
Does he like me more than just a friend?

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If a guy says we should get lunch sometime is he interested in you more than just as a friend?

Background info:

I've known this guy since high school. We had a little thing for each other in high school but, it never turned into much of anything....After high school ended we ended up hanging out one day. He later told me, via text message, that hanging out with me made him realize how much he cared for me and wanted to be in a relationship with me. I wasn't ready to start a new relationship, as I had just ended one. So, I had to tell him that I was sorry but, I couldn't be his girlfriend right now because I just wasn't ready yet....Since then, almost 2 years ago, we have just text messaged each other. We have never lost contact. He has dated other girls and I have dated other guys. I ended up getting engaged and having a son. I have told him everything. He doesn't seem to mind that I have a son. He asks me how he's doing and stuff. He also said before that it should have been him that I was with (almost like he's the one that wanted to have the baby with me)....9 or 10 months go by and one day he texts me and says that we should get lunch sometime. I can't tell if he's just being nice or if he's still interested in me. What do you think? Any other questions just ask and I'll answers. Thanks!




  1. It sounds like he still has feelings for you, and maybe you like him too?! Are you still with your fiance? If not, are you interested in him as more than a friend? Maybe you should agree to a lunch date and just see how it goes. Good luck to you!

    Edit: It sounds like he does like you, and since you do have feelings for him, just ask! But I bet the answer will be yes:)


  3. If you dont like him as much as he lieks u (as it looks like that) Just say this Its like kinda the truth "Hey erm sorry I cant go out with u i like u and that but If we argue or something we might lose our relationship and friendship so lets just stay friends yeah?"

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