
Does he only want s*x??

by  |  earlier

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I'll try to make this short. We were friends 7 years ago, he was attracted to me but we couldn't date because I had a boyfriend and we lived 400 miles away. But we talked a lot and did date a couple of times. Then we lost contact but he kept finding me somehow, on the various social networking sites and he would email me from time to time. Last year we got together and had s*x the first time. We then lost contact (my choice) but then he started emailing me again and we have now gotten together again a few times, he took me out to dinner, we had s*x, etc. He's been asking me questions like if I want to have kids and hinting at marriage. He's 36, single and not dating anyone. Both of us never married, no kids.

Do you think he must really like me to still think of me and contact me after 7 years?? I really like him but I worry he only wants s*x! And he hasn't contacted me at all the last week. Thanks!!!




  1. I think he is waiting for you to ring him, and he does really like you!  Try to put your insecurities and fears behind you, and feel confident that this person likes you for who you are! Not just for a shag.. 36 is the age where lots of guys actually feel it is the time to settle down. So rather than sitting on the fence about this, when you speak to him again, just be honest and say, I really like you and see you more than a casual thing, 'what about you' You have nothing to loose, and I feel it will be serious anyway.. A 7 year friendship is a good way to start a long term relationship XX Good Luck!!

  2. i dont know, this sounds kinda wierd and no to discount you but it seems like you have become someone he goes after when he want s*x.

    you decided to not keep in contact with him for a while, and im sure you had a good one. is that still a good reason?

    you mentioned he is 36, are you really young? (it doesnt sound like it).

    it sounds to me that you dont have much substance to have a good relationship because as you know s*x will not hold you together.

    you could try just dating him and see what happens but just be careful about getting used.  nobody deserves to be a booty call.

    take it easy hope all goes well

  3. Its hard to say. Possible that he is crazy about you. The other end of the spectrum is that he's going after you  for convenience. Reality may be anywhere in between. The most important thing is your feelings. If your heart is not into this guy, then he's a toy for you. He talks serious but maybe he's not your man that you are holding out for. If you love him, chances are that he may feel same. A lot of times feelings are mutual. If you love him and not sure about him, test him. Love is can stretch it and if it did not pass the test.  Find out about him...ask around about him and check him on it.

  4. sounds like it was just s*x-

    it was nice of you to kick out so quickly. I'm sure he didn't have the time to actually put effort into anything more than a quickie which why he may have thought of you. He already knew you so that would save the time of having to get to know a person-you know- learn their name and stuff. Anyway-I'm sure he appreciates what you did for him.

  5. That's tough, but you got to have a couple dates without s*x. If he forces or ask about s*x on any of them, he probably only wants s*x. Sorry!!

  6. Sounds like he wants to be your FB instead of anything else.  And that's okay.  We girls all need a FB from time to time.  

    No strings, no attachments, no questions.  Just fun!

  7. If all he wanted was s*x, he wouldn't be trying to see how you feel about children & marriage. Give him a chance

  8. Well if he only wants s*x,he would always talk about s*x with you. You see its pretty easy to tell when guys only want something from you, they'll be perverted around you and stuff like that but if he actually likes you he would talk about marriage or kids or anyhting that gots to do with committement or w.e I think he does likes you,  a guy who just wants to have s*x wont talk about marriage,or kids and he would flirt with a lot of girls and stuff. Theres a big difference.

    You should ask him all the important questions, face to face. like what are you looking for a girl or w.e Just be straightforward

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