There's this kid I've known since 3rd grade, and we were friends. I haven't talked to him since then. At the beginning of the year, he was in one of my classes and kept staring at me. Today, in English, first period class, he texted me because he was at home, sick. I texted him back in health, my last period class, and we've been talking since then. (2:45ish-9:00 pm) Finally he just asked me for my screen name on AIM, I gave it to him, and now we're talking some more.
There's this youth group thing on Wednesday nights and he asked me to go. I said maybe, and he said yay.
I said "Ow, my back just popped." And he said "ow" and I said "yep." He said "I'm sorry." I said "I'll live" and he said "Good. I would be bad if you died!!!" I don't really know what he meant by that... but whatever. Haha.
He asked me who I was talking to, and I said my friend Chrissy. He asked me if she was cool, and I said yeah. And then he asked me if I thought I was cool. I thought that was kinda awkward... Haha.
Soo... does he like me, or is he just a flirt?