
Does heaven exist behind black holes?

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  1. well, this is a strange question, but I will try to answer this. Since scientifically we have no proof that heaven or h**l exist then I will answer your question based on the religion knowledge, if you are a good person then after you die you will go to heaven, but if you are bad you will go to h**l right? and what happen if you are sucked into the black hole? the pull of the black hole is tremendously strong that even light itself cannot escape it, and IF a man is sucked into it, nothing will be left anymore of him which is the same as die! then.... if he was a good person, he will go straight to heaven.... but if he was a bad person he will go to h**l.... it's that simple :)

    Since your question is really weird, then this is the best logical answer I can provide to you :)  

  2. You got 5 correct answers, this makes 6.

  3. That is such a religious question that you probably will get many different answers. I personally believe Heaven does not exist, because I only believe in what has proof. Anyway, nothing exists behind black holes... I think that black holes are blobs of crushed matter, so condense that it has an amazingly high mass.

  4. who nows. u want to be the one to try? i just wonder where all the c**p the gets sucked into a blackhole goes. maybe an alternative dimension, diferent time, higher plane of existence, or shoots out somewhere else. we are far from learning anything about space's phenomenons  

  5. No, heaven is just north of Sheboygan.

  6. Black holes don't go anywhere, so they wouldn't go to heaven.

  7. from where did you get that idea? try asking from them

  8. There is no such thing as heaven.And black holes will tear you apart

    into halves till only your atoms are left with their strong gravity.

  9. Beautiful story WDMC:)  Although I have no particular religious "beliefs" there is a powerful sense of "wonder" within me about the reality behind mythical concepts.

    I often think that "heaven" may just as well exist at the quantum level and would be impossible to detect from our place in between. After all consciousness (thought) probably isn't "massive" but it sure seems to exist;) . And "the man" did say "the kingdom of God is within...." I think he was a pretty smart man ;) As much scientist as savior, especially if you can read between the lines.

  10. Nobody can give hard evidence to where Heaven is, as God said he will never give us proof of his existance, and the finding of heaven would do so.

    And I agree with which ever poster said that existing behind the black holes seems more like h**l.

  11. try dying, then come back alive and tell your story  

  12. You can say anything you want about what is beyond the event horizon of a black hole as no one will be able to prove or disprove otherwise.

  13. No.

    When you are going to heaven you will not pass through a black hole.

  14. heaven does not exist.  and if anything, black holes would be more like h**l but h**l doesn't really exist either so...... no.

  15. Black holes don't go anywhere.  They aren't actual holes.  They are dense, dead stars.  If you fall 'into' one, you die.  So you'd only find heaven there if there's actually a heaven you go to when you die, which doesn't seem probable.

  16. I heard this story once...

    An astronaut and a brain surgeon are out having a drink, and the conversation turns to religion. As it turns out, the astronaut is an atheist and the brain surgeon a man of faith. After a bit of argument, the astronaut says, "You know, I have been from here to the moon and back and there is no heaven in between."

    The surgeon replies, "You know, I've operated on over a hundred brains and I have yet to see a single thought."

    The idea is, even if you can never find heaven, it may still exist.

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