
Does he like me or he's just jealous?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 19 and i'm in college. I'm workin in a warehouse where my partner is 20 years older than me. he always say that it's a blessing to live 41 years. He try to make me beleive that the fact that he's older than me, i have to agree with everything he says. sometimes he doesn't make no sense @ all but he always try to make it look like he's right!!! He's really negative. He tells me sometimes that not everybody who goes to college get a job. ( maybe he wants me to leave college and be like him) his daugter is 19 and she just got pregnant. Some times i think why would this guy tell me all those nonsense stuff while her daugther is having s*x while he's @ work. I always tell hime that the fact that i'm 19 dosen't mean that i'll let him brainwash me!!! He's the kind of gguy who listens to what ever someone says and try to make it look like he's teaching me something. sometimes, i tell him not everybody know what they R talkin about. Please help me!! how can i make this guy happy?




  1. Give him a lap dance or something.

  2. he just wants to impress people acting like a know-it-all. just go on with your life. don't let his actions bother you.. they are who they want to be.. let him be free, he may be happy doing whatever he wants to do. but i admire your concern. sometimes we get too irritated with stuff like those and let our feelings control us and start hurting the person...go0d luCk!

  3. He's insecure. He's trying to make you think he's confident but it's a sham.


  5. A 41 yr old man that goes after a woman the age of his daughter is already a red flag.   He most likely 'picked' you because he thought he could control you.  Sounds like he has already attacked your self esteem.  The sooner you get out of this relationship the better.

  6. You can't make this guy happy.  This guy is what is known as a know-it-all.  No matter what the subject, this guy will have an opinion he believes is the right one and that everyone else is wrong.  In effect, this guy is very insecure and this is why he does what he does.  No matter how good your arguments are on a subject and no matter if what you say is incontrovertibly correct, this guy will not admit it even though he inwardly will know it.  

    Best advice:  Stay in college and eventually you will not have to work with this guy.  You'll get a really good job and this guy will still be working in that warehouse and giving some other 19 year old a lot of useless advice.  Good luck.

  7. I'm 51 and I'm starting to not like you for asking this question so many times . I don't care about him and why did you impregnate his daughter . If it was my daughter i would be on your butt all the time to until you do the proper thing  and marry her so stop complaining about the poor guy .. And you wonder why hes on your butt

  8. It's not your job to make anybody happy. They have to want to be happy. He sounds like a know it all. Just do what you been doing don't let his view change who you are. Cause I think he is wearing down on you. GOOD LUCK (^_^)

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