
Does he like me and what should i do about it?

by  |  earlier

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Ok. So i kind of like my cousin's best friend on and off. And he asked me for my number and we flirt and stuff. But theres some conflicts: first off, hes my cousin's best friend and it would be weird to go out with him for my cousin's sake. Second, we're both 13 but he's like 5' 3 1/2" and i'm 5' 8." So here's the thing, does he like me? and what should i do about it??




  1. :D OHMYGOD. i have the same problem !

    i think he likes you since he flirts with you.

    and i think you should go for it (if your best friend doesn't care)

  2. i personally wouldnt go out with a person shorter than me.

  3. If you think he likes you and you like him talk to your cousin, they'd hopefully support it if they want you both  to be happy. If you're not confortable about the height difference then u may not like him as much as you think.

  4. He likes you!! Who cares about height? Talk to your cousin about it. He/She shouldn't care if they love you.  

  5. yeah he does like you.

    its not weird. go for it:)

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