
Does honey really lighten the color of your eyes without wearing colored contacts?

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see, i have brown eyes and i really wanna get contacts bcuz brown eyes are the most common and i want a change. i read that honey works so i just want to know. will it help my eye color change?




  1. Sindhia

    Honey is known to have natural bleaching properties. It is commonly used as a household ingredient for lightening skin and dark spots. Other uses include bleaching hair and also being used as a home remedy for allergies.

    Here is how to change eye color with honey water

    Use Raw Honey to lighten eyes if possible. Most people say it works best

    Warm bottled clean water or distilled works best than cold water

    Mix honey and distilled water in the ratio of 1:5 (1 drop of honey for 5 drops of water)

    Place the mixture in a clean dropper bottle

    Use a clean dropper to carefully place 2-3 drops in each eye

    Store the remaining contents in a cool dark place

  2. Guest629

    My name is Camille bruno Valdez my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months before somebody told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, We contacted him at this email; , for him to help us, then we told him our problem, he told us that we will either conceive in February 2014 or March 2014,but after two years of trying we were at a point where we were willing to try anything. And I'm glad we came to Dr Dahiru, Because his pregnancy spell cast put us at ease, and I honestly believe him, and his gods really helped us as well, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email:  if you are trying to get a baby or want your lover back. he has powers to do it, he has done mine,  


  3.  My name is Melissa am from USA. i want to use this opportunity to thank my great doctor who really made my life a pleasurable one today. This great man DR.Abu Fatima brought my husband back to me, i had three lovely kids for my husband, about four years ago i and my husband has been into one quarrel or the other until he finally left me for one lady. i felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. i tried to be strong just for the kids but i could not control the pains that torments my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because i was really in love with my husband. Every day and night i think of him and always wish he would come back to me, until one day i met a good friend of mine that was also in a situation like me but her problem was her ex-boyfriend who she had an unwanted pregnancy for and he refused to take responsibility and dumped her. she told me that mine was a small case and that i should not worry about it at all, so i asked her what was the solution to my problems and she gave me this great man email address. i was doubting if this man was the solution, so i contacted this great man and he told me what to do and ideed them all, he told me to wait for just two day and that my husband will come crawling on his kneels just for forgiveness so i faithfully deed what this great man asked me to do and for sure after two days i heard a knock onthe door, in a great surprise i saw him on his kneels and i was speechless, when he saw me, all he did was crying and asking me for forgiveness, from that day, all the pains and sorrows in my heart flew away,since then i and

    my husband and our lovely kids are happy.that’s why i want to say a big thank you to DR.Abu Fatima spiritual temple.This great man made me to understand that there is no problem on earth that has no solution so please if you know that you have this same problem or any problem that is similar, i will advise you to come straight to this great man. you can email him



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  5. .
    See this website:


  7.   steve! send me ur progresss pics please

    and i have a question,... why are some people saying that aunt jamima honey is bad?

    which kind should i use


  8. I have met Steve in real life and know him pErsonally. He is a really nice guy and omg he is extra hung....Anyways back to eye lightening, any more results?

  9.  wtf kinda s**t are you guys smoking? you can't even see him in his pictures. dumbasses.

  10.  i'm pretty sure all the below comments are from steve. quit flattering yourself. aunt jemima's hotter than you.

  11.  I am g*y and definitely would.............;-) Email me steve

  12.  You can just tell for steves pic's he has stunning eyes and is handsome so no need to be rude!!!!

  13. What's all the fuss about Steve, very average looking!!! Now back to eye lightening!

  14.  Steve can you upload some more pictures please

  15.  OMG just saw steve's pix he is super HAWT And wow he is going to look stunning when his eyes and even lighter. TEAM STEVE

  16.  uhmmmm, who is steve?

  17.  Steve do you do private webcam shows? give me ur email.

  18.  Steve is hot!!!!


  20. read previous posts son.

  21.  Steve, since you are using p**s to lighten your eyes. How do you do it? Do you aim for you face when taking a p**s?

  22. LMAO ...

  23. i'm popping aunt jemima and my eyes lightened after a month

  24.  just because it worked for steve, doesn't mean it worked for everyone. i'm not trying to say honey doesn't work, bc i've seen ppl's results who have done it and by all means it works for them. but each person is different and what works for some, won't work for others. you just have to do what works for you. i've seen ppl whose eyes lighten immensely in 2 weeks of only putting 4 drops a day. then there's ppl like steve whose eyes lighten by doing 50 drops every two hours. i'm just saying, everyone shouldn't go out and start putting in 50 drops every two hours if you have sensitive eyes. some people can tolerate that and others can't. if doesn't make them a "wussy" or "a failure in life" as steve has said, it just means their eyes are different. as steve has also said, we shouldn't be discouraging the use of honey and telling ppl it doesn't work. i agree, but calling ppl who find that honey doesn't seem to work for them a "failure" doesn't exactly generate positive feedback or a good message. we can encourage ppl without insulting others. seriously. 


    i just speak from personal experience. i did 10 drops a day for a year, no change. i upped it to 5 drops every hour and when that was tolerable, 10 drops an hour which is nowhere near as much as steve. and guess what? I GOT AN EYE INFECTION. i had blisters all over my eyes, they were completely red, i couldn't open my eyes are see out of them. i now have to where glasses and can barely open my eyes. everything i used was sterile and clean. SOME PEOPLE JUST HAVE SENSITIVE EYES AND CAN'T TOLERATE THAT MUCH HONEY! do what works for you. WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. all i'm trying to say is be careful. start with a small amount, get used to it, and up the amount if you're impatient. better safe than sorry.


    and yes, i used 100% raw unprocessed organic unheated undiluted honey. not that "aunt jemima" stuff steve has said... which is maple syrup, not honey.

  25. Just keep in mind that p**s is not all that bad. ... its ok.  No One will know. You don't gotta tell anybody. ..... I'm telling you because nobody knows me and besides I will never tell anybody that I'm doing this too. Lie to your optometrist and your mom and dad GF boyfriend bro. sis. ... and if they get worried that you might be sick or something or that you got Pink Eye even though its not visible just tell em that you now see em 10x better than before...... Only lucky people who read this forums will probably try it. I will post pics again a month from now on both p**s & honey. I believe darker p**s is more effective.  If possible I will see if I can mix it with the honey so I kill 2 birds in one shot. .... I'll see how it goes and post pics in a month from now...   .... And if this works it just means that I'm one stEp closer to finding the cure to Inmortality.... I want to become inmortal!

  26. well, I just started p**s drops today. And I couldn't believe how fast my eyes lightened up. I got this from a Arabic friend. Some of their people (man) tend to do this in Afghanistan.... And since its STERILE.. I'm going to do it with the honey 20 drops of my on p**s and im going to cut the honey to 10. My mom was like "wtf... why do your eyes look yellow all of the sudden?"  She said they look like cat eyes at night. So I haven't stopped popping p**s drops from my clear eyes bottle...(bought another one) ...  As nasty as it sounds and is effective.  .... And just like the honey.. NoObs will come in here getting c**p from Wikipedia and they will tell you all that they have spoken to their urologists and that you can get an infection.. Matter of fact I have a friend that's been popping p**s secretly and he's already on green. I caught his a*s today popping with his clear eyes bottle. And he told me not to say anything because he wanted to be the only one with pretty eyes ... lmao. I told him I wouldn't tell. But since I know how frustrated a lot of you with almost black eyes are... I recommend you get a extra bottle... AS LONG AS YOU DON"T HAVE HIV/AIDS or A URINARY TRACT INFECTION.. You're all set..  I mean if you look into it you could drink your own p**s. Everything you take into your mouth effects every part of your body. It gets distributed.  Besides It Stings a lot less than honey and you could way more PoPs/Drops.  ... this is the SHIAT! I got an interview for a job coming up on Monday and my eyes will be real pretty. I'm gonna do a nice haircut and a suit and I'm gonna get hired... lol.

  27. you don't have to believe him if you don't want to he is just trying to help us out here. and people that know him and see him everyday are noticing his eyes change also pictures don't capture every detail.

  28. I know its really hard to believe what you see... and you gotta blame the light.. Truth is that Light has a lot to do with it too.  For example if its dark outside its gonna look more like month 1 and if its sunny out there its gonna look way much lighter than pic 3 to the point it almost looks between that color and green. Sometimes in the dark at night with light or under the moon.. They look gray. In the dark dark they look like vampires eyes ... and dark orange color.

  29. You mean the flash? ... the flash is always the same.  I'll take a pic without flash and in a darker place. Its not the lighting. Because pple wouldn't be telling stuff like "do you have contacts on" and c**p like that.

  30.  @Steve

    Bro, I don't know what you're on because the only change in those pictures is the lighting.

  31. Thank You Master Steve


    ummm copy and Paste ..



    Since I got really bored I'm posting pics now. Here they are.

  34. by the way don't listen to your optometrists... They are retards with degrees. Its all they are.  They don't know what they're talking about.

  35. I'll be posting them Pics today evening pacific time via Flicker... My GOSH!! ... lmao. I was thinking about where to post em pics and thank god one of you reminded me of flicker. Anyways...

    Honey changes your eye color. even though its an extremely long process you can tell by the 1st 2 months that your eyes are lighter and if not you prolly popped aunt jemima like many of the noobs that come in here saying it can't be done..

    Step 1: Buy Clear Eyes Bottle  0.2 FL OZ (6ml)

    Step 2: Fill it with honey.. Might also have to get a needle to make the pee hole wider.

    Step 3: Squeeze the little b*****d and that little drop you see coming out rub it all over your iris like if you were coloring a circle just make sure that  you got a wall mirror or something like it so you can see what you're doing.. And make sure that the actual tip of the bottle does not make contact with your iris.

    Step 4: Is to not pop Aunt Jemima in your eyes.


  36.  Guest23184724 

    can u send me? 

  37.  Yes, I have four months of pics, leave an email addy and I'll put you on the list.


    I can't get arbutin (i don't wanna order online as it's taking a very long time in delivery) locally but i can get uva ursi extract, which contains that OK?


  39. can we get back to the f*****g topic please. anyone have pictures yet it's been months? i talked to my optometrist and she says this is crazy and there is no POSSIBLE way to lighten your eye color. she is obviously not open minded and i went to see another optometrist they all say the same thing that it is "impossible". i don't know what the h**l is wrong with them but i been trying this for a month and my eyes did change it was barely even noticeable but they did change

  40. Well everyone, it appears we have an "all caps" troll in our midst. Lets all ignore him, and get back to the topic of eye lightening.




  43. @Guest23159895  we should be thanking the guy...he proved urine has no abutin in it.....I agreee people  don't talk with CAPS on ;-)

  44.  Guys can we stop being paranoid and get back to eye lightening chat. Putting urine in your eyes is plain weird. I am sticking to honey

  45.  No  one asked them to come in here and start yelling at everyone in all caps. 

  46.  It's probably just the same person who posted it saying "Yeah, leave him/her alone."   

  47.  Yeah, leave him/her alone. A lot fo the people trying to lighten their eyes on here are not from english speaking countries, but that doesn't mean they don't have universities. 

  48.  Well, we know that urine is sterile and does at least clean the eye, so just by cleaning some people do notice a lightening effect. Yeah, only one person around here is sending out pictures of proof. Other people come in here claiming big results and talk about posting pictures but somehow never do.  (shrugs)

  49. Guest23155777 he is just trying to inform us about urine i don't know why you have to talk s**t about his/her english. and since urine doesn't contain any arbutin why are people claiming it lightens their eyes i have not even seen pictures so it just sounds like someone played a joke on us to put pee in our eyes.

  50.  Dude. First, take a breath. It's called capslock. Find it. Second, you "ahve got a degree in biology?" That's unlikely, considering you don't even type proper english. 

  51. omg you people who are saying that the body produces arbutin are stupid, the wikepedia page that you linked says that WHEN YOU INGEST ARBUTIN the body excretes 64-75% of it in urine. what kind of sick person would put urine in their eyes in the first place that is gross seriously. i can understand people thousands of years ago using urine it for it's antibacterial effects but in 2011 that is f*****g weird, use honey or buy arbutin.

  52. What Is the Chemical Composition of Urine?

    By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D., Guide

    See More About:

    • urine

    • chemical composition

    • metabolism

    • biochemistry

    This is a specimen of human urine. Human urine ranges in color from nearly clear to dark amber, depending largely on the amount of water that is present.

    This is a specimen of human urine. Human urine ranges in color from nearly clear to dark amber, depending largely on the amount of water that is present.

    Markhamilton, public domain


    Question: What Is the Chemical Composition of Urine?

    Urine is a liquid produced by the kidneys to remove waste products from the bloodstream. Human urine is yellowish in color and variable in chemical composition, but here is a list of its primary components.

    Answer: Human urine consists primarily of water, with organic solutes including urea, creatinine, uric acid, and trace amounts of enzymes, carbohydrates, hormones, fatty acids, pigments, and mucins, and inorganic ions such as sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), magnesium (Mg2+), calcium (Ca2+), ammonium (NH4+), sulfates (SO42-), and phosphates (e.g., PO43-). A representative chemical composition would be:

    water 95%

    urea 9.3 g/l

    chloride 1.87 g/l

    sodium 1.17 g/l

    potassium 0.750 g/l

    creatinine 0.670 g/l

    with lesser amounts of other ions and compound




    THEY MIS READ THE WIKIPDEIA  ARTICLE ON ARBUTIN BELOW AND JUST SAW " It is known that the body excretes 64-75% of arbutin in urine, and arbutin converted to hydroquinone has an antibacterial effect in the urinary tract," but they didn't bother to read the whole article. And I think , I would know since i ahve got a degree in biology! Do  some research into the chemical make up of urine and will see i am right.




