
Does having a positive attitude....?

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lmao, wanted to put this question in the "pregnancy and conception section...!!!




  1. I believe if your happy and positive - you will get sick less often and heal and get over illness quicker.

    Im sure Ive read this somewhere too.

  2. yes the medically yes will help but you need a

    positive attitue is also need that i will beat this

  3. i would think it would

  4. I believe a positive attitude can help.  It's not the  whole ballgame, but it can aid recovery.  This has been demonstrated.  To deny that one's attitude helps or hinders is to fail to understand that our moods, emotions, attitudes are a part of us just as much as our physical selves.  A positive attitude lessons stress, too.

  5. Yeah, I think so.

    Have you ever heard of the 'Law of Attraction?'

    If's well worth looking up!

    Basically, it's this view that all your thoughts and feelings send vibes (either positive or negative) into the universe, and then the universe will give you what ever your focusing on.

    For example....saying ''I am going to get better quickly'' sends out vibes to the universe. If you truly believe that you will recover quickly, the universe will grant you this, but if your having doubts, then it will take much longer to manifest.

    That's why it's better to say....(and write it down)...''I am in the process of recovering quickly''. This way, you are making a statement so it is more likely to manifest quickly.

    Remember....the law of attraction is working all the time, regarding whether we are consciously aware of it or not!

    By the way....sorry if none of what I've said makes any sense lol.

    And awwww!!! Bless Yahoo.....trying to put this question in the 'pregnancy and conception' section!! Omg that's the cutest thing ever!!! lol


  6. yes, this is true just about any occasion if you have negative thoughts the results will be negative and if you have positive thoughts the out come will be positive.

  7. I think maybe it makes you feel better in your head, surely it can't heal you though?


  8. I believe so. It help my mum through cancer and when I got the phone call when I was in Cork in 1999 saying that my grandmother's cancer had returned and she only had 6 months left, I came back and she fought it for a further 3 years.

  9. its better to be positive

  10. As a parent I will have to agree with your mum here.

    A positive attitude certainly helps..

  11. I believe that if you think you can, you can.

    I also believe that medical science knows next to nothing about the power of thoughts on the human body.

    So, yes, I'm with your Mam. If you want to disagree, then disagree - just let the rest of us get on with healing faster! Lol

  12. no question, mind over matter, good luck miss star, you have been a great contact for quite a while now.

  13. I think you must have a positive attitude and the correct medicine. Maybe you should contact the doctor and see what they think!

  14. I'm sorry but I think your mums right.

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