
Does he like meeeeee.. ?

by  |  earlier

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Okay I know obviously no one knows for sure but I'm wondering if these are hints..

This guy who's a year younger than me sort of 'hooked up' with me at a party, but later on told me he didn't regret anything and he wants to get to know me (Don't worry, I'm a virgin) and we hungout the past two days.

When we hungout both times was with large groups of people and afterwards he was holding my hands and stuff and talking to me by the end of the second night things weren't awkward anymore, and he said 'so when are we going to hangout etc.'

Does it seem like he likes me? He usually texts me everyday but he hasn't today, so should I just wait for him to text me?

Wow.. I sound so weird.. love makes you think crazy things.




  1. text him.

    and yes i think he likes you.  

  2. haaaah this is so obvious! of coursee he likes you =)

    good luck

    maybee he's busy today why dont you text him first just be like

    "hey whats up" or "hey you havent texted me today"

    HAVE FUN!*

    hope i helped

  3. aw, sounds cute. lol.

    but yes he obiously likes you!!!

    just text him today, he may be thinking the same thing you why doesnt she text me?

    so do it. let him know that you're into him by hinting as well.

    goodluck :)

    OH BTW

    if he tries to ask and pressure you about s*x or anything you don't want to do, let him know that you're not into it and you're not going to be soon.

    Hopethings turn out good :)

  4. Yes he does. But you can't make him do all the work. So why don't YOU take the initiative and text HIM  today! Hope I helped!

  5. yep i think he likes you... you should text him... cause he texted you all those other times, and he is probably waiting for you!!!

  6. Why do girls always search for hidden meanings in what guys do?

    Guys are simple creatures. If he wants to hang out with you it means he likes you. If he doesn't want to hang out with you, he doesn't like you.

    It's really that simple.

  7. ok, so you should deffinitley wait it out, if it becomes too late then text him and say something simple like, whats up!? dont text something crazy like multiple texts or 'are you ok cause i havent talked to you today'. that will just push him away. he is obviously into you but you have to keep him interested. if he doesnt text you back after you text him then wait until tomorrow, you dont want to freak him out.

  8. He probably has texted or called because he wants to start this conversation:

    You haven't called in a while.

    i was busy. But I'm free for dinner tomorrow.

  9. I'm pretty sure he does. ;-)

  10. He definitely likes you if he's taking the time to hang out with you and txt you everyday. But don't leave it all up to him to initiate meetings, etc. Take the initiative and ask him out somewhere- let him know you are also interested! :)

    Good luck!

  11. yes

  12. he definitely likes you.

  13. Seems like it!

    Text him for a change :)

    xox- Julie

  14. I don't understand why 13 and 14-year-olds are getting in these kind of relationships.  I got some advice for ya, start acting your own age and stop trying to be mature and get in adult situations.  You don't need to be dating right now, and for you to even have to point out that you are still a virgin when you are (probably) about 13-15, is ridiculous.  Hangout with girls.  Wait until highschool to consume yourself with dudes.

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