
Does he only want one thing?

by  |  earlier

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so i have this crush and he asked me to come to this house. and i said "why" and he said we should hangout and play games. but i did hear someone in the room with him so i don't know if he was with his buddies. what do you think? he knows i like him.




  1. well go along to his house and see if hes being genuine but if he tries anything funny give him a knee in the balls and tell him where to stick it! lol :)

  2. Go there but only if his parents are home and dont go in his room alone with him.....You know what he REALLY wants

  3. he wants to use u get away from him girl..

  4. I don't know if he ONLY wants one thing, or not?  What I do know is that if he is a man, I do know one thing that he wants.  Wink.

  5. It sounds like he is interested in 'just one thing' or at least is joking about it!

    If you play hard to get then you are in the upper hand.

    If you go over without question then he can take adventage of you and he is stronger.

    Say to him that you can't make it and keep it mysterious.

    If he asks why then just say that you've got stuff to do.

    If he asks further questions just say 'stuff'. 'just stuff' !!!

    Keep him wanting you.

    If he is joking you'll soon see, if he can wait long enough then it isn't just 'one thing' that he wants - it's you and you alone. and he is genuinely interested....

    If he is someone who is liked by loads of girls then you will drive him crazy by acting like you don't want him!!

    If he isn't then just keep it interesting and he will cling onto this little bit of luurve and female interaction in his life!!

    Don't completely block him out but act uninterested. Answer his questions vaguely and as if you're not really that into him. Then, when the right time comes then smile at him in a way that says '' i actually rather fancy you...''

    Do try hard to get  - it will work eventually!

    best answer??? please...

  6. Since you said that you heard someone in the room with him while you two were speaking on the phone, it's possible that he may have wanted you to come hang out with him and his friend(s).  I think you have enough common sense to know whether a guy only wants s*x from you or not.  There are always tell-tale signs such as the tone of his voice, body language, and a specific place in his house he wants you and him to hang out.  If you see this is the case, if I were you, I would tell him where to go and where to stick it.  That should also be a complete turn off to you because he's a jerk and I don't think you would want to be with a jerk.  Honey, it just wouldn't work!!  However, if you GENUINELY know that he's being sincere and don't want anything from you, when the time is right (you'll know it), tell him how you feel.  He just might feel the same about you-which may also be why he invited you to hang out with him.  

    Just giving you food for thought, and remember to use your head not your heart.  Good luck!

  7. Seems to me Yes.

  8. based on that information it is impossible to come to an appropriate decision. It would depend on the way he asked you to

    "play games" also, did he mean with his friend too? was his friend giggling in the back ground....if his friend was indeed giggling then I would have to lean my answer toward yes, he may only want one thing. if this is the case, you need to ditch the dude because you are better that a scummy man-ho.  

  9. Under no circumstances should you go to his house, unless his parents are there.

    This kind of naive behavior has ruined more than a few girls lives.

  10. only way to tell is when you're there, if he tries to get too close, you gotta leave. it also depends on how good of a friend he is to you. i know you don't want to think he wants one thing but give him a chance.

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