
Does having strong biceps help you run faster?

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I heard somewhere since you need to pump your arms when your running its better to have biceps is this true?




  1. it for sure does.  when i first started running my biceps would get sore because they were not strong enough.   So yes they do help

  2. Yes they do, just, not as much as tricepts.  It's actually interesting how many people don't know that when you run, your arms and your legs swing back and forth exactly at the same pace.  Infact, in sprinting, when you take off, or want to try and go faster, the trick is to quick snap your arms back and then foreward again, because your legs don't have a choice but to follow.

    So if that's true, then while running, the faster the muscles in you arms can move, then the faster the muscles in your legs can move.  Not just for sudden bursts of speed, but the stronger you can move your arms back and forth, the stronger your stride is going to end up being.

  3. No, upper body weight might even make your legs slower

  4. Yes. Biceps help you run faster also helps you alot when it's time to start... holding your body weight in the "Set" position. Triceps are needed too cause the strong down-force needed in sprinting and pushing

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