
Does he really still love me?

by  |  earlier

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There is this guy and we both started to like each other almost a year ago and we started to talk a lot when the summer started. He lives in a different state but i have met him once before. We would talk for hours on the phone and he would say that i'm beautiful and he swore that he would come see me next summer with his relative (that is a old friend of mine) and all of this sweet stuff. He told me he loved me everyday and called me baby even though we werent dating. He got a girlfriend all the sudden but he says he still likes me a lot and he loves me and he doesnt want to loose me, is he telling the truth. Why would he get a girlfriend one day, if he really loved me?




  1. He wants to have his cake and eat it too.  He is selfish.  He likes you, but not enough to make you his girlfriend.  Get rid of him.

  2. MORE WOMEN MORE WOMEN!!!!!  We guys like attention too ya know..  

  3. He might love the idea of you, having someone to run to if things don't workout.  This sounds more like a back up plan than love.  Good luck with your search, and get a new number while you're at it.

  4. if he would love you, he would show it!  be cautious!

  5. He doesn't love you, or else you would be his girlfriend, maybe he'll say it's because of distance.. well guess what, I'm in a long distance relationship and I really love my girlfriend, we literally live 5300 miles apart. I would never get another girlfriend, because even the thought of looking into another woman's eyes would make me miss her... love is not shallow, when you love someone, you're either in it or not.

  6. long distances relationships don't work find a man in your city he probably loves you but not in love with you stop calling him and get over the fact it is not going to work.

  7. "Why would he get a girlfriend one day, if he really loved me?" Yah, that's the question right there.

    He likes the adoration and is stringing you along. I wish guys' heads would explode when they lead a girl on - it would be so much easier to spot the bullshit. Sorry that this seemingly nice guy turned out to be a loser. :(

  8. he might be being honest but he also might have an issue with letting someone go. Like, he may want to be with someone, but he doesnt want his past girls to get over him. Its a carousel ride and you should really try to determine his intentions

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