    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




    CAS number 497-76-7 Yes
    PubChem 440936
    ChemSpider 389765 Yes


    Molecular formula C12H16O7
    Molar mass 272.25 g/mol
    Melting point

    199.5 °C, 473 K, 391 °F

     Yes(what is this?)  (verify)

                Except where noted otherwise, data are given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C, 100 kPa)
    Infobox references

    Arbutin also known as Uva Ursi and bearberry extract is both an ether and a glycoside; a glycosylated hydroquinone extracted from bearberry plant in the genus Arctostaphylos. It inhibitstyrosinase and thus prevents the formation of melanin. Arbutin is therefore used as a skin-lightening agent. Arbutin is found in wheat, and is concentrated in pear skins. It is also found inBergenia crassifolia[1].

    [edit]Skin lightening agent

    Bearberry extract is used in skin lightening treatments designed for long term and regular use. An active agent in brands of skin lightening preparations, it is more expensive than traditional skin lightening ingredients like hydroquinone, which is now banned in many countries.

    In vitro studies of human melanocytes exposed to arbutin at concentrations below 300 μg/mL reported decreased tyrosinase activity and melanin content with little evidence of cytotoxicity.[2]


    Arbutin is glucosylated hydroquinone,[3] and may carry similar cancer risks,[4] although there are also claims that arbutin reduces cancer risk.[5] The German Institute of Food Research inPotsdam found that intestinal bacteria can transform arbutin into hydroquinone, which creates an environment favourable for intestinal cancer. It is known that the body excretes 64-75% ofarbutin in urine, and arbutin converted to hydroquinone has an antibacterial effect in theurinary tract, hence the use of bearberry in herbal medicine, but it is not known why this substance plays a role in cancer development. it also has an antiglycation activity

  54. "URINE DOES NOT CONTAIN ARBUTIN!!!! Only if you ingest it, then your urine will contain arbutin when it's being excreted from the body"

    Don't know what you read, but you must have read it wrong, you don't have to ingest arbutin first for it to be present in your urine. Your body already produces arbutin in the urinary tract where it works as a natural anti-bacterial agent. This is what helps keep you from getting urinary tract infections. That's why people were using it to clean the eye of infections, like pink eye, for hundreds of years before they noticed it's side-effect as an eye lightener. 

    You can buy arbutin in powdered form to use as an eye lightener but it is very difficult to mix and tends to clump. 


  55.  So will urine lighten my eyes or not?

  56. if urine doesn't contain arbutin then why are people telling us to put urine in our eyes what does urine have lol that sounds so gross i'm never putting urine in my eyes, freaking weirdos haha

  57.   "All urine contains the same amount of arbutin, lol, it does not have to be dark for it to work. Maybe psychologically you think because it's darker it must be stronger."


    URINE DOES NOT CONTAIN ARBUTIN!!!! Only if you ingest it, then your urine will contain arbutin when it's being excreted from the body!


  58. lol if the only reason to put urine in the eyes is because of the arbutin then why don't you just buy arbutin and mix it with water instead of puting urine in your eyes then? putting urine in your eyes seems gross and degrading and if anyone found out i was putting urine in my eyes i would be so embarrased haha

  59.  All urine contains the same amount of arbutin, lol, it does not have to be dark for it to work. Maybe psychologically you think because it's darker it must be stronger.

  60. post your pictures on flickr and send us the link plz

  61. well I'm yeah I'll be posting pics soon too so you'll see what i'm talking about... and as for the girl who popped the whole bottle.. really messed up.  its impossible.... she probably popped like large amounts from the bottle of honey itself and barely receive the magic... She was dumb .. yeah... lol  another faiilure in life. Anyways for this to work well you have to go Buy som eyedrops, empty the little b*****d bottle, dry the inside with a paper towel, pour 100% un processed honey till its full. put the t*t cap back on and instill those drops into your eyes you have to start from the TOP of the IRIS so that the drop comes down towards the bottom and you gotta open your eye with your hand so that it doesn't close... this is much more effective because you feel the pain more. Popping a whole bottle of honey is just a waste. . .... If you want to use urine.. it works  but it grosses me out I only did it like a week .. but you gotta make sure its yellow like orange yellow .. nasty p**s...  make sure you don't got a disease or an HIV Lmao.. You'll have it on your eyes too HAHAHAHAHA! ROFL you don't want to give yourself pink eye.  ...   Pics will be posted soon when I find where to post em.

  62.  DAMMITTT I AM SOOOO FRUSTRATED. I've been looking EVERYWHERE, going back and forth on this site, looking for an answer, anything that could possible lighten my eye color. People have been claiming everything from honey, coconut water fasts, staring at the color you want your iris to become, hypnosis, p**s, etc. I don't know what to beleive. In my opinion, the most possible is either honey or urine. I'm going to buy a jar of unadulterated honey and use it about 3-4 times a day, then post pictures. I am reluctant to try urine.... Do you guys think I should try it also?


  63.  Steve,

    Yes, lets see some pictures. More drops more times a day might be better. 

    (...but still not doing 50. Ten maybe but not 50.) 

  64. wow you people who are putting in more than 10 drops a day are seriously crazy, you do realize you can get corneal burn and you will go blind? and steve no pain no gain is for working out in the gym, not lightening eye color

  65.  it sud be 1 to 4 honey to distilled water, sprinkle some salt grains in the water not alot just a bit it (sodium helps break the glucose into hydrogen peroxide).  It should be left like 30 mins to an hour to let the glucose break down. And used within a minimum of 8 hours..... I might be wrong this is cause hydrogen perozide ( pure) has a minimum half life of 8 hours probably less in honey.

    I do think it is interesting putting it in your eyes  for maybe an hour to 2 hours (drops) cause when you are bleaching your hair it takes atleast 30 mins of contact for it to work but we would have to keep replacing it cause tears washing away the hydrogen peroxide.

  66.  Steve,

    Very interested in your story. Knew a girl who tried what you did; she sat and poured an entire bottle of honey on her eyes all day, she said nothing happened, so she gave up. You say it speeds the process along. How much honey are you using with how much distilled water? 

  67.  Steve,Pretty lease post some before and after pictures

    You sound so motivador! ;) 

  68. Think what you want Guest23124983 ... I bet you're one of those wussy kids that popped Aunt Jemima Syrup instead of 100% Natural Unprocessed Honey. HAHAHAHAHA!

    Whatever your case was don't come in here telling these folks that it doesn't work. Because if it didn't work People wouldn't be telling me if I have contacts on or whats up with my eye color "weren't they black? dark brown? lol.. I tell them that my eyes change color all the time lmao. ... Looks like you were not dedicated enough and A failure in life.  (way i see you)

    It took some dude 1 year and half to get them to light green. Well, I'm trying to get that done in a few months I'm on 2nd month.

    50 drops every 2 hours is not that bad.  Do 25 if you have a eye drop bottle .. in 1/2 an hour and feel the pain. It feels pretty good this pain. All I think is .. No PAin, No Faster eye color Gain.  Because at first when I used to do it only 3x a day the pain was almost gone barely felt anything.. now I'm feeling the pain and its true. No Pain, No Gain so freaking true. .. for example everything in life is pain like.. when you go to work ... its pain and you get $$$$ paid.. if you're out of shape.. you download Shawn T insanity work outs and its insanly painful but the results are a nice Bod in only 60 days ... 2 months (If dedicated of course and not a failure like some peopel)..  Pain = Good  ... if you learn to like and love the pain I can guarantee you will achieve anything. Even Surpass me with the eye color change process.

    Also Do not go into the sun at all try to avoid it if you're a serious and dedicated person like me. I always get what I want and if I gotta post before and after Pics here just ask me and I will do so.  Don't let fools like Guest bring you down. He's a nobody.

  69. i have been doing this for 3 months now and at first i thought there were results but i was just kidding myself and my imagination made me think that there were results but in reality there were absolutely no results. don't waste your time and money like i did

  70. 50 drops every 2 hours is riduclulous.

  71. This really will change your eye color no matter what people tell you out there.

    I used to do it 3x a day like some folks in here morning, afternoon, evening.

    Now I pop 50 drops every 2 hours and I'm very happy with the results.

    My Eyes were originally dark brown. Then after about a month I gain light brown and I'm inbetween hazel and light brown right now. I don't even know what color this is. But since I recently just started popping 50 drops every 2 hours I'll inform in 2 weeks.

  72. don't buy from honey



    Website works miracles and is legite with eye lightening ! I saved your lives people!

  74.  Hi.... will called my self blackboy cos my eyes were almost black. I started doing honey/chamomile/ boiled urine (kills any germs) 4 days ago. And my eye color is going from black to dark/olive/brown...I try put it in when ever i can.... will keep you informed 

  75.  Guest22941911 cound you send me your results??


    i would love to see your progress!!

    thanks so much! i have medium brown eyes and would love to lighten them!!!

  76. ok! my eyes re dark green, and i want to lighten them. So if you have any results, could u tell me what you did? My email is! thanks bunches(if you can, include pics, andd everything that yo  did. I'll be greaatful for everything!!)


  77. Hey Guest22848039, would you please send me your results? my email is Thanks!


  78.  Guest22848039  Can u send me your progress photos? please. 

    Thank you 

  79. Guest22848039

    As promised, I've taken a picture every month for the past three months, in the exact same lighting, standing in the same spot and have returned to share my results. Yes, it WORKS. If you want to see my progress leave your email and I will send.


    hi id love to see your progress and i would appreciate it if you send me your results

    my email is

    thank you :)


  80. Again, all of the active topics currently have no such negativity. Of course you have a right to say what you want but I have a right to correct you if you're spreading false information. If you have read all of THIS thread, you should see that there is the same magnitude of "skeptics" here as there are at the board... (not very many)

  81. It's true that seashell's board was full of skeptics. I hope she has got the situation under control by now.

  82.  HazelWannaBe, Pearl, and others removed their pics from the board because of negative people people saying it is impossible to change colors. If people don't like your board it is their right to say so. Quit turning this thread into your own personal battleground. This is a positive thread leave- leave your trash on your own board. 

  83. EyeColorBoard is just a fourm to discuss lightening the iris. None of the negative antics towards the fourm is really needed.

  84. "They might have deleted them. But if you'll notice multiple people who had pictures posted there took them down and now they're just big empty squares."

    regardless, anyone who can read can see that 99% of the topics are positive and encouraging so it doesnt matter much.. the only person with pictures taken down is Pearl lol

  85. To  Guest22917123,

    Everyone here knows that you were the person who posted there under the name of "Pearl".

    Why don't use stop making false accusations and grow up?

  86.  They might have deleted them. But if you'll notice multiple people who had pictures posted there took them down and now they're just big empty squares. 

  87. "If you go to the eye color board you will only find people trying to talk you out of it, saying you are crazy, and insulting the photos of people who post, saying they are fake, or a trick of the lighting, etc. So if you don't want your photos torn apart don't post them there."

    ummm i haven't read a single insult on any of the threads or any accusations of fake pics.. not one


    Hiya Guest22848039

    I'd like to see your results please,

    Thank you =) 

  89.  If you go to the eye color board you will only find people trying to talk you out of it, saying you are crazy, and insulting the photos of people who post, saying they are fake, or a trick of the lighting, etc. So if you don't want your photos torn apart don't post them there.

  90.  please send progress to

  91. Just to remind people from a previous post, if you want to share your results and see other peoples' progress with various methods you should join the forum:

    There are tons more pictures, updates, and active discussions at the message board, and you will never have to post your email and wait for someone to hopefully respond, etc.:)

  92.  i think everyone whos trying this out,... should keep track of their process with pictures so that everyone can see if and how this really works, i just started using it again, a week ago and i encourage everyone else to 

    and btw at least with me....? u can c the change with-in a day

    heres my email if u have questions

  93. Everyone who is discouraged because they didn't get results within a month or so needs to be more optimistic. This is a LONG-TERM thing, and depending on the person, results can take even a year to become slightly noticable. Noone said this will be quick and easy. It just takes time, determination, and a pinch of hope. So don't quit and keep on using your eye drops no matter what anybody says.


  94. pleasse send me picz of ur resultss i nneeed it

  95.  im getting a lot of mixed signals about this...could someone please send me some before and after pics so i can be sure about this...btw..i would like to have a conversation with anyone who claims for this to work to understand it better..if anyone is interested.757 771

  96. please send pics of progress to

  97. Hi

    Looking forward to see.


  98. As promised, I've taken a picture every month for the past three months, in the exact same lighting, standing in the same spot and have returned to share my results. Yes, it WORKS. If you want to see my progress leave your email and I will send. 



  99. Straight from coconut - pure coconut is better than with additives


    Dragon here

  100. aww d**n it... blow me, ... i'll do it all day long every hour like i have been... Now my eyes are almost green its been only 2 weeks. so yeh every hour 4x.

  101. Dragon my final question-

    Is coconut water from a bottle okay to buy and drink? I will also be doing this and posting results 

  102. Guest22821357

    Began with two then ended on one.

    Dragon here

  103.  Dragon


    so you're saying to eat coconuts and oregano tablets and eat healthy otherwise?

    If so how many coconuts daily?

  104. @Guest22820105

    I used tablets of 70% concentrations and 30% olive oil. I don't know about oil format, sorry


    Dragon here

  105. <p>Wow amazing progress, I want to know does oregano in its natural form helps? I can't get in in tablets where I live, but I can get it as a condiment. How do I consume it?</p>

  106. @Guest22819621

    It was a mixture really so I don't know if it was all one thing. I do think It got significantly lighter after the oregano though and consultation. So coconut helped, so did smoothies and oregano. As a baby I had medium brown eyes. Then black - then mocha colored now brown/amber. I must state that I am still young now though.

    Dragon here

  107.  Dragon:

    Can you post a simple regime please of what you ate and drank daily? Because in some posts you say oregano, then coconuts and its sort of confusing haha

    And will this not work on people who do not have history of colored eyes? What color eyes did you have as a baby?


