
Does he like me? or is he:?

by  |  earlier

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Ok i know this boy named Zac i hang with him at a local church group he talks to me alot and when never i am around just standing by my self right when he comes out the dorr im the first person he comes to he flirts with me once in a while and when he catches me starring he a lil bit stares back for a few sec. i dont know if this is "play flirt" or he likes me..and what should i do to make him like me more??




  1. I'm confused on the whole "or is he :?" part.

    Um are you suggesting he either likes you or he simply must be g*y?

    wow you must really be a site to see. (I'm being sarcastic btw)

    It sounds like he likes you, but as a friend. He doesn't sound like he likes you as in wants more. Just because he is nice to you and talks to you when he sees you doesn't mean he likes you like that. And I don't get how everyone rationalizes that if someone is staring at you they like you. That's barely ever the case. But since you are staring at him first, and he looks at you. Have you ever wondered if hes only looking bc he is wondering why you are always looking at him?

    He likes you, as a friend.

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