
Does he like me?? answer please?

by  |  earlier

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i know i aksed this already so please dont get mad!

but i accidently deleted my question yesterday,

anyways so this boy i sort of like has a girlfriend but it seems like he lieks me. here is what he does:

1.looks at me alot and turns away when i seem him but most of the time keep looking for like 2 seconds (so its like we r looking into each other's eyes, weird)

2.sometimes he sits behind me in gym, (we only have gym together)

and one time he kept leaning on me (his back was facing me). but idk if on purpose.

3.he doesn't talk to me but his best friend always looks at me after they r talking or something.

4.his best friend seems to look at me and talk about me whenever my crush is around.

5.sometimes when i am talking to my guy friend he looks at us.

6.he acts like a complete idiot whenever i am near like it seems to get my attention or something.

7. he is usually loud and outgoing but when he gets around me he is kind of quiet.

8.sometimes he talks to my friends but never me and looks over at me maybe twice.

okay that's it!

oh and we don;t talk AT ALL!

also, he has a girlfriend that he asked out the other day.

so im confused.




  1. I wouldnt try steal him from his gf even you have a crush on him. What would you do, if she would steal him from you? Anyway, he seems to be interested in you but he is a man, and men go after every girl who is pretty.

    Plz answer mine:;...

  2. I think he likes you.  If he truly likes you a lot, he would break up with her and be with you.  To build his self confidence, go up to him and say hi to him, make a converstation and that way, he will ask you out.  Hope it helps you.

  3. Hmm.. that is strange. I can't be too sure because he asked out a different girl. If that didn't happen I would give it a 87% chance he likes you. Unless you are completely disgusting most guys like a girl that acts natural and isn't a complete idiot.

  4. yes

  5. yeah, im pretty sure he likes you but thats odd that he would ask out another girl if he likes maybe you should try to be friends with him and see where it takes you! :)

  6. OMG, that's so cute. He's probably shy around you cuz he's confused cuz he has a girlfriend but he likes you too. Guys... they're like that a lot.

  7. i think that he deffently liked you but a lot of guys are shy with those things; so those signs he was giving you.. he proboly wanted you to talk to him first cause he seems like he was to nervois to talk to you.. and he proboly had a little crush on this other girl when he liked you nd then after a while when you still didnt talk to him he is trying to move on cause he thinks nothing is going to happen..

    a lot of people i know have been in a similar situation..

    i think you should try and be friends with him first even if he has a girlfriend and then see how things go from there :)

    good luck hope i helped !

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