
Does he have a mental illness or ADD or anything like this?

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My friend is a bit odd atm.

He can be sat watching telly and then suddenly have bursts of huge excitement! This happens quite regular and it worries me a bit.

He can also get sudden spouts of anger.

What does this sound like?

Professionals please help!




  1. hi he could possibly have manic-depressive disease..were ehe has hypomanic behavior which means he has incredible surges of energy..excirtemnet-flights of fancy...and possibly as he cycles(as this disease and behavior comes and goes in cyclical fashion)..and then has surges of doldrums.and depressive..low energy mood swings..lithium and other medications i believe usually treat this disease...and yes the mood swings can be very up and down..or energy levels as u describe..of course there could be other add or ahdd(in adults)...its more common nowadays than it used to be..good luck...look on the internet for more under symptoms or mental health..good luck .if he/she is a good friend try and help them...or understand..most people ..dont have enough friends around them if they are in need of help or get isolated so it be a friend....

  2. "tell him to stay off the pot ....... def a pot head...."...No actually Marijuana does not make you get spouts of anger. Marijuana is a relaxing drug not a stimulant. Maybe your friend is on Meth if he's on drugs. Meth make some people spout out in anger alot...or maybe that's just how he is.

  3. It sounds like manic depression. But that is quite strong and can be controlled with medicine. But don't want to label him, best is to have him checked with a doc

  4. He sounds like a normal human being! Most people subdue their inner desires for fear of appearing odd to other people. The expression of a human emotion is a beautiful thing and should be seen for what it is. The need to share with others!!! He doesn't seem to hurt anyone else and not himself. Conformity will come later...  

  5. It sounds a bit manic,but he may be O.K.Drink makes you rage,Goals and wins and knowledge can make people excited.

  6. I'm not a professional but I do have a job that deals with many client's that have mental illnesses.  It does sound like he might suffer from a form of depression.  Depression causes mood swings and it doesn't have to be sad.  There are also disorders that would cause anger issues.  If he has a hard time focusing on one thing for a long time then he might have ADHD which include hyperactivity, that might explain the outbursts.  My friend has unexplained outbursts and has never seen a therapist, but she is aware of her outbursts and is quite embarrassed afterward.  Your friend might be too embarrassed to talk about it with you.  Explain that you are there to listen if he ever needs a friend to talk to about these episodes.  You might be surprised.

  7. Does he take illegal drugs?

  8. Ok, first up this is not the place to get information. I am a qualified professional who has worked extensively for 15 years with young people with differing problems. A diagnosis cannot be formulated from a snapshot description such as yours.

    Many young people (especiaslly young teenagers) experience emotional ups and downs, this is part of their development. These meotions present in different ways.

    Anyway the best advice is to go to your Doctor and have professionals look at the person who you are worried about.

    PS Everything else on this page, please ignore it.

  9. He's either totally psycho, needs putting away in an institution for life and electric shock treatment to bits of his body...or:

    He's a normal teenage boy!  

  10. He perhaps has Bipolar, which I think is a chemical in-balance of the brain, his brain my be releasing to much serotonin at some stages. (the happy chemical which gives pleasurable feelings during feelings of adrenalin like when going to the gym or in times of excitement) then it doesn't release any at bringing him bouts of depression.

    If its seriously getting him down and affecting his life then he needs to see a GP who will refer you to a specialist who will prescribe medications to even out the chemical balances in your brain. Its very common.  

  11. well my brother is just like that and its not because hes  slow its because he may be thinking of something eles like for example his own world and it may accure funny to him because my bro has the same issue

  12. tell him to stay off the pot ....... def a pot head....

  13. Sounds normal with maybe some anger issues.....though you didnt say age....that would be normal for a teenage boy.

    Unless there is a LOT more to the story then what you said it IS NOT bipolar.  Bipolar IS NOT mood swings.  it is episodes of extremes in mood lasting weeks, months, even years.....not rapidly changing back and forth.  Any you said nothing to sugest depression so wouldnt even consider that.

    Dont try to diagnose your friend, and dont worry so much if that is the only behavior that is off.  If he is struggling in school, work, or something along those lines because of it then he should see a Dr about it.

  14. ADD and ADHD are not real illnesses.  They are manufactured diagnoses to make teaching easier for the daddy's-little-princesses who after four years of a cushy major in college now are after a cushy 180 day work year and lifetime retirement at other ppl's expense.  They've been taken care of all their life and they have no intention of doing anything useful now.  So take your meds, kiddies, so that "Little Gloria" doesn't have to work for a living.

  15. its sounds like a touch of autism

  16. Based on what you've said, it is extreme to assume he has a "mental illness" is exhibiting ADD-type behaviour.  Should huge bursts of excitement be anything to worry about?  It is a sign of being alive and engaged.

    In terms of his anger, perhaps it's worth talking to him and finding out a bit more about why he is angry.  Our society today is very quick to label people as mentally ill when we don't understand them.

    Mention that you have noticed changes in him and say that you've been wondering why that might be.  It may be good for both of you.

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