  108. Dragon here

    Me below as well. In the fast I avoided certain junk food but I still had dinner and one snack such as a biscuit as breakfast then smoothies and oregano throughout the day. 3 tablets a day. 2 smoothies a day. That's been about a month now or so. Remember that it has 42x antioxidant activity than an apple. That's how I cleared up fast. My family does have a history of colored eyes though.


    I don't my photos all on the d**n internet so you can get some resounding conclusion. THERE! Don't take my photos either I'm still taking them down soon - If i ever see my photos around - seriously guys, no joke please. And I'm verrrrrrry happy but I'm still going to continue up to green - I don't know If you can see but I have a grey ring around my iris now. Coconuts were okay but the real deal was oregano - and I went to see an iridologist who said my natural iris color is clouded by toxins so that was good money spent - knowing that there can be change. Oregano pills and eating healthily along with 12 cups of water a day and wishing - I'm just like my raw diet friends other at curezone now. Forget urine and honey - If you cant penetrate the iris - go from the inside. I actually like my browney amber eyes now - I may stay. Your eyes are the windows to your toxins is what I say.


    PS! Green smoothies as well.

  110.  @ Dragon

    Where is the "before" picture? Where's the proof? This is just a pic of someone's brown eyes with no way of knowing if they got lighter or darker.  

  111.  @Dragon

    Be prepared to be bombarded with questions from the people of this thread haha. Your results are truly great. How much coconut juice did you drink daily? And also, did you avoid certain foods as part of the fast? Or did you only drink coconut juice with no intake of solids? Please clarify, thank you. And congratulations(: You have given us hope lol

  112. amy here

    so dragon what do you use?

  113.  @Dragon

    wtf man. wtfffff! share your secrettttt

  114. @ Dragon

    wow yours really seems to have lightened... how long have you been putting the honey for and how many times a day?

    and do you use pure honey or diluted with water?

    Iv been putting the honey water mixture for 3 months now but no considerable change

  115. Dragon here

    That's my eyes now - they were previously very dark brown - 1 above black - I'm deleting the image after 15 days btw. I don't want it available for too long, please dont copy the image - understand privacy.



  116.  Hey guys :D My name is Tiger i'm only 13 and i'm Half Japanese and Half French with black eyes.














    RESULT!!! :


















    Please share your pictures

  118. Okay sending out the photos! : )

  119.  hey my names evelyn! i wanna c ur pics pretty please!! send !

  120.  Hello !

     My name is Andreea and I am from Romania .

     This is my e-mail adress .

     I would like to see the pictures and also keep in touch with you , maybe on Yahoo Messenger .

     Thanks !





    Hello! Please send photos! ^^

  122.  It's me again like promised I have taken 3 months of photos to document my progress and it's WORKING. Leave your email address and I will send. 

  123. Is anybody else starting to think that these color changes are all in our heads? We have to be honest with ourselves. No one has posted any definitive proof that this works, and this thread has been alive for several months, if not over a year. 

  124. I don't think that by applying it every hour it will make a big difference. It only seems like you're bringing pressure and stress onto your eyes. Morning Night and in the middle of the day seems to be enough because the your eyes will have had about enough time to rest. And i find that morning and night are the most effective since you're going to bed your eyes can rest and when you wake up and apply it my eyes tend to feel refreshed.

    If a Doctor gives you pills and says if you take it every day you will get better doesn't mean if you take it every hour that your progress will go faster the only thing you’re working yourself into is a overdoses. With honey it might not be the same but you get the content just because something is good and healing (Honey cures some eye diseases) doesn't mean that you have to go overboard. Keep it simple and have a routine it is my second day doing it and my eyes are getting brighter. I will be doing weekly updates. Remember it’s not a matter of how many times you put it in a day, its being faithful to your routine and most off all patience.

    OfficialGirls Comin Thru☻


  125.  Guest22715828 

    I'm just saying that if people wanna do this,they should'nt do wild/disgusting things. That's all. Not meant to be rude. No,I don't have selective reading and I also read about Iridology. 

  126. Guest22694209 @

    Why are you even here - taking your American Freedom of speech to the extreme aren't we - no one is going to take any notice of you so it's a waste of typing. And wasn't I against Urine. Doubt you took time to look up Iridology since you have selective reading.


  127. Keep the solution mild.

    If it's too strong, your eyes will tear up and wash away the solution, hence no effects.


    common sence. lol :)

  128. can I put honey drop in my eyes even with contacts on?

  129.  Guest22690420 (Dragon) 

    If you're trying to influence people to do that (urine,coconut and stuff) you're the one who should say goodbye.


    Are you from Brazil? That's cool. 

  • I started seen Changes in My Eyes just 2 days of putting 100% honey every hour for 4 times without stoping until going to sleep. Its already turning to a lightbrown/greenish brown/golden color... The honey I use is from Brazil. I'm very happy with the results... but I'm guessing I'm getting faster results because I have colored eyed people in my family and ancestors. My eyes were regular Brown.

  • i used to folllow the honey water mixture method, but recently started putting only honey in my eyes.. i put a little honey on my finger and rub it on the inside of my eye and then wash my eyes after a while.. but when i put the honey, that part of my eye becomes really really red.. why is that? also it subsides after a while , but the next day its red again.. and the white of my eyes isnt getting whiter either like some people have said it does.. whats wrong? the type of honey im using is pure, so it cant be that..

  • Guest22685701 @Goodbye

    Please Look up Iridology.


  • Which stings more, putting honey in your eyes or urine?

  •  Guys,don't believe on those people who "consider" trying to put urine on the eyes,and the staring at pictures or coconut diet. That's dumb. Don't be r-tards. 'Coz they also won't prove anything with before and after photos. If you really wanna try,do your research and don't believe on those anonymous freaks. 

  • Hey its Green Eyes here,

    I keep hearing different things from everyone, like to put urine in your eyes, or honey, or to stare at a picture of the color eyes you want for 10 minutes a day, and to fast and drink nothing but coconut juice and to have A LOT of vitamine C. I'm gonna try all of this to try to speed up the process because the honey method takes five months to turn from dark brown (which my eyes are) to green, and the urine one takes about 2-3 weeks to change the colors, the fasting and drinking only coconut water is only for like 2 weeks to a month (but eating fruits during this time and LOTS of water so you won't starve to death or anything, the staring at a picture thing and the taking in a lot of vitamine C will just speed the process up. I'm going to try all of this and keep you guys updated, i'm sorry but i cannot upload any photos. But i will give you a lot of information. So i use pure honey clover honey. I boil it in water for less sting and let it cool off to room temperature before putting it in my eyes. I usually just use my finger, i just dab my finger in and drop it in my eyes. And to speed the honey process up, without waiting 5 months, you have to put the honey in your eyes 5 times a day, seven drops per eye each time. I have gotten to the point where i can just stick my finger in the honey and then put it in my eye. Yes, indeed it does make your eyes whiter. I have very very dark brown eyes right now at the point of not being able to see the pupil. I am aiming for light green eyes. And putting honey in your eyes will not make you blind, it actually helps your eyes. It brightens them up and i even read that it prevents cateracts and it is on many websites that it was used to cure diseases so you will not become blind. And by the way, you put the honey in your eyes, you do not drink it because that won't make a difference. So i am going to have a daily plan, i am going to only fast for a week and drink nothing but coconut juice and water and eat fruit and take vitamins. So my daily routine will be to put the honey in my eyes When i wake up, which is at 7:30 every morning most of the time and right before i go to bed. 20 minutes before i plan on going to bed i will stare at a picture of light green eyes for ten minutes, then right after i will put the honey and the urine in my eyes. I will put the urine in my eyes once a day. I will keep you guys updated if i get fast result because thats what i'm aiming for, thank you. if you have any questions ask :)

  • Dragon, when you post your flickr account, make sure to post some before and after pictures, from the same angle, lighting and camera position. It is VERY hard to tell if the changes are all in your head; you would not believe the power of the human mind to believe in something that simple is not there.

  • Looks like good objective discussion to me.

  •  Went over to the eye color board and it was nothing but a bunch of negative nay-sayers telling everyone why this wasn't going to work. So I don't suggest anyone going over there.

  • Something to note abou the Isis lightener:

    This is a quote from their website:

    "Arbutin  inhibits tyrosinase, thus prevents the formation of melanin & is therefore  use as a mild skin lightener in a wide range of skin lightening products.  Just like vitamin-C, mulberry extract (same thing as arbutin), licorice extract & kojic acid, arbutin"

    As noted above, they mention mulbery extract as well as asbutrin, which is reduntant since they are the exat same thing. With that in mind, and  MOST IMPORTANTLY, PLEASE READ THE TEXT BELOW (Source:

    ******Skin Cancer Risks*******

    Mulberry extract is incorporated into skin-whitening products. The compound attributed with lightening the skin is arbutin, a form of hydroquinone that inhibits melanin release by suppressing the tyrosinase enzyme.

    ******In early 2010, a team of French researchers analyzed two cases of squamous cell carcinoma in women who had been using skin-lightening products for more than a decade. While they could not say for certain that hydroquinone agents were the direct cause of either cancer, they did note that the carcinogenic side effects of hydroquinone is well established in animal models.******

    ******Arbutin is reputed to be gentler than hydroquinone, but the risk of skin cancer may still apply.******



    So, please, everyone research this stuff before putting in your eyes. In my own humble opinion, honey dilluted with distilled water might be the best and safest option at the moment, given you can trust your honey supplier. You really have to research EVERY SINGLE SIDE EFFECT of EVERY SINGLE ingredient  Google it up, something like "mulberry extract sideffects" or "arbutin sideeffects" or cancer risks. You have to look at the results of studies performed by professionals on the topic, before you even ponder putting this stuff in your eyes. With all that sid, I don't condone Isis in any way as I bring nos olid evidence against them, so my position is neutral. I am simply concerned with the well being of people like you, who may or may not have pondered these thoughts before acting on impulse.

  • Dragon here

    Yes, I agree about getting vitamin C . I also have apple and pineapple chunks or juice to have a change throughout the day. Just crack open one whole coconut and drink that either once or twice a day along with the 1-2 litres of water you should be drinking. I naturally have a grey ring around my eyes which is going blue - If my eyes start going Blue I'm stopping - Blue eyes is a no no for me. Nice Hazel or Green for me, nothing drastic. Just get a couple of coconuts from a Jamaican/Indian/East Asian store and you'll be fine - rather cheap. 98p mine was, around $1.20 per coconut to you. I did have homemade fries twice though at a families house and didn't want to seem rude by rejecting 'YOU SAYING I DONT COOK NICE'  , I'm not doing that again this week though. Will open up flickr when I reach hazel.

  •  Dark brown to Golden Brown here:

    @ Guest22650074

    did  u just drink the juice of the coconuts only and didn't eat anything else for that week?

  • I think everyone really needs to carefully consider each post they read on this thread. Don't take what you read to be 100% true. There are a lot of ill-minded people on the internet who hide behind anonymity.

    The juice fast post sounds interesting. I would also advise mixing in other other fruits, like orange juice for some extra vitamin C. A diet made up strictly of coconut juice would starve your organs of many essential nutrients. Not to mention you would lose a few pounds, if not several, depending on your metabolism. That may or not be a good thing for you.

  •  is it possible to get even darker eyes if i put honey drops into my eyes? because it seems to me that my eyes look darker :S 

    and when can i see some changes/results?

    and can i still put some honey drops in my eyes..even when i have contacts on? 

  • Guest22245848 here again - I'll call myself Dragon. Dragon here now :)

    I've tried hypnosis, that FAILED. I've still been comparing my picture on flickr every week. Now I'm doing the last stage before I live with my eyes. Everyone - get coconuts and do a fast. FORGET HONEY and whatever else your using. You need to work from the inside, everywhere else says you can't get through to the iris from outside. I'm currently doing a 40 day fast - why? Because I've seen reports that juice fast has lightened eyes online and one person did a 40 day coconut fast and went from hazel to blue. I'm currently on it and have witnessed more lightening then ever - I'm a light brown now after a week! I'm going to open up flickr when I hit hazel. Buy some coconuts and do the fast people, it may be hard but afterwards you just need to eat healthily more often to keep your eyes. I'm sure you will be running to do it when I open up my flickr - trust me.

  •  dark to golden brown here:

    @ Guest22613585


  • dark brown to golden brown here:

    hey  Coffee/Chestnut . 

    i talker to the seller for awhile and here is one of the email i received , i asked ''I wants to know want inge. are in the product just so i know what i'm putting in my eyes'' he replyed

    Some ingredients are:



    Kinick kinick

    Licorice root

    All ingredients are provided when purchase is complete.

    All are proven to be safe in the eye, especially in the form and quantity that I have formulated for the is product.

    The worst reported side effects to the eyes are:

    Slight rash

    Mild stinging,

    Itchyness, redness,


    You may not experience any of these, and if you do it is usually only 1 or 2 of them, not all of them at once!   Most of these will subside within the first 20-40 minutes of actual physical application with the dropper.



  • Hey DARK BROWN TO GOLDEN BROWN it's Coffee/Chestnut here

    Hope you're well.

    Did you find the ingredients for the those drops? I checked on ebay and did a quick Google search but couldn't find any info.


    hey guys i found this new product called Verto Oculos herbal iris lightening eye drops 

    the product seems great, plan on buying it , and it is sold on ebay.

    when i buy it i will keep you guys updated with my results!!! : )

  •  dark brown to golden brown:

    @ Guest22629000

    it's moving a little slow with my honey mixture but it doesnt go back to old shade like what some other people say happen to then. i know honey works for me , my mixtures could pros not be producing enough Hydrogen peroxide. so i wanna try isis cosm honey and chamomile lightening drops.


    msm drops like 5 to 6 times daily and i use clover and orange blossom honey. i use clover honey diluted with water and orange blossom st8 up without water and i also use clover st8 up in addiction 




    anyones who's used isis cosm  honey chamomile lightening kit please tell me your results with the product, please and thank you.

