
Does he like me?(10 points for best answer.)?

by  |  earlier

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There is this guy, He's 25 (I'm 17 will be 18 in six months) I feel he likes me, he has been flirting with me for almost a year, and he is still single, so I feel he is waiting for me to become legal,but I'm not really sure,he said and I quote "You are so hot, when are you going to be my wife"So this guy he is always telling me how pretty I am, and saying how far my looks can get me. He recently said I am very attractive, and when he hugged me he said he could hug me forever.He is always making fun of how young I am. (What does this mean???!!) And just the other day, he told me I was going to be his wife.He keeps asking me when are we getting married. Do you think he can be joking? What kind of approach should I take to him?( I don't plan on doing anything until I reach 18) Any predictions what he might do in the future. Furthermore, do you think he may be interested? Is he afraid? I know him well enough by now, he is not all creepy, looking to score or whatever.Again, I don't plan to talk to him until I am 18, but what could i do to keep his interest.Is he interested?

Also,I was on the phone with his sister yesterday, and he told her "Tell my baby I said hi" and I'm like "Im not your baby" he said "Yes you are". I met him at my church, so hes no perv or anything...




  1. i think he likes u and u could go out with him at least once to see if u really like him

  2. First of all you don't gotta metion 10 points for best answer im pretty sure all of us know who ever has best answer gets 10 points second of all theres only one way 2 really kno ask him

  3. Okay he is attracted to you that is obvious but as for his intentions only he truly knows.Honesty is the best policy.Let him know exactly how you feel about him and why have to wait till your 18.At 17 you can handle urself i know i was able to.Good luck.

  4. Yea but ask him tell him

  5. Yes he likes you, he can't wait to get into your pants.  That's all there is to it.  As soon as you hit 18, he's going to pressure you even more than he is now.  He's not joking, he's flattering you to get you to like him, or at least get you to be with him "because he's been so nice and patient and complimented you so much".

    Also:  there are plenty of pervs at church, don't kid yourself.

    Also also:  Here's a HUGE warning sign:  You said "no I'm not" and he dismissed your boundary and said "yes you are".  Jerk.  What happens the next time you say "no"?  Will he say "ohhh baby, trust me, I know you better than you know yourself"?  He sounds like a huge manipulative ******.

  6. well he likes u alot and i mean alot but he also could be mental so watch out or he could be jokeing but if he keeps on doing that day after day he mostlikely has a big crush on u

  7. duh, he likes u, and to make sure he is well he all ready showed that he is interested in u. and i do agree that you should wait until ur 18.and to keep he still interested in you is to play along and say sure were going to get married but in a funny way. and i hope ur right about him not treing to score.

  8. i thinkhe likes youhh go for it hun and he sounds like a cute and nice guy go go go go go for it but dontlook obsest but keep it cool :) hope i helped

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