
Does he do this on purpose?

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My little brother is 4. if he trys saying "i want a sucker" then he says "i want a f*cker" does he do this on purpose or is there acutaly a problem with the way he talks?




  1. have him try other words that begin with s. if he says those just fine then he is probably doing it on purpose. If he says those words with an f sound then its a speech problem that he will probably outgrow. my 2yo says his f'swith a b sound so when he says fish it sounds like b*tch

  2. yes its common and he doesnt mean anything by it. Just ignor the bad word and correct him.

    EX; Hes says- "I want a F****r"

            You say -   "yes i know you want a SUCKER"

    Try that

  3. Hehe, don't worry about it. As inappropriate as it may be, many children cannot interpet words correctly until they are a little bit older. Tell him its wrong though, and each time he says "sucker" and not the other, treat him. Give him a cookie or something. It's not bribing, but it's the easy way for children to understand certain things better.

  4. What do you do when he says the f-word? If you freak out and act all crazy then he may keep saying it just to see you act nuts. Or he could just have a problem with his s', which time and/or speech classes can solve.

  5. Lol, he light just have problem with saying "S".

    My brother had the same problem.

  6. My parents tell me I had the same problem at that age.  I grew out of it, your brother will, too.

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