  •  @dark brown to golden brown, 

    how are your eyes coming along? and if they've been lightening, what is your routine?



  •  dark brown to golden brown here :

     @Guest22613585... what shade to shade did u change from ? thinking of buying it. please and thank you.

  •  I've only heard bad things on the net about this. Now,for me,it just seems stupidity! Lol 

  •  I dont want* golden/yellow. My bad :P 

  • I have a goal of turning my dark drown eyes into turquoise green. Is it possible? I don't yellow/golden bright eyes! 

  • I am using chamomile and honey drops I bought from and yes the drops do sting a little when you first drop them in. that because the natural hydrogen peroxide. I have been using the drops for amonth and I love the changes I see. I don't know how light it will take me but I'm willing to try it long term since it's just tea & honey.

  •  @ Guest22597278, you say you put in the drops 6 times a day 7 drops per eye.... 42 drops of honey per eye total??!!!! how can you even handle 7 drops in one eye at once? that seems really intense!

    i'm curious about buttercup's opinion on this regimen. you said you saw a reddich brown color in july, which is  what like 3 months after you started? but buttercup saw that color after only 1 month and she only put in a little bit 2x a day, and even gave it breaks. i'm curious about how much is enough to see actual change


  • if you were to make your own arbutin and msm eye drops would you combine msm and arbutin powder in distilled water to make one thing of eyedrops? or would you make them seperate eye drops? because i figure you need the msm to help the arbutin absorb into the iris, right? does anyone know the ratio of arbutin and msm to put into the distilled water?

    also, one last thing... would it be better to use bearberry extract instead of arbutin powder? bearberry extract has arbutin but i dont know if its strong enough.

  • does the honey i'm using have no effect at all?

    i'm using honey that comes in those little jars like this:


    am i wasting my time with this honey and should i just go buy another type? this one is lighten in color so idk if the amount of hydrogen peroxide that can be produced from this type is a lot less. thanks!


  •  This definitely works I've been using the honey for three months now and in the last two weeks I've combined it with chamomille tea drops. My eyes were already a light brown/yellow color and Now they are even lighter and a golden ring with green freckles is forming around my pupil, just like hael eyes! I am really exited. I am also taking 1000 mg of Vitamin C daily.I will keep you updated


  • Seashell here,

    I have created a discussion board for this topic. Please join me at:

    (copy and paste this link in a new browser window, then save to your Favorites if you like)

    *there may be problems early on with the board while I'm ironing out the issues. Please bear with me. Hope to see you there!


  • To Guest22597278

    Thanks for the detailed  description. So in effect what you're saying is that when you stop doing this permanently, you won't rollback all the way to dark brown but you will only go 2 shades darker?  How did you find this out?

    My impression was that you'll rollback all the way to dark brown.



  • You won't go blind, relax. Just avoid using it on your eyes from now on, I would recommend.

  •  oh goodness, i have been putting manuka honey in my eyes for a few days already! :( omg what will happen to me??? 

  • Everyone trying the honey/water solution must realize a few things, which I have noticed that a lot of you aren't aware of. So, in order of importance, here are my suggestions to guarantee best safety and results:

    -If you are using the honey/water mixture, use distilled water obtained from pure, boiled water. You may be able to buy distilled water at your local pharmacy.

    -The pH of the solution should be around 6.1.

    -Keep your solution in a clean, sterile eyedropper. Change it out every once in a while.

    -Shake the solution/bottle before applying.

    -Long read: Remember that what matters most about the type of honey you use is its amount of glucose oxidase. Any honey that has been exposed to heat or light will have reduced, if not zero, levels of glucose oxidase. This means you should purchase natural honey, the type the will crystallize with time. Honey that crystallizes is perfectly OK, and in fact if your honey does not crystallize at all, there is a very high chance that it has little to none glucose oxidase left in it, and therefore no peroxide activity will occur. Honey crystallization is a direct consequence of having high amounts of glucose present in the honey. This is a good thing. When honey crystallizes, the glucose will form crystals, due to the high sugar content, and some water will be released. (IMPORTANT) You will notice that after almost the entire bottle has crystallized, a small amount of darker, non-crystallized (still liquid) layer honey remains at the top. This honey still has glucose oxidase, but it has a higher water concentration (therefore more oxygen), so the crystallization process is slowed down. From my own personal experience, I've gotten the fastest results when using this honey that puddles up at the top, after the rest of the bottle has crystallized.

    -Other things to note about your honey choice: Darker honey doesn't always, but will usually, be a better choice for your, as darkness is evidence of honey that has not been pasteurized (processed), and has high concentrations of glucose. This honey should show very little sign of crystallization starting to happen when you first buy it. That's fine. It's the only way you know it hasn't been exposed to heat or has had any added chemicals to it. Crystallization is a sign of natural honey, which is what you need. After the honey crystallizes, it shouldn't go completely solid, but rather like a lumpy, grainy, toothpaste texture. This honey is still safe to use and has not lost any of its chemical properties. It's just arranged differently, with some expelled water content.

    -Some types of honey tend to crystallize less, or even not at all, but these types tend to be exotic, and most likely not something you'd find at your supermarket shelf. If you want the best possible honey, look up "Honey Dew Honey". It has probably _THE_ highest concentration of glucose oxidase out of all honey types, and it does not crystallize easily. You can probably buy some online, although they may be a bit expensive.

    -Do not put Manuka honey in your eyes. It may even not do anything harmful to you, but it has extra ingredients which have not been tested to be safe for your eyes.



    i put a small amount of honey (without water) into my eyes.  it stings a bit and then it goes away. i did this for a few days already. when do u usually see changes in your eye colour?? IM REALLY EXCITED :)


    i have been putting tiny amount of honey (without water) into my eyes for the past 3 days. stings abit and thats fine, i can bare it. i dont see any results.  my question is ..when do we usually see some results or change of colour in the eyes?  I RLY WANT TO KNOW! IM EXCITED! ahhaa this is lke a big amazing secret that only some people should know :) i love it. 

  • also, if anyone is interested the pH of tears in the eyes is between 7.1 and 7.4 :)


  •  Thought you might all find this interesting. :) -acsecnarf

    "The slow-release mechanism in honey that produces hydrogen peroxide is a chemical reaction.  Honey contains glucose and an enzyme added by honeybees called glucose oxidase.  Under the right conditions, glucose oxidase has the ability to break down glucose into hydrogen peroxide.

    Honey itself does not have the right conditions for this reaction to occur.  To become active and begin breaking down the glucose in honey, the glucose oxidase requires a pH of 5.5 to 8.0.  The pH of undiluted honey is between 3.2 and 4.5 which is far too low to activate the enzyme.  Another condition is also required before the glucose oxidase becomes active.  For the enzyme to break glucose down into hydrogen peroxide, a certain amount of sodium most be present.

    Honey alone does not contain enough sodium to make this happen.  However, skin and body fluids have relatively high pH and sodium levels.  When honey comes in contact with skin or an open wound, the high pH and sodium levels activate the glucose oxidase and it begins to break down the glucose, releasing hydrogen peroxide."

  • can i use orange blossom honey on my eyes or dose it have to be natural ??

    plz some1 answer my question

  •  so i read on the isis website that honey loses all its healing properties when exposed to heat. is this true? because my honey was a bit hard and i put the jar in some hot water to get it to a smoother consistency and i don't wanna be wasting my time with this old honey if it doesn't even have hydrogen peroxide in it anymore lol

    does anyone know if this is true?



  • "Hi there!

    So I have also read this ENTIRE thread and I've seen several people mention that hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in honey which bleaches the eye.

    Now, I understand that HP (hydrogen is used to treat cuts and stuff like that. Right now I have a bottle of 6 and 8% HP in my medicine cabinet.

    So my question is: Is it safe/better to use the HP from the bottle rather than going through the whole honey process. I mean it has the active ingredient so won't it be faster? Is it safe??

    thanks in advance





    honey is a pure substance that reacts with your body to bring good results. hydrogen peroxide alone is dangerous!

    honey  has HP in the right amount so it will not hurt you

    take care and hope you understand


    "i tried putting organic honey + water ..and put drops in my eyes. it stings and it goes away. but later on my eyes get kinda dry and near the tear feels ..weird.  is this all normall???!!! plz help"

    i dont know  what you mean exactly, but usaly i get a try but sticky patch wherethe honey touched  all i do it wash my face and its gone


  •  Hi there! 

    So I have also read this ENTIRE thread and I've seen several people mention that hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in honey which bleaches the eye.

    Now, I understand that HP (hydrogen is used to treat cuts and stuff like that. Right now I have a bottle of 6 and 8% HP in my medicine cabinet.

    So my question is: Is it safe/better to use the HP from the bottle rather than going through the whole honey process. I mean it has the active ingredient so won't it be faster? Is it safe??

    thanks in advance


  • i tried putting organic honey + water ..and put drops in my eyes. it stings and it goes away. but later on my eyes get kinda dry and near the tear feels ..weird.  is this all normall???!!! plz help

  • 'once again buttercup, thank you so much! you are always so thorough in your replies :) i agree, it is definitely a long term thing. i think i know which yahoo question you're talking about. it was the girl's reply that got me interested in honey for lightening eyes in the first place! i believe she said her eyes turned light brown and her sister's turned bright green right? lol. well i will not lose faith and keep this up and hope for the best! and i will take breaks too :)


    no prblem we help  each other out, when we help each other  we'll know for sure that its the real thing or  if it  doesnt really work  :)

    loooooooooooooooool i think  every body red that yahoo thread. i hope all of us get great results!

    you know whats  weirds, ive been using a really good  form of honey in my country. but i dont have organic, still its really good. yesterday moms comes to me holding a jar of raw un filtered honey, we didnt know we had it, its been in a bag for a year!. i couldnt believe it. its organic raw unfiltered honey !

    i got scared cus i know honey doesnt rotten but still, anyways i will be using it!. i hope i see great result with it, if not ill go back to the normal honey i use.

    "i have a question..what kind of honey can i use?? can i use manuka honey?? and are u guys FOR SURE will not get me blind? i need my eyes for my career but i RLY want light eyes. i wanted light eyes for many many many years "


    lool i can promise you anything, all i can tell you is i didnt go blind, and i know i wont :)

    its only honey i put eye liner and never doubt how its made, honey is natural so im not worried about it


  •  i have a question..what kind of honey can i use?? can i use manuka honey?? and are u guys FOR SURE will not get me blind? i need my eyes for my career but i RLY want light eyes. i wanted light eyes for many many many years 

  •  once again buttercup, thank you so much! you are always so thorough in your replies :) i agree, it is definitely a long term thing. i think i know which yahoo question you're talking about. it was the girl's reply that got me interested in honey for lightening eyes in the first place! i believe she said her eyes turned light brown and her sister's turned bright green right? lol. well i will not lose faith and keep this up and hope for the best! and i will take breaks too :)


  • " thanks buttercup! you're absolutely helpful :)

    so i've read this thread and saw your webpage and i think you did the honey thing for a month and then stopped right. and then you've started up again and now you've done it for a month so far i think... when you re-started did you notice the lightening effect happen even faster than the first time you did it? or is the change after this month the same as it was the last time you did it? and how light would you say your eyes are? like are they like a reddish mohogany brown or is it a more gold brown almost honey colored? i've done it for about 2 weeks and no changes yet and i do the same thing as you. :/

    thanks again!


    hey acsecnarf :)

    it actually took a longer time for me to see result this second time then the last time. at one point i didnt see a change at all, i was a little discouraged. then when i started taking breaks i saw faster results. i think my color now is redish mahogony or almost close to that. i didnt understand why it was taking longer! made me crazy, but i stuck by it. then i figured out why, the amount of honey i started adding changed dramatically compared to the first time i did it. instead of adding a small drop of honey in each eye, i actually started adding a big blob of it in my eyes lol.  i was telling my sister i think thats why my progress stalled. so i started doing it the old way now, and hoping i'll see a faster change.

    so i say if you are doing it for two weeks and havent seen result, dont worry about it, just keep doing it, keep thinking of the long term results, not only for your eye color, but your eyes health :D


    i red somewhere on yahoo, that a girls eye color changed cus her gramma always made them put honey in there eye, she and her sister have light eyes now. but as she said it took a long time. so if anyone wants to do this, i think they MUST see it as a long term thing not a short term thing. but i believe with time, the color will change, its only natural. since hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in honey that makes it a disinfectent, and its a bleaching agent ,with time, it will naturally change the eye color. to me when i think of the color change that happends, even if it changed it from dark brown to lighter brown for me, thats BIG proof for me. i mean i have for years tried to lighten my eye color, NOTHING worked, not even hypnosis. and just by applying honey this happend. that is just cool!

    just keep it up,at two weeks i didnt see results either even the first time i did it, but in a little while, you will notice a big change!

    :)  buttercup

  •  thanks buttercup! you're absolutely helpful :) 

    so i've read this thread and saw your webpage and i think you did the honey thing for a month and then stopped right. and then you've started up again and now you've done it for a month so far i think... when you re-started did you notice the lightening effect happen even faster than the first time you did it? or is the change after this month the same as it was the last time you did it? and how light would you say your eyes are? like are they like a reddish mohogany brown or is it a more gold brown almost honey colored? i've done it for about 2 weeks and no changes yet and i do the same thing as you. :/ 

    thanks again!


  • "Hi Buttercup!

    Thankyou for all the answers!,

    I noticed you said you put honey directly in the cornerof your eyes, im just wondering do you rub it on the white part of your eye? or the red/pink corner?? also is it normal for your eyes to get a little red after you put it in??

    Thankyou So much,


    hi there kate, yes i try to rub it on the white part of my eye. i start of at the corner then try to at least glide it side ways to let it touch the white part. yes its totally normal for your eyes to get red, for like 5 minutes. but then its sparkly and vibrant

    and your very welcome

  • Hi Buttercup!

