Ive had genital herpes for about 8 years and the occurrences have been average over the years, but in the last year or so it feels like its getting worse and I'm having more outbreaks than normal, I was always into thinking that the outbreaks get less over time, im on acyclovir tablets from the docs, which I just found out they existed bout 1month ago so I'm taking them daily but the side effects feel awful like my glands under my arms and also my genital area feels like sharp pains like I'm having an outbreak but its not visual if that makes sense, does any1 else feel this on these tablets, the doc was very reluctant to give them to me and I'm wondering if this is the reason, I appreciate its all about diet, exercise, stress etc can any1 help? Also the doc said herpes usually is in young people you dont see old age people walking around with herpes/coldsores, is there hope for us all yet?? or are we dreaming