
Does hho work in cars ??

by Guest10986  |  earlier

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We installed our own unit two liters of hho per minute drawing 28 amps Van 2.5 diesel no sensors mechanical pump we did 5 runs with a measures amount of fuel each run was 100 klm the fuel usage was almost the same on each run give or take a few ml Two runs were without hho and 3 with. we did 7 static tests no increase in revs when the hho was introduced direct into the 1. manafold 2 air filter.3 air pipe from filter in fact the strain on the alternator decreased our revs from 875 to 825.

I would suggest anyone fitting these things need to look very carefully how they do their tests. I am a science Teacher retired and the unit was installed and tested correctly using skilled people. when you take into account the amount of air been sucked into the engine 2 liters by volume of hho per minute wont make any difference after dilution we estimate you would need to insert a minium of 1 liter for every 4 strokes of the engine 2.5 engine that is app 1liter of hho every 8 seconds. Busted




  1. Diesels (which are direct injection combustion engines and during normal operation burn with plenty of oxygen - lean) can have a pretty complete combustion. In fact so much so, that diesels don't have catalytic converters--at least up to the 90s  years or 2000s. If 97% of the fuel is burnt,***  that leaves 3% room for efficiency improvment. If normal driving consumers 30,000 W ( around 40 hp ) that 3% max improvement works out to about 900 W. Your HHO cell consumes about 300W, which at 33% diesel engine efficiency takes about 900W of diesel. So might in fact loose out with this set up 'cause this is the break even point.

    In summary with a 300W cell, this means that unless the diesel combustion is worse than 97% that this HHO setup doesn't even have a chance.

    My advice: Try running this setup again while driving the car silly (to reduce combustion efficency), by having lots of wide open throttle rich burn conditions. Drive up some hills and lug the engine in too high a gear. Then compare the HHO to no-hho results.

    *** Note: I am uncertain about diesel combustion efficiency. I googled around and found these guys, ref [1], that claimed diesel combustion efficiencies of 80% and worse!! (they are selling propane kits). Perhaps dirty old yellow schoolbuses. Anyways, this might shoot a hole in my theory, though I do think that in a lean combustion environment diesels should be very efficient.

  2. Ive been looking at these for a few weeks now, and i had to try it. I didn't buy one, but built one comparable to the 50-80 dollar ones on eBay.  getting it to make hydrogen and oxygen is quite easy(produces about 1.25 liters per minute), however the actual road testing did not show any dramatic changes, good nor bad.  So right now I'm only out about $15 dollars of hardware and some things laying around the garage.  I'm not going to throw it away though, maybe it has some other application.

  3. Good work c m c, as you've correctly deduced, this is a scam, a giant scam.

    Take a look at the webpages and video I've linked to below for an idea just how big this scam is.

    Then make sure links to that video get posted far and wide (but don't spam) so that others who might not be as bright as you don't get ripped off (because plenty are).

    We've got to put these scammers out of business.

  4. half of what they say in those previous links have nothing to do with what's really happening in the engine.

    too bad it didn't work for you. there are people in our town who are doing it successfully

  5. Sorry you wasted your money and your time. yes, it's an out and out scam.

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