
Does hearing voices always mean insanity?

by  |  earlier

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I am clean, I do not even drink, and I have never been diagnosed with any psychological condition, but for some reason, I have been hearing voices every night when I try to go to sleep for a couple of weeks now. They do not tell me to do anything, in fact, I am not sure if they even manage to form words. And they do not seem to impair my ability to think rationally. Well, so far as a potentially insane person could perceive, I suppose. It has just been making it more difficult for me to fall asleep. Usually because I will perceive one as shouting and suddenly making me wide awake. The bigger issue is, it would cause me some real problems at work if my employer suspected I was seeking psychological treatment. So, I am hoping that I can get some helpful information here that may help me avoid having to do so. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.




  1. Dont worry about your boss. They cant really fire you based on your mental health, its illegal. As for the voices, you could try taking a sleeping medication an hour before your bedtime so u can sleep more

  2. Well I don't know if you believe in this kinda thing.  But I have heard people say that if you hear voices, not telling you to do something,etc.  just something that sounds like maybe a radio in the background, kinda static like, its like a form of ESP.  Like Ghost Whisperer.  Maybe you have a gift for communicating with the other side?  There are people that know a lot more about this kind of thing than I do on here in other categories.  Maybe you should search hearing voices or something like here on yahoo answers  and just read past posts and see if anything sounds familiar.

  3. Has there ben any changes in the past weeks? Are your days at work ovecharged? Do you work in a loud environment?

    I'm asking you this because I've been having the same kind of stuff happen to me in the past weeks to, but I know that I am over exhausted and stressed.

    Maybe your body, for a reason or another,is having a harder time handling stress lately (even though you think you are dealing with it fine). Also, if you work in a loud environment, sometimes before falling asleep your brain will automatically "replay" the "backround noise" you've had all day.

    Just try to see if theirs anything that has changed/happened in the last weeks or so that could be a the root of this. Don't worry and add more stress to yourself by jumping to the conclusion that you are having mental problems or going insane. I'm sure your fine, you probably just need to unwind a bit more before going to sleep.

    My suggestions to you would be to do breathing exercises: As you lay in bed, put one or both hands on your "tummy", take in a slow deep breath from your nose (filling not only your lungs but also your "tummy"), hold it for a few seconds, then completely exhale slowly from your mouth. You can also count every breath you inhale and exhale.Repeat this exercises a few times and it will work like a charm.

    You could also get one of those relaxation cd. Some have subliminal messages that helps your body and mind to slowly release your stress and fall asleep in peace. Or you can just put your radio on the classical music station and put it on very low. If you"re not into those kind of things, you can also try letting a little fan on at night and concentrate on it's "rythmic noise", or the "ticking" of a clock...Find out what's best for you.

    I think it's just stress "build up", and it's causing you a bit of anxiety at night time.You can most likely handle it if you take control of it right away (especialy since it has just started a few weeks ago)... But, in the event that after trying out all of those relaxation techniques I've suggested, you still have the "problem", or if it gets worse and more frequent, then I would suggest booking an appointement with your GP. Your doctor can give you medication to help you at night without you having to go see a psichiatrist (and then it wouldn't be a problem for your work). Alot of people have sleep problems without it being a mental illness or insanity. Don't sweat it out, you'll be fine.

    Good luck!

    I hope I've helped you ;)  

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