    Thankyou for all the answers!,

    I noticed you said you put honey directly in the cornerof your eyes, im just wondering do you rub it on the white part of your eye? or the red/pink corner?? also is it normal for your eyes to get a little red after you put it in??

    Thankyou So much,


  • "got it. thanks so much for everything, buttercup! you've helped countless in this page. thanks! :)"


    no problem hun, i love to help! :D

  • "hi cling, i basically add  the honey, close my eyes, and take maybe 5 to 10 minutes, depending on when the "stinging" sensation stops lool. once it stops i go and wash my eyes :)"

    got it. thanks so much for everything, buttercup! you've helped countless in this page. thanks! :)

  • "I've got a question for buttercup,

    I know you said you did about every 2 days and someone else has said that they only saw change once they took a break but I've heard of people saying that once they stop, even for a few days, that their eyes immediately return back to its normal dark color. This doesn't happen to you? Or do you like notice the change more when you stop? Because I have stopped for a day or 2 and when I do that my eyes go back to dark brown so I was worried about taking breaks... thanks in advance



    hi acsecnarf

    good question, i noticed for instance if i go more then like almost a week ( maybe 6 days) without it then my eye color start to dim alittle. to be honest thats what happened to me yesterday, i have just moved into a new place and barely had the time to do the honey. but my eye looked great, however last night i noticed it dimmed a little so i went and added some honey to my eyes and it was back. so i think basically take breaks, dont leave it lool. but i think see how you react to it, if you feel taking 2 days is too much for you then do it everyday. every eyes are different, so maybe your eyes dont need too much breaks.  hope it answered your question.


    "cling here

    to buttercup: how long do i have to keep the honey in my eyes? i mean, do i put honey in there and that's it or do i have to wash my eyes with water after like 10 minutes or so?"

    hi cling, i basically add  the honey, close my eyes, and take maybe 5 to 10 minutes, depending on when the "stinging" sensation stops lool. once it stops i go and wash my eyes :)


    hope that helps

  • cling here

    to buttercup: how long do i have to keep the honey in my eyes? i mean, do i put honey in there and that's it or do i have to wash my eyes with water after like 10 minutes or so?

  •  I've got a question for buttercup,

    I know you said you did about every 2 days and someone else has said that they only saw change once they took a break but I've heard of people saying that once they stop, even for a few days, that their eyes immediately return back to its normal dark color. This doesn't happen to you? Or do you like notice the change more when you stop? Because I have stopped for a day or 2 and when I do that my eyes go back to dark brown so I was worried about taking breaks... thanks in advance


  • "Guest22538410

    hi everyone!!

    Ive been following this discussion for about a month now, Its been about a week that ive been using the honey/water mixture, and am eagerly awaiting results!!

    i just had a quick question for **Buttercup**,

    wondering if you've seen any results? and how long have you been using the honey??




    hey there :)

    i  have been using it now maybe a month. i dont know if you have red the discussion , but i have  tried it before and i posted up some pics. for some its not a big change to me it is!.

    i have been using honey for a month now i think, and my eye color is a lighter brown. i just moved into a new area, and my family have been commenting on my eye color!. i have a sister that hasthe  lightest brown eyes, now i think i am two or 3 shades away from her color! im offically the second lightest eye color in the family :P ( yes its all brown but still counts lol)

    so im keeping up, i dont know if the color will change to lighter, or stay, im a little nervous lol, i feel it will change ( at least hoping) becuase the change that i went through already is unbelievable.

    one thing i have said before and i will say it again, is dont over do it, its like exercising, you have to have a resting period to see the result, you cant expect to see muscle building when your constantly exercising. same thing with this. i dont put it on everyday, i do it every two days. or depending on how my eyes are feeling, if i feel they are tense, i go for a few days.

    hope this helps


    take care



  • hi everyone!!

    Ive been following this discussion for about a month now, Its been about a week that ive been using the honey/water mixture, and am eagerly awaiting results!!

    i just had a quick question for **Buttercup**,

    wondering if you've seen any results? and how long have you been using the honey??



  •  Dark Brown to Golden Drown here:

    @ Guest22527504

    i use honey with distilled water like equal amounts and then i would put just the honey in with my fingers like 2 minutes after just so i have better chances.  

  •  Dark Brown to golden brown here:

    @ acsecnarf, thankz...

    the best results i've had is with honey, i'll lett you guys on to a secret

    and i heard 2 other people on here say the same thing , when u use the honey and take breaks and let your eye recover and i did this by mistake and forgot my eye drops at my dads house and didnt do it for like 4 days and when i look in the mirror eyes color was lighter , that's when i really start taking the thing seriously, and almost everytime i take break i see change trust me!!!

  •  Dark Brown to golden brown here:

    @ acsecnarf, thankz...

    the best results i've had is with honey, i'll lett you guys on to a secret

    and i heard 2 other people on here say the same thing , when u use the honey and take breaks and let your eye recover and i did this by mistake and forgot my eye drops at my dads house and didnt do it for like 4 days and when i look in the mirror eyes color was lighter , that's when i really start taking the thing seriously, and almost everytime i take break i see change trust me!!!

  •  Hi guys! I am also close to give up on this. Honey is not working, I am thinking in combining it with chamomille tea, I've heard it also works, anyone heard of this?



  • Guest22245848 here

    Couldn't be bothered with Febuary. Honey Organic failed again- not even a small percentage of lightening. I dont think anything will be able to penertrate that iris to be honest. But furthermore good luck to everyone still trying. I'm trying hypnosis now which is fun but i need to master it more better, over relaxed and sleep. Anyway - I tried urine before and I never contracted an STD, then again i am pure if you know what i mean. It didn't work though, after hypnosis I may just give up though- theres just no way that my body is allowing me to go hazel. Or you could let a wicca do a 'white' spell to change it on ebay but Im not gambling my afterlife on eye colour. One final goodluck to everyone, hope you succeed. Be back in March x

  • to dark brown to light brown

    " and have seen result with using the honey and how to u use it . dou use it diluted or just the honey only, thankz in advance."

    i dont add anything to the honey, i dip my fingure into the jar, then rib my two index fingers togather, and then i rub it in the inner corner of each eye ( where the nose bridge is)

    i dont like complications, i keep it simple




  • acsecnarf here

    no problem dark brown to light brown! :) oh man, can you imagine if that would've happened to you! that would be so scary! glad i could share some of my findings and save you from any potential harm ;) lol

    i haven't read anywhere about any negative side effects of alpha arbutin so i'm sure that's fine! i couldn't really find anything online putting it in your eyes. i only found numerous articles of doctors advising against urine eye drops and there is a lot on the internet about the health benefits of honey! so even if our eyes never get lighter, at least we're saving ourselves from getting cataracts :)

    i use just plain old honey and i put it in an eye dropper and i just put a drop in each eye every morning and night. i've only done it for a week so i haven't seen much change in iris color but it's kept my eyes from drying out and has definitely made the whites whiter and the red blood vessels less noticeable so it's for sure a win/win. how has your progress come along?

  • dark brown to light brown here.

    thankz  a lot man!!! i mean nothing  has happened to me since i've been doing it but i'll just stick to the honey and alpha arbutin drops and stop the urine drops, Alpha arbutin is safe too put in the eys right ??? and have seen result with using the honey and how to u use it . dou use it diluted or just the honey only, thankz in advance. 

  •   i've been following this thread for a while now since i really wanna change my eyes from dark brown to light brown. I see we're getting back into the topic of putting urine drops in eyes. Please don't do this! No offense to anyone who has recommended this method, but PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH before following the advice of others and putting substances in your eyes. I have been putting honey in my eyes and I know people who have done it their whole lives with no side effects but as for urine.... I wouldn't take my chances. I'd rather have my dark eyes than risk becoming blind or contracting and eye std. Yes, you can get STD's in your eyes form urine. Please take a look at these articles. I don't want this happening to any of you just for lighter eyes, it's so sad!

    I'm just concerned is all. Safety first! I started putting pure honey in my eyes 2x a day for the past week. I'll keep you updated.


  • dark brown to golden brown

     @ Guest22521372 

    As gross as it sounds I just pee in a plastic cup and take my finger dip it in there and drop it in my eyes , dont think it will harm your eyes poeple have been doing it in middle east and if u google middle eastern people they all have these amazin light bright eyes. isnt it funny how all they things that lighten your eyes is it a golden amber like for example :unrine,honey, chamomile all have the same color .  

  •  How are you using the urine Guest22513794? are you diluting it or using it pure? and does it sting? gosh hard to know what to believe will work if it works at all. I have been using honey for months now and any change I can see I think must be all in my head. Sometimes in certain lights they looks lighter more transparent, but then in other lights/and at other times they just look the same. I am dipping a fair amount of straight honey into my eyes morning and night, it doesn't sting too much and is very tolerable I think this might be because the honey is good quality. I also use diluted honey both dropped into my eye, swiped across and also bathed in my eye using an eye bath. I'm keeping up with it as it seems to soothe my eyes in place of using eye drops, but in terms of lightining, I really don't think this is working. Guys I've been doing this for months! it's also hard when I go away or stay at my partners place as I can't do it at those times, so there are times where I can't keep up with the honey, but when I'm hone I do this regularly. If things change, if it's a time thing as one guest was saying you can't expect a lifetime of having an eye colour to change in a short amount of time then I will keep going for about a year. If no change at all by then then I would say this is just a waste of time. Tempted to try urine now alongside the honey to see if it does anything but a bit freaked out about how harmful this could be which is why I'm asking if it was diluted or used straight and if it stings. Thanks everyone, I really do wish the best for all of us, let's keeping hoping and communicating openly and honestly about our findings, methods and results :)

  • dark brown to golden brown here:

    @ Guest22513744 

    heres my complete process- i used honey with distilled water first and did it for 2 week didnt really see anything and thought i was seeing change that wasnt really there .so i just stop looking at my eyes in bright light but just kept using the drops cos it make them look and feel kinda fresh then the second week was looking in the mirror and kinda saw a golden look to my eyes then when i when to the bright mirror my eyes looked mad brown/golden but not in normal light to other people yet! then the process kinda really slowed down . read some reviews and decided to make the alpha arbutin drops which worked good kinda spread the golden color out a lil more. found something crazy out here's why people say urine lighten their eyes, did u know your urine is like 64 to 75 % arbutin , YES!!. ALL DOES WHO DONT BELEIVE ,ALL THE THINGS THESE PEOPLE HERE ARE SAYING IS STARTING TO MAKE SENSE. so mad Gross enough I put few drops of my urine in my eyes stuff kinda worked lightening a lil faster now. so i use honey/distilled water, alpha A sometimes and urine- the urine is really moving things along !!! trust me .


  •  @Guest22513744

  • Dear dark brown to golden brown;

    I see you used distilled water with the arbutin. Does it matter whether or not you use saline as opposed to distilled water? 

    Can you tell us how many days you have used the arbutin?  Are you seeing any changes?  If so, can you try and describe what you are seeing please?

    Thanks in advance!

  •  dark brown to golden brown here:

      let me help you guys ! i was reading some of the reviews and heard some people just read their ingredients and just make it themselfs. all u need is alpha arbutin power ( on ebay it's like 15$) , msm drops which are like $ 7 online , u mix the alpha arbutin with the rite amount of distilled water and u save money who's gonna pay a 100 bucks for something as simple as alpha arbutin power mixed with distilled and or saline solution and 60 something dollars for honey and chamomile with saline solution h**l no. I mixing them all myself and i'm getting my eyes lighter results take a while duo. will keep u guys up to date and will defenly show pic link when i get more results all ready took the before pics will take the after pics when it really shows. i use (honey in distilled water ) and ( Alpha arbutin with distilled). if u want a reponse or any questions just type username above your messge it's ( dark brown to golden brown) 


  • Has this honestly worked for someone? can it really change your eyes to light hazel/green?, We haven't hear one single testimonial of the final result being achieved.

  • For those who are using Arbutin, it would be much appreciated if you posted some honest updates so others can decide whether this is a viable option.


  •  honey... ok. ive added a small dose of water, cause i do it often, so it milds down. didnt add much water around a 4:1 ratio. i promise when i finish the solution ill use pure. too bad i have orange blossom. my mom's gonna tell me to buy the eucalyptus using my own money if i want it. or she'll ask me why. not about to tell her what im up to...

    should i just chuck the solution and use pure honey or finish it?

    oh and, im only turning 14 this october if that makes a difference.

    i have school, so i use it as much as i can. when i wake up 2 drops (around 6:30, school starts at 7 over here), after school and a few hours later if i have time. i take ice skating practices so sometimes it delays. im not about to go bring honey to school and tell my friends what im up to either... i add an extra few drops before bed... so about every 2-3 hours. when i can as much as possible.

    well, im an impatient girl, it will take all my energy just to wait! Well, i guess i cant wait for the results. HAHA

    some have been saying that with pure honey theyve been getting reddish results. i dont want red eyes so any ways to avoid that and make my eyes turn to a more golden direction? 


  • Hey everyone :)!! Sweetie here ;0 ive been following this thread for about a month now and read every posting. i started using the Gunter's brand of pure orange blossom honey. i first tried it with boiled water, but honestly its inconvenient so i started using the honey straight from the jar and rubbing it under my irises on my eyeballs....buurns like hellll!!! literally but i became tolerant of it. At first my eyes were dark brown but in natural light you can see a little more brown, which is typically how every brown eye is. i wear pure hazel contacts..for yeaarssss tired of em and i want the real we all do lol.  

