
Does having colitis stop you from becoming a chef?

by Guest60281  |  earlier

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My nephew has colitis and may have to have a colostomy bag in the future. He is currently training as a chef at college. Because of this condition he has been told he may not be allowed to complete the course and become a chef. Is this correct? Any advice or web links would be appreciated. Thanks.




  1. it could be a hygiene issue you'll have to take advice because if he completes the course he may be unemployable

  2. Unless his work involves heavy digging, or other kinds of manual work, having a colostomy (if he does have to get one) should not make any difference to his job. If he is not  sure about this, he can ask his stoma nurse for advice.

    This might be of interest

    Have a look around the whole site as they have forums too

  3. I would get that checked out - I can't see any reason why someone with colitis could not get a job as a chef - that sounds outrageous.

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