
Does he have pinkey? My beautiful little boy woke up this morning wth one eye full of mucus and it was hard?

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for my little one to open it. I got him ready for daycare and I wiped his eye with a warm washcloth....if was not red and it didn't look like it bothered him he was his normal playful self...but I did notice a slight recurring of mucus in the corner of the eye that I kept wiping,,but it was not really bad, and also noticed a slight flutter of mucus swimming around in his eye...but I'm unsure...should I run to the doctor or just watch it...He's 9 months.




  1. Aww - poor little guy


    Sounds like Pink Eye / Conjunctivitis

    As mentioned, seeing the Dr might be an idea

    Also, gently flushing his eye out with luke warm clean water might offer some relief in the meantime.

    All The Best


  2. it could just be sleep i went to the doctor with my 2 month old the other day and she asked if he has so much sleep that he can not get his eyes open because of the mucus. you need to get a doctor to check it out and make sure but if it is not bothering him or he is not running a fever i am sure the doctor will say he is fine.  

  3. my daughter had the same thing for about 6 to 8 months.The doctor said it was because her tear ducts were not big enough for the mucus to drain through them so it had no where else to go except out of the eye. There is nothing to worry about.They gave us cream and stuff to put on her eye but it cleared on its own once she started to develop more.The only problem you will have is the annoyance of it.But she did start this when she was born and it was over with by the time she was 9 months old.He may have a cold or something or a slight eye infection.You may want to take him just to be safe,but I don't think its too serious. If this is the 1st time it has happened I dont think its because of his tear ducts being to small i just thought I would give you an idea of what it could be.

  4. Sounds like just an eye cold.  As long as it wasn't some funky color, I wouldn't worry about it too much.  Keep it clean with a warm wash cloth.  If it doesn't start getting better in the next day or two, then you could call the doc.  There's not really much they can do though.  Just use your best judgment.  If deep down you feel like a call to the doctor needs to be made, then go with your gut.

    *Conjunctivitis is pink eye, not the gunky stuff.  Bacterial Conjunctivitis does have "gunk", but it'd be an awful color, his eye would be red and it would be itchy and uncomfortable.  Here's a pic of what to look for to determine if its conjunctivitis:

  5. That could be conjunctivitis. You should go visit your GP and tell him to give you some eye drops for him. It will get better and better each week, so don't worry. :-) Good luck!

  6. definately sounds like conjunctivitis, my 2 have just had it and they go to day care. They usually send them home from day care straight away if they have it as it is highly contageous. Go to a doctors with him before it gets worse, they will give you some special eye drops for the little fella.

  7. it is probably just a clogged tear duct.  

    however, because it could be several other things too (like pink eye or a cold), i'd take him in to the doctor to have a professional diagnosis!

  8. Could be conjunctivitis and potentially contagious. You should really geta  doctor to see him

  9. he could just have a cold in his eye.. call the pediatrician  

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