
Does he still like me? was he just trying to get in my pants that night? ..HELP?

by  |  earlier

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theres this boyy,

he goes to my church

and i like him so, so much

i've liked him for more than 2 years now, when we hung out a lot at the beach with the rest of our church.

he liked me back, too,

then and some of the next year i know for sure.

the rest im really not too sure about. he acts the same around me as he did when i KNEW he liked me, but he sends sooo many mixed signals. he'll flirt with me and sit with me at church and say hey when i pass him in the hallways,

and then the next few days he'll completely ignore me, barely look at me etc etc etc.

also, i guess this is important. we were at a church lock-in about 4 or 5 months ago, and we snuck out with a couple other people at like 3 in the morning.

the other people left, it was just me and him, we talked some, and then we kinda kissed, and stuff.

we had been talking about my boyfriend (i know i know, im a cheater and a terrible person, but thats not what this is about) and he asked how far i was gonna go with him. and he told me not to have s*x with him, that i would regret it, etc etc.

then he kissed me. a few times. it was kinda like he was testing me, proving a point or something.

then before i went back to bed he said he'd been wanting to do that for a while, he didnt know why he hadnt earlier, etc. and then that i was a pretty girl and if my boyfriend told me any different that he would kick his a**.

after that night everything was just like it normally was. we havent talked about it or brought it up at all. its like it never happened.

idk if hes doing this on purposee, if he likes playing games or if hes just a big flirt.

but, idk, and this sounds dumb, but we have a connection. you know? ive always thought it was mutual, but i dont know, maybe im just being stupid?

but idk what to do. should i ask him where we stand? tell him i like him? play games with his head like he does me? forget about him?





  1. If he was a nice guy he would say:"I dont wanna kiss you cuz i dont want you to feel bad for cheating, but i think we would be great 2gether". But i don't wanna judge to much, but i think he is not a serious guy.

  2. well from past experience i think he wants you to make a move..he made one with you and now he wants you make one..sort of to prove that you want to be with him..if there is really a connection then i think you should go for it..if he really likes you he'll come me..i know..

  3. Ou sound like great christians. Great example to the rest of us.

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