
Does he want to ask me out??

by Guest33780  |  earlier

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Ok so I like this guy A LOT and hes also my best friend so I was talking to him yesterday on AIM and the convo goes like this

Me: So what u doing now??

Him: Tryin to see whats good tonight babe.

Him: No one tryin to go out

Me: *Chokes on banana*

Him: Does that mean u do?

Me: That I do what?

Him: Want to go out

Me: Are you serious?

Him: Im bored out of my a** I need the outside world

Me: Ok I lost you what ru trying to say?

Then he goes mobile.

Him: Yo

Me: Hi

Him: So what ya doin now buddy?

Me: Computer...ok your confusing me what did u mean before???

Him: B4 what?

Me: Before you went moblie

Him: It's a long story

Me: I've got time

Him: Too long to say online, I'll call later bout it, but thanks.

Ok so he didnt call later bc he didnt have my number but I didnt think he WOULD call later about it cause he seemed a little wierd. I mean thats NOT his normal self. What do you think?? I was gonna find out the long story today and if it had anything to do with me and him I would ask him out if he didnt ask me. So give me your answers Im waiting nervously.




  1. Umm i think he likes u!!

  2. I think he's trying to ask you out.

  3. He probably felt embarressed and thought you would reject him when you said are you serious?

    so yes i do think he was trying to ask you out.

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