
Does he need to use a condom with my Birthcontrol?

by  |  earlier

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If i start taking birth control this sunday, (for the first time) and the first time i will have intercourse will be 8/31 or early 9/1, will it be necessary for my HTB to wear a condom? He really doesnt want to, and I dont really want him to, but is it necessary since i'll ony have 1 week's worth of birth control in my system?




  1. The leaflet will say after 7days you are okay. However, I would definitely give it at least one cycle. Especially if this is your first time taking any kind of BC pill. You may need a higher dose of hormone then what you were prescribed (it has happened to me, I have been through 7 different kinds to find one that works). Also, it may not make you think twice in the moment, but 2 weeks later when you are waiting for your period, you will think back to that one time when you had s*x without a condom and then you will be thinking twice about it.

  2. It usually takes one cycle for your body to get used to the birth control.  It is also never 100% effective.

  3. I am sure your doctor would have given you the facts when you got the prescription.

    Or the leaflet in the box would tell you.

    I think as a rule of thumb you must be on it at least a month before.


  4. Get screened for STDs and if he can't be tested for HPV, get the Gardasil vaccine if you're on birth control and in a monogamous relationship.

  5. Your Dr. should have told you how to use those pills.  YES you need another method of birth control for at least another 3 weeks and in fact I would say 1 month.  I know it is not as pleasant with a condom but you sure do not want to get pregnant either, right?  Another thing I wish to share with you hun is this.....If you get sick and you need to take antibiotics of ANY kind, use condoms while on the meds.....the antibiotics interact with the birth control pill and makes it less effective.  I wish you good luck.   Blessings !!!!!

  6. if u dont want a kid than yes i suggest it. there is a possiblity of pregnancy within the first month of takin it... and well if HTB means husband to be then i wouldnt worry about it..

    but yes u need to kno there is a good chance u can get pregnant..

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