
Does herpes get worse the longer you have it?

by Guest45024  |  earlier

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Ive had genital herpes for about 8 years and the occurrences have been average over the years, but in the last year or so it feels like its getting worse and I'm having more outbreaks than normal, I was always into thinking that the outbreaks get less over time, im on acyclovir tablets from the docs, which I just found out they existed bout 1month ago so I'm taking them daily but the side effects feel awful like my glands under my arms and also my genital area feels like sharp pains like I'm having an outbreak but its not visual if that makes sense, does any1 else feel this on these tablets, the doc was very reluctant to give them to me and I'm wondering if this is the reason, I appreciate its all about diet, exercise, stress etc can any1 help? Also the doc said herpes usually is in young people you dont see old age people walking around with herpes/coldsores, is there hope for us all yet?? or are we dreaming




  1. as you age your immune system weakens anyways, its just an observation. so the healthier you are in general the better. but if your immune system starts to stumble, then the virus can maybe get a lil outta control. that's why they say stress can trigger outbreaks because it weakens your body, including your immune system. as far as the acyclovir, try something else. i personally cannot take valtrex b/c i get sick. i take famvir and i have no problems.

  2. i just recently saw an elderly lady with what looked like a cold sore on her mouth a couple of weeks ago. u can get herpes when u are older, because the immune system is not as strong as it used to be when u get older.

    herpes is supposed to get less sever over time. i have had oral and genital herpes for over a year now and they are not half as bad as when i first had them. i do not take acyclovir, maybe u need to talk to your doctor about changing your medication since it doesn't seam to be helping u. i take Valtrex as soon as i feel the slightest symptoms of an out break.

    there is always hope as long as u try to keep positive.

  3. The swollen glands are most definately a side effect of the drugs.  

    However if your outbursts seem to be getting worse,  I would recommend telling your GP and finding out if there are any alternative medications you can try.  Once you have Herpes, it is highly unlikely that it will disappear ever however you can control it.

    All I can say to you is that the medication you are on seems to be more harmful than beneficial to your virus, and to try an alternative.

    Good luck!!

  4. I am on the same meds like you and i don't have any problems. When I started taking them I still felt the tingeling feeling and I though I am getting outbreak, but it never came up on the skin. Now after 4months or so I don't get the feeling anymore. Try some different pills, there are many on the market, ask your doctor :o) although your doc seems kinda a*****e.. might wanna change.

    As for the virus getting worse...I don't think the virus itself would get worse. It depens on your immune system and stress and all the related issues.

  5. Once you have this virus, you will always have it, but it usually breaks out + severe pain when there is major stress in your life, or something happens that upsets you.  I would see another Doctor and get a different opinion.  Just to see what he/she thinks, as there are lots of different medications available.

    Good Luck honey, and I hope you get better soon.  I know you will always have this, but try and relax, and see if it settles down then.


    Minny :-)

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