    Anyways, after about 3 days of using the honey once a day at night before bed, i realized my eyes getting much darker to where i couldnt even see the difference between my iris and pupil in natural light,like i used to. But i figured maybe this is the route it has to take. about 2 days after i realized my eyes turning slightly mahogany and i was able to see the lines in my pupil, which i never seen before. so im excited. i took a break from it today. but ill start again tomorrow and i think i should increase the dosages. i wont stop till my eyes are green !!!  I'll keep u all updated.!! Holla at me if anything guys ;)

  • Filipinogirl

    Take a high dose of Vitamin C, approx 1000mg - 2000mg.

    Stick with the honey.  If you can find Eucalyptus honey they say it works better.

    How many times a day are you using the honey? As you've got really dark eyes be patient.  Think of it as a long term thing.  You've had the dark eyes for 16-17years so don't expect it to change in a month or two.  Set yourself a year to see what results you can get.

    I am very, very determined to get to green. Nothing apart from severe eye complications is going to stop me.  So far all is good.  Don't give up.  Apparently two other people from your area of the world have had good results with blackish eyes.


  •  @Coffee/chestnut

    We cant get msm drops here. and if we could, im a minor so my mom would think im idiotic to buy some, they are probably expensive too. I'm using pure honey, i havent tried the distilled water/honey solution but maybe it will work faster... any other tricks up your sleeve? How're your experiences? 



  • Hi Guest22477867

    Try using the MSM drops with the honey, apparently it works better.

    I don't know if you're using distilled water with the drops or just pure honey in the eye but they say diluted with distilled water works well.  I couldn't take that though.  My eyes ended up oozing white pus and it was horrible.  Maybe I used the drops too often.

    From  CoffChest

  • Buttercup & Coffee/chestnut

     Hello, Ive been following this blog for about a month. I live in the Philippines so I cant really get the Isis drop, and im not 18 yet, so my mom will think my request to buy Isis is pretty stupid. Ive been at the pure honey for a month, and Im getting slow results. My eyes are originally black so I am only starting to be able to see my pupil ever so slightly. Any suggestions on how to speed up the process? 

  • Thanks coffee/chestnut!

    I really want to try these drops. After thinking about your reply, I'm leaning towards just running to the restroom once an hour and letting them think I have bladder problems at work.  Otherwise, if I am seen putting in eye drops and claim to have some medical reason, then mysteriously as the months go by  my eyes change color, that might attract too many inquiries!  I feel this is a personal decision, and I plan on playing ignorant when/if someone asks about  my changing eye color. I have relatives that went from brown to green eyes as they aged, and this can occur naturally, so....I'll go with that explanation and leave 'em wondering.  : )

  • Hi Guest22474458

    It's Coffee/Chestnut.  The box comes with MSM drops and the Arbutin drops.

    The MSM has to be used hourly.  The Arbutin needs to be used twice a day at the most.

    So why dont you take your MSM drops to work and do that one hourly. That will give your cornea enough time to soften. If anyone asks, you're using the drops for medicinal purposes. Then as soon as you get home put one Arbutin drop in each eye, and once again at bedtime.  That would work well.

  • Hi coffee/chestnut,

    How many times a day to you have to put in the Isis arbutin?

    I'm wondering if I can try this without anyone noticing I'm running to the bathroom all day long to put eye drops in (or seeing me do it at my desk!).  I don't want to explain to anyone what I'm doing. 

  • Hi Buttercup,

    It's Coffee/Chestnut.  My results were similar to yours at 1 month.  I used the honey for 2 months and had the reddish mahogany too. 

    Since I've started using Isis, that reddish tone has now disappeared and it looks like I'm heading for more golden tones.  I've been using Isis for 6 days and there is some difference.  I'll keep at it and will post again when I see more results.

    For those whose eyes went from dark  brown to a hint of green within a month or so, I find this very hard to believe because I have been really diligent with my honey application. I haven't missed a day or an application. I refer particularly to Guest20349303 and Guest20439986.  May be it's due to the fact that my MSM bottle got infected bacteria on it and I couldn't use it.

    Not sure but I'm still baffled.

  •  Guest22443408 - As I stated in my post, I am using distilled water. I also boil it. So as to be doubly protected. 

    Buttercup - Your results look very much like mine so far. It adds a reddish mahogany color to eyes that are very dark. 

  • "Buttercup, do you have any before pics where you don't have a light pointed at your eyes? It makes it really hard to compare... Appreciate you going out of your way to do this."

    the last once on the page the only thing i did was point at my eyes and take the picture, i had no light pointed at them from any direction, just normal light in a room

    i actually took all the other pictures out and just left the before and after pics that have no flash light or anything pointed to my eyes lool

    "Buttercup, how many weeks exactly did you wait?"

    i think 3 weeks to maximum a month. i am a muslim and it was ramadan when i was doing it. so all i remember is I started doing it after ramadan started, and this picture was taken at the end of ramadan. ramadan is only a month :)




  • Buttercup, do you have any before pics where you don't have a light pointed at your eyes? It makes it really hard to compare... Appreciate you going out of your way to do this.

  • Buttercup, do you have any before pics where you don't have a light pointed at your eyes? It makes it really hard to compare... Appreciate you going out of your way to do this.

  • Guest22448256, the reason you should not use boiled water has nothing to do with results. It's about safety. Boiled water does not remove all impurities from the water, like heavy metals, for example. Even filtered, boiled water is less safe than distilled water.

    Buttercup, how many weeks exactly did you wait?

  • hey guys i posted up my eye pics on a website, take a look at the change, its subtle but its there :)
    Guest22443408 i didnt add water to my honey. but i was just saying to kelly she should use un microwaved water.
    here is the website
    ps: please i would appreciate it greatly not to have my pictures used for anything but to see the results. i have issue with privay! but i trust most pple are honest and trusth worthy :)
    take care

  • What's wrong with using boiled water instead of distilled water you still get the same results.

  • Kelly I can't wait to see your after pic! Finally someone that's actually gonna show proof of their results. I'll be sure to post my e-mail when your ready.

  • Kelly and Buttercup, you two shouldn't be using boiled water. You should be using distilled water, which is different than boiled water.

    Distilled water is the vapor you get from boiling water. You can do this by collecting the vapor from the inside of a pan lid, after you boil water in a pan with the lid closed.

  • hey kelly good to hear that!, are hydrogen drops safe? never heard of them can you explain to me?

    but just wanted to say about microwave, its not the safest thing to use, i stopped using microwaves for years now. if you want to use that your own choice, but i always like to inform pple when i knw something. microwaves are radiation waves, so it changes the biochemical makaeup of food. i dont know if it does that to water but if i were you id just used hot boiled water on the stove top. good luck and cant wait to see your results

    im looking for mine now and hopefully i can post them soon


  • This is "Kelly" again. I just took a "before" picture, now that I can tell this is really going to work. I've already been using it a month and a reddish mahogany color is beginning to come out. Before it was just black so you couldn't even see my pupils. I'll wait another month or two of use when the difference really begins to show to take another one and post my result. I'm using a good close up of the eyes, in the bathroom light, with no flash.

    BTW, I am using a combination of two drops Dr. Christoper's herbal eyebright and two drops straight hydrogen peroxide you get from the grocery store. I figured since hydrogen peroxide is the active ingredient in the honey, why not skip the honey and go to the source? I mix the 4 drops in an eye-wash cup with distilled water that has been boiled in the microwave and allowed to cool. I do this twice a day, about three or four days a week, and give my eyes a few days off. 

    After a few months of this I might even try the arbutin drops just to mix it up a bit. See which one gets better or faster results. So I can give my opinion on both or maybe take pictures of my results with both. But I don't want to use the MSM drops; I don't like the sound of thinning the walls of my iris. o_O When I have my "after" pic ready I'll tell you guys to post email addresses so I can send them to you, as I don't want to use my personal photobucket account for this.

  • Hey Coffee/Chestnut, Zweilersc here.

    Great to know you're being careful with this stuff! As for my own results, well.. I really can't tell if it's in my head. I have been using honey/water drops for the past month. I don't have access to MSM drops, and arbutin is hard to come by where I live, so I don't have much of a choice. Although I am determined to keep doing it for a few more moths at least. From what I've read, it takes months to years in order to see noticeable results using honey, so I must be patient.

    By the way, the Isis drops also take at least 8-12 weeks to show results, according to their site. Anyway, keep us posted! I'll let you know if I run into anything promising.

  • Hi Zwilersc from Coffee/Chestnut.

    Yea, the MSM drops did cause discharge but that could have been down to my solution being infected.  What I was doing at the time as putting the nozzle of the bottle right inside the corner of my eye which could have caused the tip and solution to pick up the bacteria.

    Anyway, will just have to try again and see what happens.  I refuse to give up. 

    PS: I've been taking pics in the conditions you've described since I started with the honey.

    So tell me are you still using the honey or have you given up?  And what colour have you gone from and to?

  • Coffee/Chestnut, Zweilersc here.

    I have seen that link before, and I didn't see anything convincing there. Only one person said she had positive results, and for all we know, that person could be a marketer for Isis. I have seen quite a few posts by people from Isis talking about their product online, but never any solid evidence that this thing actually works.

    Like I said, their formula sounds good on paper, but they seem to be a very small company, so the chances of someone posting results online are probably slim. I suggest you take a few "before" pictures that you can use for comparison in the future. Make sure you're in a room that has the exact same lighthing every time you take a pic, and that the pictures are always taken from the same position and distance from the eyes.

    By the way, the Arbutin drops come with MSM drops as well. You mentioned MSM causes your eyes to discharge, right?

  • Hi Buttercup

    Thanks for the long post.  It's Coffee/Chestnut here. Yes, I am doing what you're doing now.  I add a tiny blob of honey to my eyeball with my ring finger.  It seems to be doing something.

    False lashes are not helping my case as they block out light from hitting my iris, so I'm going all sorts of poses with my eye pulled open so that I can monitor the change  :)

    It works.  I don't deny that.  I've been doing for about 5-6 weeks now.

    I'm keen to try the arbutin as those results should be permanent whereas people say honey is temporary.  When you stop you'll gradually go back to the natural colour. 

    Wishful thinking - not sure how I'm going to explain (to friends and family) the eye colour change if I ever get drastic results.  It's a bit like a boob job. No one wants to admit to it do they!

  • hi coffee/chesnut dont get discouraged you just have to change your technique

    ive been actually following this page since august even though i didnt comment, but i did try it and  it did work, my eyes were dark brown and they got really light brown, it was awesome. it even shows in pictures. in a well lighted room my eyes where bright brown compared to before. before that time i had to bring  a lamp or flash light to my eyes to see the same results lol.

    ive tried everything before to get lighter eyes, i did the "change your eye color hypnosis" i saw a slight change but it was me wanting to see something then actual change lol.

    but i got off track because i got sick and i started working so the last thing on my mind was applying honey to my eyes.

    however when i did do it i kept it to the basics, i didnt add water or anything that might seem too complicated. just honey and thats it.

    what i did before was dip my index fingure in the honey jar then take my index fingure and rub it with my other index fingure and then apply it directly to my eyes.

    the moment i apply it to my eyes me and my sistera call it "transforming" and any time my sister talks to me while i have honey in my eye i tell her " im going through the transformation leave me alone!" and she leaves lol. we say that becuase it reminds us of were wolfs :P ( we are so influenced by tv lol) becuase it does cause some pain but the result are awesome. literly you go to the mirror after 10 minutes and your eyes look clearer. i used to "transform" two times a day.

    the honey thing really fixed my red eye problem. a year ago any time i wear eye makeup of any sort i get red lines in my eye, now my eye balls are really white and vibrant.

    one thing with honey it is really strong, and even though i did it twice a day, it some times gets two intense for my eyes. so i rest it every two or three days. if i felt like there is more tension in my eyes ( especially if ive been applying twice a day for two consecutive days) i have to take a break for a day or a day and a half at least. it is very much similar to exercise, think about it as a muscle, you cant work the muscle to much without giving it a rest, the resting period is where you can see the change happen.

    if you take breaks every two days or a day after you apply you will see result.

    my eye color is darker then my sisters and it took me longer but i stuck by it and i did see results. so even if you didnt see it from begining you guys just keep at it, but rest rest rest !

    so doing it 6 times a day coffee/chestnut is too much to handle i would think, because for me two is enough.

    i might add pictures later my sister has them hidden somewhere, so once i find them i will add them to a website then post the link here

    take care and happy eye color change!



  •  Hey guys "Kelly" here- A friend turned me onto this eye lightening thing. I'm using a combination of dr. christopher's eye-bright drops with a few drops of hydrogen peroxide (not honey) in distilled water. I've done it for about a month now, every couple weeks I give it a break for 3 days or so. Mostly bc it's a real pain in the a**e, as I wear contact lenses and have to take them in and out. I am also not using a dropper but an eye wash cup.

    I think I am barely starting to see some results going from black to a dark reddish brown. So far I'm not exactly sure if it's in my head. Seems like it would have to work eventually. My eyes also look bright and clear. I will post pics after my results become more visible. 

  • Zweilersc here

    That's a bummer, coffee/chestnut. Maybe it's best to just put off the honey for a while, you only got one set of eyes! I hope to hear back from you once you try the arbutin drops! Let us know how you like them, we'll be anxiously waiting for your reply.

    Good luck!

  •  coffee/chestnut - i'd love to see your progress with the isis arbutin drops!

  • Hi Zweilersc

    Coffee/Chestnut here - Yes distilled water with blossom honey does cause discharge.  And I added only 1 drop to each eye twice a day.


    I've bought the isis arbutin drops, which I guess will take weeks to arrive.  I'll keep you posted.

  • Hi Zweilersc

    Coffee/Chestnut here - Thanks for the advice.  I haven't actually used the distilled water but yes, I was getting discharge with diluted blossom honey too.  I think I was just using it too much and I agree 6 times a day is probably too much.

    I'm going to try the diluted blossom honey with distilled water.

    I have seen a change since I started in November, so this thing does work.  People haven't started noticing yet though.

    For those that have seen major results in 1 month could you please share your method?

