
Does having my letter to Penthouse Forum printed mean I'm a published author?

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Does having my letter to Penthouse Forum printed mean I'm a published author?




  1. Oh honey, you are a novelist! lol

  2. OH GOD your famous...can I do you...?...please post a copy of the letter for all to read...♥

  3.   congrats.   very hard to get your stories in there--  so many perverts out there, but they do not have the ability to put their ideas into actual print.  my hat is off to you my friend,  I have been trying to get my story in there for years.  they said my story offended them and was too graphic for their readers....

  4. I thought we agreed not to speak of that again??

  5. I'd be pretty proud if I were you! Frame it! :)

  6. Yes! Can I have your autograph?!

  7. Gosh, I always wanted to know me a real writer. **gazes at you and flutters eyelashes**.

  8. "Food Dude?!?"

    "This is the voice of God...

    "I'm very disappointed in you, Son..."


  9. girls like smart guys just think of all the @ss u will be getting

  10. I think you're qualified to be poet laureate.

  11. You mean they're actually real?

  12. Now all you need is some royalty payments.

  13. Sweet deal! You're they'll be asking you to sit in on the photo shoots...

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