
Does he like me? Im getting mixed signs from this french guy. Please help me :)?

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this might be quite long but here goes.....theres this french boy, he's 18, im 15 and Ive known him for a little over a year now. I really like him but i dont know if he likes me. He's very intelligent and considerate and ive already told him that i like him. At the time he said that sometimes he feels like he likes me too but hes only ever said things like that when ive brought up the subject. The problem is that he lives in France, however he's coming over to england to stay at my home next summer. On this quiz on bebo it says "if i told you i loved you, you would" and he said "really? it is not joke? it is too good?" . Sometimes because of how he is( very polite and very very gentleman like) if he does like me or not. Also, he's mentioned before that he's very shy around girls which might be why i get mixed signs. He says "bisoux" at the end of every conversation but most french people i talk to say that so i dont know. I would really like some advice to put me straight about this particularly from french people who maybe also do this kind of thing?




  1. But like you said he is French!! That is like an American dating a Canadian. You can do better than that.

  2. Yes ,the expression "bisoux" is quite common between people who know one another, but here it's really hard to know. Personally, but I might be wrong, I'd say that he likes you a lot, and even, maybe he's chatting you up a little to see how you react! Is it only a flirt for him or is it serious, I can't really say, but have you ever met before? If not, I think the best thing to do is to wait to meet him and see if you go on well together.

    Good luck

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