
Does he like me? I'm confused.?

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I wonder if he likes me or not..

well My crush just got his license, and at our high school, you can get out of campus if you are a junior and can drive. Well last week he went to Chick fil A and bought lunch back for me. my friends saw and they teased and now waiting to the day we're going out... but anyways... I dunno if he like me cuz he's making me pay for it.. well I would pay for it.. but before the lunch, he made sure TWICE that i know that I'll be paying... and how he's like you owe me 7 bucks...

but idk, my friends say that he like me and all, and we talked on AIM and i think he like me (maybe not very much, idk) he said that i was a cutie, said, "good night babe" and tease me A LOTTTT and said that he like to pick on me- and said that it was a compliment. and my bff said that he looked at me when I wasn't looking.. *sigh* idk..

what do you guys think?

He's a REALLY nice guy (to me at least)

It had come to the point that I think he's just a big flirt, maybe he flirts with many girls..

ooh, and my friends almost made me go Hug him, but i was like, no because it's weird, and im shy, i wouldn't just go hug him... just awkard i think? I wanted to but...i just thought that he wouldn't hug me back.. idk.




  1. he likes you..

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