
Does he like me or want (it)?

by  |  earlier

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There is this 23yr old guy. I babysit his 5 younger brothers. Ranging in the age group (1-14) Every time I go over there to babysit,he compliments me,smiles at me,and do things that make me laugh.

Yesterday he asked for my number.

He said that he should have his number in case his baby bro(the 1yr old) has problems sleeping.

I usually sing the baby to sleep.

Anyway I gave him my number and he started calling me.

Should I continue to work for his mom?

Should I even think about dating him?




  1. Yes,I think you should continue to work for his mom.

  2. continue helping his mom and if u like him then date him!!!! Maybe from the beginning he make excuse to get closer to like my little brother.... si thats why he asked for ur number!

    plz answer mine?;...

  3. I think hes just being friendly...

  4. you shouldn't stop working for his mum. get to know him a bit more he sounds genuine. but depending on the age gap like if your 16 this year then maybe its a bit to early you could wait a few years but if you really like him then its your choice

    Good Luck

  5. Yeah he wants it. And it sounds like hes got a shot at it too dosent he?

  6. continue to work for her, get to know the guy, it sounds like he likes you, so getting to know him before you decide to go out with him is the best option here

    but it depends how old you are

  7. If your really sixteen in December  well  if that is the case no you shouldn't he is to mature for you right now. Maybe in a few years.  

  8. You're in control here. Be professional, and tell him that you cannot date him because of the work arrangement.  Also, there are plenty of girls out there.  Don't you find if suspicious that he is stalking you at work?  I mean how unromantic is that? Additionally, he lied to you.  He said getting your number was for the care of a child. He is manipulative.  If he would have said:  "I think you are wonderful and can I call you sometime."  That is more like it.

    Stay away from him.  He sounds like he is not willing to do much work in a relationship.  Why isn't HE taking care of his brothers.  He sounds like such a creep.  I bet he still lives at home.  What a loser.      

  9. probably just likes u.. or is a good liar

  10. from this things r clear that he likes u so

    continue to work for his mom that way u get to spend time and know him

    about dating that all up to u so if u wanna do it, but first get to know him a little bit

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