
Does heat or cold soothe a sore throat? i cant figure it out?

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i was sick yesterday morning and about 10 minutes after eating something i ended up throwing up. ever since my throat has been in excruciating pain. i know that the stomach acid and stuff irritated it but i cant get it to feel better. i have tried hot tea with honey, chloroseptic spray, halls drops, gargling with salt water and chicken soup and i still want to rip my throat out...any help

should i try something that will neutralize the stomach acid that got into my throat?

is iced coffee ok or will that make it worse?




  1. try drinking some pepto bismol, it would help with the stomach acid, but generally for a sore throat something warm helps. Chicken noodle soup, tea with honey or lemon....anything warm

  2. I've had a sore throat too. Not as bad as you have though! Mine was caused by heartburn coming up my throat. Try taking Peptobismol or an Anti-acid LIQUID medication. I took 4 tsps last night and it helped my throat feel alot better as well as my stomach. Your throat is probably hurting because you threw up. What did you eat? Try a Humidifier with tea and honey again. Don't talk, lay on the couch, watch some TV and try not to think about it. If you get hungry, try eating saltine crackers instead. It'll help your stomach and I love crackers. :) Good luck and I hope you get better soon!

  3. You may have done a little damage in your throat from the vomiting.  I would not try iced coffee or any sort of citrus juice, because of the acid, I think it will irritate it more.  The cold might make it feel good, so try some iced drinks, or even suck on ice chips.

    The key is to keep your throat lubricated and wet, with lozenges and liquids, which is like a Catch-22 because that makes you swallow and that makes it hurt.

    If you have a humidifier, that will help keep it wet without causing you to swallow.  A little acetominophen might help, too.

  4. Were you sick this morning as well? I only ask because you want to be careful taking medications if there is a possibility you may be pregnant. The swallowing hurts due to inflammation and acetaminophen will help with that also if you rinse with the warm salt water add a little vinager to it, yes it taste nasty but it works to get rid of the inflammation. Don't do hot things just warm or cool not even cold. Hot works if you have mucus but if you don't have mucus it really will not help and you may irritate your throat more. Also as a last resort if you must go to work stop and buy some Orajel and put it as far back as you can get it with out getting it on the front of your tongue. The Orajel will numb it better than Cholorseptic spray. (Try the baby Orajel I think they have a liquid with a dropper). Hope this helps...oh and also make sure you don't have a fever if you develop one it could be strep.

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