
Does he like me, or are we just good friends?

by  |  earlier

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i am in high school, and last night went to a football game. This guy i know came up with some of his friends and stated talking to me and my friends. we started talking and all of our friends left. Then he told me that i was the only girl he could really talk to. what do i do? does this means he like me? Is he going to ask me out? HELP!! i need some girls opinions and guys point of views.




  1. there's really no reason he would be talking to you if he weren't at least a little interested. ask him to hang out!

  2. i think hes attempting to ask you out

  3. Do you even know this guy? Like have you ever spoken to him before last night.  

  4. i think he likes you your friends probly got the message and left

    good luck ;)

  5. he doesn't like you. only friends.

  6. i guess he likes u , just take it easy and don't go so fast u will scare him away...take ur time and let him gts to know u better , then i bliv he will ask u out

  7. uhm its not really confirmed that hes gonna ask you out

    he mighttt notlike you like that and only like you as a girl best friend

    flirt and see what he does

  8. The guy I am currently dating started out as my best friend.

    He also told me I was the only girl he feels really comfortable around and he said he knows he can talk to me about anything.

    Thats what he said made us such a good couple, it may take time though. me and him were just friends for two years.

  9. Well I would be a little exited if I were you cause that may be a "move" I'm 90% sure that he likes you but that's only what I think.

  10. He could like you. maybe one of your friends could ask one of his close friends if he does or could find out if he does? he could just have been being nice. if hes not jerky and seemed sinciere he probably ment it. :D maybe you should try to get closer to him and find out! good luck!  

  11. why dont you ask him directly, its takes some times before you can tell with this one

  12. If he stayed after all of your friends and his friends left and he kept talking to you and told you that you were the only girl that he could really talk to, it sounds like he likes you in the way that a guy would if he had plans to ask you out.  You can also take the initiative and talk to him and even ask him to hang out.  You have a good head start because you already know him a little bit.  

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