
Does he like me?????????????

by  |  earlier

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I dont really have a crush on my guy friend but i just like it when he is there. I dont know if likes me but he did ask for hug...I am totally confused...

So here are my main two questions...

Does he like me?

Why do i feel this way if im not in love with him?




  1. idk if he likes you, but i think u love him, but not in the lovey dovey way, but in like the friend way, ya know?

    and you should wait, like see id he drops hints of liking you, cuz no offense, but im not sure asking for a hug isnt the biggest clue, wait it out, and then when things progress do what you think is right, and what you are the most comfortable doing

  2. You like the attention he gives you and it's comforting to have someone around.  If you two never gave hugs to each other before and he ask for a hug out of no where then he may be developing some feelings for you.  Be careful not to lead him on if you are not sure if you like him or not.  You don't want to ruin the friendship.  

  3. I think you like him because you are so concerned about this. Just wait and see what happens. Don't rush.  

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