
Does he hate me?Or is he trying to make me jealous?

by  |  earlier

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This guy and we had feelings for each other,but I wouldn't act on it because he was married.He knows I love him.One night when I was talking to another friend about a girl,he interrupted and started saying how much better looking she was,better *** etc.He was really confrontational.I didnt rise to it & he got worse & kept cutting me down.In the end I said to him I loved him & why was he so cruel.He asked me to tell him that in work(basically when we were sober)Work came & I didnt say anything.I was too hurt.He was ok for a week or so,then started to ignore me.One day he was flirting with this really young girl and ignored me when I said hello.The next day tho he passed with his head down & came back & said hello & seemed v upset.It's like he is trying to make me feel ugly.He might think that I dont give him enough attention in work,as we are still friends & thinks that he is the only one making an effort.He is right there.Why do this?I really want to sort it out so need help.




  1. maybe he ignored you because he was angry at you for not telling him again. Maybe he thought you weren't serious. Being cruel worked the first time, when you told him you loved him. Maybe he's hoping it will work a second time. I think you should talk to him. Let him know how you feel, be the bigger person. You seem really nice, and he seems to be missing out. I think he must see what he is doing, but by talking to him you will know. Once you have a deep conversation you'll know. Good luck, I wish you the best

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