
Does having thoughts about killing ppl,classify u as being psychotic? OR....... ?

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OR is it how u deal w/those thoughs that determine ur sanity??????




  1. i hope not other wise I'm off to the nut house lol. what about if you feel you could happily and calmly kill a stranger on the bus/train home with your bare arms and not feel remorse, is that psychotic?

  2. Does it scare you to think about killing someone,or do you get enjoyment out of thinking about it?If you like the thought you need to see a psychologist right away.

  3. No it doesn't classify you as being psychotic, it's the ENJOYMENT of the thought that classifies it. Some times that's the response people get when they are angry, sad, or if they are developing mental issues. Psychological trauma is another thing that can cause this. Psychological trauma is a type of damage that is inflicted on someone's psyche in result of a traumatic event. this can occur during childhood. I think about killing alot, some times I enjoy it, but that doesn't mean I'm psychotic. good luck.

    Ta ta,


  4. Not neccessarily. Racing thoughts like those can occur if someone has schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or depression. Being psychotic (or in other words a sociopath) is something that happens when you have had a very terrible childhood or a horrific event happen in your life. Everyone thinks about things like that sometimes. Only some make a bigger deal out of it than others.  

  5. good question.  when angry, I have those thoughts but I don't consider myself psychotic.  I guess the difference would be in the planning, researching, and ultimately acting on the deed.

  6. If you have thoughts about killing people, it means you are REALLY angry about a situation you are in that can be so serious that a crime goes on.  An example would be witnessing an affair with someone you really loved.  Then you end up killing the person you loved, the loved one's lover, or both of them.  But yes, if things turn really bad, you could end up losing it and end up being psychotic.  There is a lot of crazy people out there and they might be that crazy.  Now, you don't want to be that do you?  Well let's hope not.  Now to answer the second part of your question it could be.  Your mind is racing with a lot of these thoughts but in the end doubtful.  Unless you took serious psychopathic action.  Like getting involved onto deeds that are beyond your control.

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