
Does he like me baby?

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Does he like me at all ?

so theres another guy he is always looking at me and smiling but i have no classes with him. What he does is like he will all look past and look down the look over at me a quickly look away you kno. the other day he was all in the cafertira and i was getting food and i was all looking at him and him and his friend were looking at me and then he looked down and his friend was staring at me i had the feeling he told his friend to check if i was staring at him and he all smiled. so i fiqured they were watching to see if i would look. Then we were all the the gym and he was in there stting down when we had to leave i looked back at him and he was staring at me. He got nervous and looked away then he looked back and smiled but got nervous again and looked away so i left then at lunch he all gets to go home early and all and i was coming one way but he normally goes a diffent way and he all turned the way i was coming he got his phone out and started to play with it or text wantever so you know he looked downand started texting and i just smiled it was cute. But i think he likes me and i think he told all his friends. He is always smiling and stuff he walked past me at lunch another time but with his friend and i noticed he was walking hella faster than his friend. and he did look over and look away. so are these good sighs? does he like me??


best anwser definently 10 pts.=)

Oh yeah and how much like 1 meaning nm. and 10 meaning Love.

do you think he could possibly LOVE me?




  1. Wrong category.

    Continue down the hall..  

  2. Hi LuckkyB, Even though in wrong place I thought I would answer you. Sounds like he does like him but you really need to talk to him before you can say that either of you are in Love. Possibly try to strike up a conversation with him..about school or his phone?? Good Luck

  3. Think you are cute, Yes, love you, probably not.  Since you have lunch with him, you should go to his table, sit down and just talk to him.  It might make you feel more comfortable if you have one or two of your girlfriends with you.  Or if you are feeling bolder (and it's okay for you to get calls from boys or to call them)...when you notice him in the hall playing with his phone, go up to him and say, how did you know I was going to give you my number?  Smile at him and give it to him.  Good luck!!  

  4. you posted this in the baby section but yea it sounds like he likes you
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