
Does he like me or is he just flirting?

by  |  earlier

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Ok...So today i was at my highschool football game and i saw this guy kinda like. and he looked all sad when he was in the bleachers and my friend and i kept walking and when he looked at me he got really happy and smiled and stuff. We have one class together and in it he sits behind me and he always flirts with me and plays with my hair and always finds an excuse to talk to me. and my friend thinks he likes me but my other friend said he does that to everyone. help?




  1. does he do that to everyone, u might wanna ask around bout that. if he doesnt, then definetly hes interested in u. i mean, he masked away his sadness to give u a smile

  2. it depends.


    the sounds of it...

    it seems like he's really into you.

    but if one of your friends says that he does it to everyone, then maybe u shud ask a few ppl about him or maybe your friend is jut jealous.

  3. well you need to do more research on this boy. ask around and make sure he's not a player. good luck keepur flirt on.

  4. First get a little more evidence if he does it with everyone

    either that or your friend is jealous(yes they do exist)

    more then likely he likes you but you said you kind of like him so find out how do you feel also

    lots of love and luck :)

  5. Maybe he does play with everyones hair and flirt with them but the fact that he got all happy when you walked past really means something! I think the fact that just the sight of you managed to swing his mood really means that he likes you.

    Go for it!  

  6. i think he likes you ,ask him to come over and help you with your homework,you'll find out

  7. i think he likes you.

  8. Flat-out baseline instinct tells me someboy likes you.  Even if he is doing this to other girls, which i sincerely doubt, the fact tha he is looking at you during a ball game when here are others around tells me that he likes you, but doesn't know how to express himself.  If you want to test the theory out, and you have an interest in him, a quick tes  will tell you.  When you brush by him, let your hand stay over his a little longeer than is accidental, and watch his eyes.  From my point of view, someone is seeing you with different eyes.

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