  • Hi I've been doing this for a month and a half, and I have seen some results though the process is very slow. I have light brown /yellow eyes and my eyes have become a little bit lighter and I am seeing some hints of green but very little. I will keep doing this, I am very patient so no matter if I spend a whole year doing it I will have my hazel/green eyes.

    what I have noticed though is that people are starting to compliment how "bright" my eyes look

    they have become really shiny and alive in the sunlight.

    I will keep you updated.

  • Zweilersc here.

    Coffee/Chestnut girl, you mentioned blossom honey does not produce discharges. Is that only when pure, or dilluted in water as well?

    Also, have you tried msm + dilluted blossom honey 3 times a day? 6 times a day might be a bit much.

    Another thing you should note is that you shouldn't use boiled and filtered water on your eyes. What you need distilled water. You can make distilled water by collecting the water vapor from boiling pure water. If you read my long post on that other site, you'll see I mention a way of making distilled water at home. Also remember to wait til the distilled water cools down before you add the honey.

    There is a product called "Isis iris lightener" that I found on google, although it's a bit expensive for a month's supple. Their formula also uses MSM drops 3 times a day, along with alpha-arbutin instead of honey. I searched all over the web for someone who had a review, but I didn't find anything. The only before/after pictures I found were small and of poor quality. On paper, their formula sounds plausible. They have the MSM drops, which makes your ocular tissues penetrable, and the alpha-arbutin, is really is a melanin inhibitor (also used as a skin lightener). Technically, this really should work, but I haven't been able to find any solid reviews on it.

  • Hi Zweillersc

    It's Coffee/Chestnut.

    Well to sum it up in a nutshell I'm miserable.  Basically what happened was I got the bad eye infection that day and I wasn't about to go and tell my doctor what I've been up to.  He would have probably removed me from his list.

    So I looked around on the net to see what could be done.  I saw that 1/4 tsp of boric acid mixed in 1pint of boiled water works for people.  So I did that as I have boric acid at home and it worked a treat.  Infection/redness/discharge went almost instantly. I continued use of this until all discharge and redness had gone completely.

    So then I was OK.  So I returned back to the original method as described by you.

    Then I found that it came back each day and was particularly bad when I woke up each morning.  My eyes were glued together with white discharge when I woke up.

    I then proceeded to eliminate the MSM drops, I changed the honey and I tried various different things until the infection did not return.

    Basically now I'm on pure honey.  This is the only thing that stops me getting the discharge.  If I add boiled, filtered water to it, no matter which honey it is, I get discharge. 

    If I use Eucalyptus honey I get the discharge.

    If I use MSM drops I get the discharge.

    If I add the drops 6 times a day I get discharge.

    If I use pure blossom honey, I don't get it.

    So... to sum it up, I'm confused and unhappy.  Results are now slow.  I am adding pure honey 4 times a day.  Even then, its a tiny amount.  I've tested the pH value of the tears generated by using pure honey and the value is approximately 6.5.

    Not sure what to do.  I wanted quick results but this has been hindered by the fact that if I use MSM drops or diluted, Eucalyptus honey I get discharge within 3hours of using them.

    What shall I do?  I threw the MSM drops away in anger.

    Not a happy bunny. The eyes are lighter than chestnut in the light but if not in the light they look coffee.

    I've been doing this honey business since November 3rd, 2010.

    What colour were your eyes, what are they now and how long did it take.

    I can't understand how people have gone from black to green in 1 month.  If you are one of these people please share your method with me.


  • Zweillersc here.

    Coffee/Chestnut girl, I'm sorry to hear about your eye infection. I hope you got that sorted out. If you abuse too much of it, your eyes will eventually saturate with moisture and sugar from the honey. The hydrogen peroxide doesn't stick around forever, so after it's gone, it's still very possible for you to get an eye infection if you don't rinse your eyes regularly.

    Anyways, keep us updated on how it's working for you. I have heard mixed results from several differnet people trying this, and so far I have not been able to confirm any solid results. Are your eyes any lighter now than when you started? Are you still using MSM drops?

    Good luck and take care.

  • Oke so i just began yestarday and this is what i expirienced.

    When i applied it on my eyes i stung alot i geus it was because my eyes were really dirty i did 3 drops in each eye but they ended up being a little red. When i woke up my eyes felt beter than they did before i started & were cleared up by a tiny mini bit. I'm gonna keep you updated and i will come back on friday with new results.

  •  will my coffee dark brown eyes get lighter by doing this im aiming for a green color also im arabic, black, moroccan white n indian my great grandfather n my granny had hazel eyes so its in me right ??

    im doing the honey n water thing and also i will only eat fruits for 3 weeks i stared today n can already see the color becoming a bit lighter  :] wish me luck everyone .

  •  im from the philippines and im going to try this tomorrow. does it make a difference on filipino eyes? and from the different reviews im getting im confused, will it hurt or will it not hurt? wish me luck! I think my boring grey-ish-reddish-brown eyes need a change :| 

  • I have been trying different things for 2 months now. I first tried cheap honey without MSM for 2-3 weeks which failed and then cheap honey with msn which sort of made it better but still failed pretty much. Then I tried arbutin with msn for a week which is really rubbish and gave me a migraine alot (actually made my chestnut brown eyes darker I believe) - not a good sign. Now I'm on organic honey with MSM and I'm waiting for the PH strips. I've asked my scientist friend and he said that hydrogen peroxide really does create the most at 6.1 and that to lighten eyes it would have to somehow get in (MSM), so I ahve yet to wait and find out - It will take forever If you dont use MSM or get the strips as it wont get in or fully create hydrogen. I have uploaded a before pic on flickr which I will share the url to you all in 2 months time (early Feb) to tell you what happened. I really want hazel/green. I have white great grandparents on both sides with my grandad having hazel eyes and my mum having light brown so we shall see - but I'm sure it would work anyway - not like your activating a dormant gene. See you in Feb.

  •  Has someone with light brown eyes tried this? I have light brown/yellow eyes that look a golden color in the sunlight, it is not an ugly color but I've always wanted green/hazel eyes I have put honey mixed with water as mentioned in this thread for about 3 weeks and my eyes have become of a more solid yellow color, but the progress is really slow.I wonder, will it be easier for me as I have lighter eyes? My dad has gray eyes and my mother has brown eyes, so I must have a reccesive light color gene. Should I keep tryig this?

  • i think im going to try this. i dont think people would put good stories up if it didnt work. but my dad usually buys honey, honey tastes disgusting but whatever, i want to make my eyes lighter too. but i was wondering if clover honey is a natural, is clover honey like all natural or do i have to buy all organic/natural honey, please respond back ? :)

  • hi i have dark brown eyes and in some lights they look a little redish brown

    i did this for about a week but then i started to lose faith. when i did it my eyes turned maby 1 or 2 shades lighter in the first couple of days and i liked the colour but it just wouldn;t get any lighter than that and  i still want hazelish eyes but to get to the point i want someone to tell me if im doin wrong maby i didnt do it often enuff or my salution wasnt right so heres what i did.

    i bought some natural honey then boiled water let it cool then made i mixture of about 2 thirds honey 1 third water.

    i putt about 3 drops in about trice a day: before and after bed.

    the change wasnt big but i noticed it and i got excited but then after a week it didnt get any lighter then  the enitial couple of shades so i just gave up

    should i have put it in more often ?

    shoud i have mixed it differently?

    should i have percevered and tried for a bit longer

    or are my eyes just not meant 2 be any lighter than they are

    (by the way, im mixed race:my dad is black brown eyes, my mum is whit blue eyes, her mum has brown eyes if any of that is relivent

  • Coffee/Chestnut here,

    Don't know if I got too excited.  I have now got eye infection.

    Either from overdosing on honey water or from touching the corner of my eye with the eye dropper too much.

    Honey is meant to be good for eye infections.  So hopefully it will sort itself out.

  • Reply to Guest22150246

    Coffee/Chestnut here

    Oh, mine is slow too but I've seen a little change from yesterday after getting the proportions right. You know I mentioned below that Zwilersc described the way to mix the solution, well I spent a lot of time the other night, getting the pH value right since the test strips arrived and I think I can actually begin to see a difference since using the new solution yesterday.

    Basically my solution amounts to 1 teaspoon of honey in approximately 100ml of luke warm, Brita filtered, boiled water. The pH value is around 6.

    The solution doesn't sting AT ALL when put in the eyes now. Whereas before it did sting which made me tearful (and I guess most of the solution just washed away), hence no effect.

    I'm literally obsessed with it now. No joke but I think I look at my eyes around 15 times a day in different light and different angles. I will not rest until I've gone hazel or green. I started on November 3rd 2010 so it's roughly a month now.

    I've seen more change in the last day (with new solution) than I've seen in 2 weeks.

    Please note I am also using MSM drops around 4 times a day.

    Good luck and readers, please let me know if you're getting results with other proportions.



  •  Coffee/Chestnut,


    My progress is so slow. Are you seeing any further results??

  •  Guest20349303 how long did it take before you saw changes in your eye color before useing the msm drop and only honey , please and thank you.

  •  Guest20349303 how long did it take before you saw changes in your eye color before useing the msm drop and only honey , please and thank you.

  • Reply to Guest22036662

    I pre-mix the solution and use it for about a week.  I keep it on the edge of my sink, not refridgerated or anything like that.

    I was hoping to move from chestnut to hazel but that doesn't seem to be happening too quickly.

  • I hear you're saying you put the honey 6 times a day in your eye does that mean that u reboil water 6 times a day? Or how do you store it?

  • hi guys, here is what i did for my eye lightening. be hold lol.  it's going to sound crazy but it works. this is the technique used in far eastern countries.
    i came across a website i read the full list of ingredients in details. the ingredients used are alpha arbutin (10% with 90% distilled water) and msm eye drops with distilled water.  i also heard that people in far east use urine to lighten the colour of their eyes. my research showed that urine contains 60% to 70% of a substance called arbutin. (a natural lightening agent found in pears and bearberry)
    so i ordered alpha arbutin powder mixed it with distilled water. the ph should not be more that 6.1 i also ordered msm powder and mixed it with distilled water.
    i use msm drops (they soften the walls of iris) then use my arbutin drops (to lighten the pigmentation of iris) and this solution is strong enough to lighten the eyes permanently. so why pay someone $95 for something you can make yourself.
    p.s arbutin and msm are non toxic and do not harm eyes in any ways but please do your own research before using anything.

  • Thanks Zweillersc

    Coffee/Chestnut here. 

    Good job you told me how to use the strip because I'd have just dunked it into the solution otherwise.

    It's been 19 days and I'm now going to a deeper, richer chestnut. 

    In response to the others, I'm using the drops around 6 times a day.  Basically everytime I visit the bathroom! 

    Can anyone organise a place where we can all post our pics?

  • How many drops should i put in???how mant times a day should i put in the eyedrops???..

  • Everyone here has brown eyes.. what about ones that are greyish blue/green? Can anyone with these color eyes tell me about their experience?

  • Reply to Guest21829354

    Zweillersc here. One thing I forgot to add on that post is that you should wait until the distilled water cools down before you mix in the honey. Also, when you're testing the pH of the solution, make sure you don't stick the pH tester into the solution. Put a few drops onto the pH testing paper instead!

    Also, you may notice that if you leave the solution in the eyedropper for a few days, it starts smelling a bit "rotten", which is peculiar since hydrogen peroxyde is a powerful anti-bacterial agent. I would suggest changing it out every few days, just in case.

    Good Luck!

  •  Can anyone send pics of before and after?

    If this is true, then why don't people stop selling colored contacts and switch to honey?

    What will happen if I put honey in my dark brown eyes? What color will they become exactly?


    Please answer

  • Reply to Guest21821219
    I'm the coffee to chestnut girl.  You've got to be really, really patient.  I wear false lashes and they block the light from hitting my iris so the results seem even slower than they actually are!  But believe me it DOES work for all of those in doubt.  I add the drops about 6 times a day. I am desperate to go from coffee to green so I will keep doing it even if it takes 6 months.  I am convinced it will work based on reports below that other people have managed to do it.
    For all those that are serious about this and want to know the precise method of how to mix the solution read what 'Zweilersc' has posted on this blog:

    I was using undiluted honey and after reading this I switched to diluted.  I am waiting for my testing strips to arrive in the post.

  •  I´m going to try the honey thing because my husband said he does not like my eye color and i guess you can say i´m now traumatized! Thanks a lot BABE!

    but i don´t think you can go blind well if you use honey that contains chemicals or whatever they put in our food because everything actually has c**p in them or whatever but yeah im also gonna start doing the raw food diet i´m excited WOOHOO!!! Sorry I am a bit hyper.

  • Using boiled water that has cooled down to a lower (but still warm enough to go into solution with the honey) is safer. Boiling the water purifies it because it denatures anything potentially harmful in the tap water.

  • Using boiled water that has cooled down to a lower (but still warm enough to go into solution with the honey) is safer. Boiling the water purifies it because it denatures anything potentially harmful in the tap water.

  • Couldnt you just use hot water instead of boiling it???

  • Couldnt you just use hot water instead of boiling it???

  • Hey,

    So I appreciate the coffee brown to chestnut brown entry. I've been at it 8 days now and don't have great results. So far, the color change is not even close to significant; in fact, I often feel as though I am making it up in my head because of how badly I want it to change.

    I put in drops of diluted raw, pure honey at least three times a day. For me, it burns, but its do-able. I diluted the honey with warm water at over a 1:1 ratio; I'd say the solution is more like 75% honey to 25% purified water. I expect it to take a good 20 days or so before I can tell a difference, so I'll update here. I'll increase the frequency of the drops as I am able, but I am busy and its inconvenient to re-do my eyeliner and have red, teary eyes during the day:)

  • Hi

    I've been trying too. In 10 days I've gone from coffee brown to chestnut brown. I wouldn't say its a noticeable change for other people, but I can see the difference.  I've been putting pure, undiluted honey in about 6 times a day every day.  I did notice however, that using MSM drops for the past 2 days has accelerated the change.  Otherwise it was a bit slower to see anything different.

