So say there is a boy who shows every possible sign that he likes i mean every one from looking at me all the time, to going so red and blushing big time, when he sees me or trys to talk to me.
His friends all seem to know me?? They all say when they are walking past me with he "Look man, thier she is go on tell her man" to play punching him in the arm everytime they see me and him looking at each other.
He asks my frined about me? My friend also asked him, if he liked me and he was smileing but never actually said anything and was like change the subjuct, but went on to ask my friend, is she single, and was shocked when she said yes, he was like why is someone like her single a pretty girl single.
The other day my friend said she has enough of what he has been doing so she asked him do like ......... he was no but as i walked past the shop where they were talking he looking and smileing at me?? My friend said yes you do like her look he was smilieing and the grin on his face was huge but he said no
So i am confused big time what should i do, i want to ask him striaght out whats going on and why he does this?? This has been going on for some time now as well i feel its unfair seeing as he wont really say anything