
Does he want friendship or more?

by  |  earlier

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I am amazingly confused by a lad who has grown to be one of my best friends. We were out recently and if I was lookin at something he would look at me, I could see him out the corner of my eye. I know he was lookin at me because only the wall was behind me, it wasn't just once or twice but all night. Then if he saw me looking around he'd follow where I was looking and if he seen I was looking at a guy he'd catch my attention and roll his eyes. He always notices if I look at another guy and has even told me to stop it before, in a laughing way but I felt like he meant it.

The thing is he is going to college soon, he has confessed that he liked me around two yrs ago but we both agreed to keep it just friendly. Should I risk it by telling him I have developed feelings for him or should I just leave it and try and get over it, hoping we can still be friends?




  1. Tell him ffs!

  2. Tell him how you feel. He probably feels the same way 2. Give it a go. My best male friend ended up as my boyfriend and we are still together after 3 years. We are best friends as well as boyfriend and girlfriend.

  3. i think you should go for it, especially if he's goin to college soon because you never know when things are going to be too late.

    afterall.... the worst that can happen is he wants to remain as friends, and if thats what yu have at the moment then your not missing out on anythin.

  4. If you really feel as if you've developed strong feelings for him and think that their strong enough for you to want to be with him,then go for it.

    Life goes by quickly and waits for no one, grasp onto things before they leave.

  5. If you really do like this guy, let him know.  Long distance relationships, contrary to popular belief, CAN work out.  The two of you can then figure out what you want to do with yourselves from there.

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