of other tests - and they ar just the ones that we can do at the moment.

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