
Does he want me back but afraid to admit it? plz be patient to answer.?

by  |  earlier

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He broke up with me after he left to his country saying he did not have time for me. It disgraced me and I have been hurt much... we never had s*x nor kissed eachother..

After a year of breaking up, he sent to ask for forgiveness and I felt it was just to take the guilt off his shoulders. And I replied I forgave him coz it was a mistake to be rush into the engagement. I know my email was very brief and formal that stated I am ok and got over the hard time. And then he has just sent another confusing email saying that he was sorry to not being my knight and that he wish to come back to see my smile again as well as sitting and having a coffee with me to talk about politics and other things!!!! He also said that his family is visiting my country and he wished his sister can see what a strong and respectable woman I am. I found a missed call from him as well.

I haven't replied and honestly I don't know exactly what he wants and what this is all about.

I admit I am not over him yet.




  1. well the question is do u want him back in ur life or do u want to get over him i think that if he loved u like that then y not marry him and go back with him love has its own time u never know when this might me it  

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