
Does he like me????????????????

by  |  earlier

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a boy likes me but im not supposed to no but wenevr were together he nvr talks to me and its not cuz hes nervus or shy cuz hes very very outgoing but he definintally likes me shuld i believe that he likes me or not?




  1. this shows that he loves you too much but  he is waiting from you to reply about that .........

    whenever you like others first check there  attitude of treating other friends this gives you small idea about that ....ok

  2. well if u know that he likes u seriously, then talk to him more and make yur decision base on these conversations.

  3. talk to him more

  4. wat? you just said he likes you and now you wanna no he if he likes you?

    It's like saying, 'Bob! I've mastursterd my multiplcation!'

    "thats cool tom!'

    'ooohhhhh this ones hard. what's 2 times 2?'

  5. OMG no he ttlly doesn't like you cuz he woulda told u already. duuuh!!!

  6. dude drama drama drama ask him if he likes you  

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