
Does he like me? I'm not sure because he's always a bit meaner to me than everyone else!?!?

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I liked this guy last school year and asked him out! But unfortunately he rejected me (I didn't really care, I didn't like him SO much).

About 2 months after that (and still now), he walks with me to class (doesn't mean he'll talk to me, our friend Tony walks with us too) and always acted differently with me than other girls. He would always flirt with every girl, but me (he did flirt with me at first). He would (and still) always poke my sides... And whenever I look at him (or with the corners of my eyes) I see him glance at me occasionally. BUT! He never starts a conversation with me first. Or whenever he goes into my group, he will talk to my other friend and ignore me. He also acts meaner to me than everyone else. With others, he's always laughing, flirting, and talking to them, but with me, he would always act quiet.






  1. sounds like he doesn't like you at all. I think you're imagining things  

  2. This is a good example of skills on the guy part.  He is ignoring you to make you feen for him and make you think about him every moment of the day.  The reason he may not be sparking a conversation is because he probably doesn't know what to say.  The way he approaches your group and talks to the other girls is showing he wants to make you jealous and curious about why hes not talking to you, but your other friends which may or may not be prettier.  You haven't put enough information in this question to make me let you know if he likes you or not.  If your friends are prettier than you, he may like them over you.  If they are not hes probably trying to make you jealous.  This guy is not worth the trouble of thinking.  If you asked him out and he said no, it should be ended right there.  You should move on to the next guy which there are probably way more of that you are interested.  Who knows maybe one day you will be doing the same thing to him or he might just even ask you out and regret his decision that he said no in the first place.  If you want him, my suggestion is ignore every conversation he sparks.  As if you dont care and want to talk to other guys.  This may seem harsh but this will put him back in the reality of who hes dealin with.

  3. Ok it's either that he is playing hard to get or he just flat out doesn't like you at all. Here are some tips to see if he likes you: Examine his body language. If he likes you, you may see that he rarely turns his back to you, often leans towards you, and also looks at you a lot.

    Notice his eye contact. If he likes you, he'll try to catch your eye and hold it. This can be uncomfortable if you don't like him (or vice versa). If you feel like you have held eye contact just a fraction of a second longer than you would with anyone else, or if he looks away quickly, then there is something there.

    His pupils may dilate if he likes you, but this is quite hard to pick up on, and you might come across as acting strangely by looking that closely into his eyes.

    When a guy likes you he will try and make himself seem impressive to you

    "Listen to what he's saying". If he likes you, and he's nervous, he'll probably start talking about himself. Many times, guys feel the need to prove themselves- especially if you talk about another guy in his company.

    Be aware of touching. He might put his hand on your arm when he laughs, or not move his leg if it happens to touch yours, or he may hug you for small things - all are good signs of a guy liking you.

    Watch for him showing interest in things you like and do. For example, if you like a certain genre of music that he likes as well, he may suggest bands or artist for you to listen to. Another example, if you play sports he may ask to play against you just to show off that he's good at something you both like and then also have a reason to give you compliments as well.

    Notice the way he treats you - does he playfully tease you, or call you names, just to try and get your attention? It's natural for a guy to tease when he likes a girl, but remember, someone can still tease someone, even if they aren't attracted to them. Also, keep in mind that some guys simply will not tease you.

    Check for signs of nervousness Nervous laughter, sweaty palms, fidgeting, looking away quickly when you notice if he is watching you are all good signs of an attraction towards you and that he is nervous about making an impression on someone he fancies. Also notice if you call his name, does his head snap around right away or does it turn gradually?

    Smile - a big smile in return is a good sign. See if he always ends up in the same part of the room as you; perhaps he keeps going out of his way to bump into you and to flash his smile in your direction then flash a quick smile back to avoid blushing.

    Pay attention to his friends. If they know he's interested in you, they might tease him subtly when you're around, hint to you that he likes you, or even try to find out if you like him. Study their reactions to your presence - do they smile? Do they turn to him? Do they smirk in a way that suggests they know something that you don't? Maybe when they dare him in games of truth and dare, they always dare him to do something to you. If so, then there's a good chance that they know that he really does like you.

    Be open! Give him room to approach you and talk to you - it can ruin the situation if he hasn't got any opportunity to do so, for example if your friends are giggling in the background, or you are never on your own.

    Pay attention to how many times he uses your name. If you talk to him often, watch how many times he uses your first name. People tend to use your name to get your attention, and it shows that they think about you! For example, if you say something, and he replies with "ha ha, nice, so-and-so" it means he thinks about what he is saying more than if he replies with "ha ha, nice." The second doesn't mean he doesn't like you, but using your name is usually a tell-tale sign.

    Notice his behavior in conversation. Sometimes when guys ask you questions and other people distract the conversation or cut him off, he'll just forget about it. If you notice that he keeps asking or changing the subject back to the question until you answer, then he may like you - but if the topic is something serious, he may just want to know out of curiosity.

    He'll flirt with other girls to get your attention- If a guy is really into you he will want to make you jealous. So, he wil most likely flirt with other girls infront of you. It gives them a chance to see your reaction. It helps them know if you really do like them or not. But guys flirting with other girls infront of you doesn't always mean they like you. They actually might be into that girl. The way you can tell that they are trying to make you jealous is that they find little times when they're flirting with the other girl to look at you. His eyes will flick over and look at you. Another sign is that when you leave, he stops flirting with the other girl. I know that will be a harder one to pick up on, but you can have a friend look for you or something like that. You have to be sneaky sometimes to find out if a guy likes you. I know this is

  4. Yea honey, he likes you.

    please answer mine guys!!!!

  5. I agree, hes prolly trying to make u jealous. Start doing the same to guys when hes around, flirt with them, etc. We guys hate that, and it will drive us insane if he likes u. Eventually if he likes u, he'll prolly approach u. But make sure u flirt a little with him, or every once n awhile smile at him or something.

  6. guys who poke girls' sides annoy me. anyway, I think he likes you. he may just not be looking at you or "ignoring" you because he doesn't wanna make it seem obvious that he likes you? or he doesn't want people noticing and being all "he's always flirting with her and is always around her, talking to her, etc."

  7. you asked him, he said no, that means he does not like you in that way  

  8. he likes you, but he doesn't think you like him anymore.

  9. I vote yea, I talk and flirt a lot less with ppl I like, they make me too nervous.  If he takes too long to make a move, ask him again, if the answer is still 'no' you probably should give up for the time being, he's not ready.  

  10. He's doing this to drive you nuts and it's working.  Ignore him to no end!  Pretend he doesn't exist!  Find someone else to like and drive him crazy!

  11. yea i think he does

  12. yes he likes you. alot of the signs are there

  13. I think you kind of freaked him out by asking him out.

    So, he might be trying to make you think that he doesn't like you.

    OR he could just be extremely immature, and he does like you.

    It depends on your age.

  14. He's the type of guy that would be abusive to you in  a relationship.

    If he is gonna treat you like c**p now, just imagine how he would treat you in a relationship. He is just testing the waters and seeing if he can take his cruel sick control fantasies out on you

    Why do teenage girls waste their time on stupid boys

    It's not until you are older that you wasted the best years of your life worrying about stupid men that really don't care about you, I am so serious about that

    Oh one word of advice for you:


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