  • well i'm trying it and it seems to be working..i can see my pupil now..but i just wanted to ask how long will it take for my eyes to turn hazel?


    Message: Hi,

    I am laetitia; i am interested in purchaing the iris lightener kit ; Is the Iris Lightener patented or certified? because you do not give any details about it. Is the product manufactured by you or by a company who is qualified in manufacturing eye's products? You are advising the customer to read or research about the product before placing an order but for this product i have search the web but there is no actual research or proof of other similar existing product so how do we know if it is possible to lighten the iris? I asking many question  :) just to make sure that the product is not harmful




    From Isis Cosmeceuticals 

    show details Oct 8

    Good Afternoon,

    We do not have a patent on our Iris Lightener Kit, that isn't necessary. Certified? What type of certification are you referring to? Like the description on the product page states, it is a simple mixture of harmless natural & gentle ingredients. The product itself is sterile & is formulated by professionals in a sterile environment.

    Yes, we state that individuals need to do their own due diligence & research the "ingredients" contained in this product. That's common sense. Yes, currently we are the only company that sells this type of product, there have been others in the past but they were running scams. Yes, our product does work. The before & after pictures listed on the website proves this.

    Harmful? Ma'am I think you should probably seek another company to purchase from (if possible) because to assume that we are possibly be selling harmful products, then determine how harmful this product may or may not be by the response you get from this inquiry is ridiculous. Subconsciously you're not comfortable with buying this product anyway. Good evening:)



    Don't purchase because from the email you can see that the seller is not confident about the product



  • Could someone please post some pictures on the net for all to see. Before and after pictures for brown to hazel would be perfect.

    I've trawled the net and even Youtube for images but not seen any before and after ones

    Thanks.<br />

  • According to what everyone is saying, adding the pure honey without it being mixed in water works better than honey diluted in water in equal parts.

    Is that correct?

    I want fast results, should I just put the honey on my finger then and just place it on my eyeball?

  • ok at Guest20017139,, Make sure its NATURAL PURE honey, non of that added chemical c**p, and I just dipped my finger in the honey and just tapped my eye with it, ur eye will close and burn like crazy but thats normal lol. Just run it around from the outside of ur eye lid and do it about 3 to 5 times daily, or more if u insit. If u stop ur eye will go back to a normal color so do it every day.(:

  • ok i JUST used it,, it does in fact burn and ur sight gets a bit blury for a few seconds but ur eyes will get calmer and now my eyes do look cleaner(: My eyes r dark brown, almost black..Right after i put the honey and let it soak it my eyes looked almost a bright bright brown, i will keep using honey(: And get all natural honey, should say organic. Nothing with any added chemicals, that could cause serious pain n blindness. Honey is probably the best way to go. I wear light gray blue contacts but i'm tired of people saying oh u have pretty eyes n having to say oh thanks but their contacts. I want a light hazel/green color(: And within a few weeks/months of using honey 5 times a day, i will get there(: Be patient, u might not see result until the 3rd day maybe even within the first week. Dont give up(: Lighter eyes ARE possible(:

  • today is my third day with pure honey on my eyes,,,,,still no result

  • really does it really work?

    can someone show pictures of a play by play

    like maybe a before and after pics. on an open website like photobucket possibly.

    please it would really help to see someone that has done and has worked.

  • use 100% pure honey or unprocessed honey

  • can someone tell me what type of honey should i use
    or it dose not matter can you tell me please

  • it will stay the same as long as you keep doing it. it is not permanent but if you keep putting honey, it will remain that way

    if you pu the honey in your eyes and you already see a change will your eye color stay the same?
    ex; my eyes are light brown and im trying to make them hazel.
    and THEY ARE getting quite lighter. But I Dont know if its going to last
    anyways, thank you.
    please answerrr the question (:

  • Yes. It does really work. For all the people who say you would go blind, that's impossible.

       Honey has been used as a natural medicine even in the early centuries to cure infections in the eye.

       It does not exactly change your eye color from black to blue because the honey can only penetrate the eyes to an extent and does not go further through the iris and doesn't affect the melanin levels, but it does lighten depending on how often you put the honey mixture.

       Brown eyes can turn into light hazel or amber because brown eyes contain green pigments. Using honey can really turn brown to a green shade. Other eye colors like blue or gray won't necessarily change anymore but it will definitely turn brighter.

       Example: green eyes after use will turn very bright, bright green.
       But first, here's what you have to do:

    1. Boil water then cool it to a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 minutes.
       It is important to cool it off first because hot water may cause honey to
       lessen the effects of the natural agents that honey contains.

       Important note: do not boil honey, just the water.

    2. Add honey about the same amount as the water you've put in.

    3. Use a sterilized dropper or clean hands then apply approximately 3
       drops of the mixture, 5 time a day. If it tingles pleasantly and  
       doesn't sting too much, you have the option of adding more honey to make
       the mixture stronger. It has to sting a little so you can produce tears,
       but don't cry it out. When honey mixes with your tears it makes hydrogen  
       peroxide which cleans your eyes thus making them clearer and lightens the
       shade of your natural eye color a notch. It makes them clearer because
       honey contains anti-bacterial agents and kills all the germs and dirt
       that have been accumulated in your eyes for years. So I am telling you
       again that the chances of it causing you to go blind are astronomical.
       Just make sure to mix it with water first because honey by itself is too
       thick and sticky.

    You should really try this and I am recommending it

    Important note:
       Use pure or natural honey. Use the mildest honey you can find, without
       any bits in them. And remember to be patient it usually takes 2 or  
       more weeks to really see a difference.

  • ok i would realy lov to try to do this on a regular basis but im just too busy with wel everything so ill just do it wen i can and hope it works

  • honey will never make you go blind. the stinging in eyes is due to honey killing bacterias and other germs. the more you will put it the less it will eventually hurt. a generation back we used to use honey for eye infections and many other things but due to the new eye drops no one uses it now. i don't know if honey can make your eyes lighter but it definately gets rid of your eye infections it's a known part of Islamic and cultural teaching. my late grand dad and my dad both have hazel eyes. they both used honey. none of our generation have light eyes because it's not in the genes. so may be it is because of honey. my grand dad used to use pure organic honey on its own and back home in Pakistan u get plastic or wooden sticks that you dip in honey and then gently swipe in your eyes. my grand dad used to put into his eyes at least once a day. God bless his Soul. good luck

  • Okee, so i had stopped for a couple of days and i recently really saw  progress like my eyes look more awake the eye white is brighter and my eye coler is a tad lighter im gonna begin again

  • just us the most natrual one u can find but not the 1 wiv bits in

  • keep ur eyes the way it is

  • Hello Guys, what type of honey are you using? i wanted to get the manuka honey what what is all this +10 antibacterial; please advise;raw or filtered?which one is better

  • I've been doing this for about a week now, every morning and night. I make quite a strong mixture (more honey than water) and I put lots of it in my eyes... I thought I could see a difference but now they just look like they did before. I went away for the weekend so couldn't do it for a couple of days. Started again tonight and will keep perservering with it. If nothing else it might be helping to keep my eyes healthy and they do seem nice and white, not bloodshot at all which is good. Will update if I see any significant change. Good luck to others who are hoping like me for this to work. Can people please keep us updated whether it's working or not?

  • well wen i started bout a week ago my eyes looked at least 1 or 2 shades lighter after bout 2 3 days but then i stopped for a couple day coz i couldn't be bothered and it gone back to the way it was so i have to start agian but im still gonna go for that hazel colour i want

  • naa am just gn go to my gp n see if its safe , id recomned ya al ta do dat =]

  • well well well is that really work!!!!!!!!!!

  • has anyone felt like the longer you use this method, the longer the effect stays?

  • Okeey, so ive had them for about 2 days 2 times a day, but i'm gonna enlarge that nummber. So i have been seeing some change.
    My natural eyes are basically so dark that you can't see my iris.
    In house lighting i see a little diffrent cause i can seperate my iris from my actual color
    In full sun light they almost look hazel (The look i'm going for)
    And in regular outside light its almost as the house light but a little better
    And i don't know if its permenant or not i'll have to see :)

  • It would be REALLY HELPFUL if everyone doing the honey in your eyes experiment actually left updates on how it's going like some people are doing. My eyes are a dark brown and I just want them a shade or two lighter, I don't expect a miracle like them turning light hazel or green or whatever because I know it's not possible. And is the color change permanent or just temporary?

  • I'm gonna try it !
    So this is basically what i'm gonna do ;;

    1 I'm gonna boil water
    2 Let it cool a bit max 1 minute (I use a little water so it cools quite quick)
    3 I add a small amount of honey 50/50
    4 I Wash my fingers
    5 I apply it as if i'm applaying contacts
    6 Once more
    7 I Blink my eyes and try to not cry it out ( if somthing enters the eyes i automatically get teary :()

    I'm gonna do it twice a day minumun once at the night.
    I'll come back and update ya'll !
    Goodluck to the rest and keep us posted aswell

    xoxo ( If you want me to answere any qeustion or just ask tips or how its going basically put my name in your message and i'll get back too ya within 2 days love)

  • ok its only my second day and im getin realy bored i can bearly see a difference how long does it take to see a difference please answer and also is this permenant or does it just always go back to the way it is but i will keep trying for at least 2 weeks but if i dont see a difference in just gonna quit :(

  • hmmm my eyes got lighter yesterday but when i woke up this morning they were back to the way they were so im gonna make the formular stronger and start putting it in every hour, what do u think?

  • hmmm my eyes got lighter yesterday but when i woke up this morning they were back to the way they were so im gonna make the formular stronger and start putting it in every hour, what do u think?

  • Alright it bout 8 now and i started a few hours ago and iv ALREADY SEEN A DIFFERENCE!!! like just around the puple its slightly lighter IV ALWAYS WANTED HASLE EYES and iv resuched it alot and just so pple r clear ill do instructions step by step
    1.go buy some honey (pure and natural and if u have sensitive eyes get a mild one)
    2.boil some water and then wait till its lukewarm them do a fomular of about 50 50
    3.either drip it in with a spoon or somthing or dabb a bit in with your finger like your putting in a contact this about 2 or more times a day and you should see a difference in a few days but depending it could take about a week to see a real difference
    hope it helps good luck xx :) ;p

  • Alright it bout 8 now and i started a few hours ago and iv ALREADY SEEN A DIFFERENCE!!! like just around the puple its slightly lighter IV ALWAYS WANTED HASLE EYES and iv resuched it alot and just so pple r clear ill do instructions step by step
    1.go buy some honey (pure and natural and if u have sensitive eyes get a mild one)
    2.boil some water and then wait till its lukewarm them do a fomular of about 50 50
    3.either drip it in with a spoon or somthing or dabb a bit in with your finger like your putting in a contact this about 2 or more times a day and you should see a difference in a few days but depending it could take about a week to see a real difference
    hope it helps good luck xx :) ;p

  • ok i just started today and i realy hope it works. im mixed race and my eyes are dark brown but they day it more likely to work if youve got so me recesive genes and my mothers eyes were blue so maby itle work i dunno il write back in a week if it does but it sounds pretty good and btw if u just wanna post her 2 put peope down and say it wont work or well go blind u can p**s of i no for a fact i wont go blind.

  • Actually, Its more effective when the solution is exposed to NO HEAT and LIGHT because those are the two factor which kill the enzymes in honey that produce Hydrogen Peroxide.  Must be better to mix water with honey after the waters cooled down.

  • I started using honey too and I made a few mistakes, wanted to share.
    Before honey I frequently used Chamomile tea. Since Chamomile is a great anti-inflammatory agent, It helps remove all the redness and pinkness in both the white part and the colorful part of the eye.  It does not change the color of your to brown to blue. However since its very strong, it helps create contrast between the iris and the pupil, making my eyes appear brighter. (Also make them more photogenic too) So I figured, why not combine Chamomile tea and honey huh?  Well It didn't work as I thought it would.  the combination was too heavy. And the tea left alone for a long time appears to get old fast, In spite of honey being an anti0bacterial agent, I didn't feel that comfortable using it. Yet If you want to give honey a break for a day or two, using chamomile tea will definitely help continue the lightening process as it would heal all the irritation that honey might cause if you have sensitive eyes.  Just sharing... (Imagine a hallow layer of pink color being removed from your eyes, this would help brown look hazel, hazel look green, green look more blue etc.)

    The second mistake I did was when I combined honey and water, I the water temperature was cold.  Thus since I'd been using it for about a week I didn't see much difference (but I did see some though)  When honey is mixed with warm water, the reaction rate occurs faster, thus it should release more hydrogen peroxide.  but DO NOT MIX WITH BOILING WATER, I read somewhere that this may ruin the honeys natural properties, but I'm not so sure...

    Any way, thought Id share, and I definitely recommend chamomile tea too!  

    My eyes are dark hazel with a lighter green ring around it, but they seem to be getting brighter. I just need to be patient.

  • Okay everyone, I decided to try this since people are so interested/ those who have done it say it works. Today was my 3rd day and I've already started to see a difference in my eye color. I have dark brown eyes and they now have an amlost gold/hazel tint to them. However the color doesnt last all day but typically only after I put the honey in my eye (and only lasts a short time). But again, this is only my third day so this may be the beginning of a permanent change? And my eyes looks very clean and clear afterwards so it does cleanse nicely. I will update again after a few more days.

  • i'm gonna try it right now, and i hope it works. :)

  • Ay im tellin yal this really works. It doesn't change your eye color durastically but you most definetly see the change. Boil half water half honey let it cool off and put it in a eye dropper put 2 drops in each eye. I usually do it 3 times a day. It burns a little but you get use to it. It dont harm your eyes one bit it acually cleans it out. My eyes always feel fresh and clean. I would certainly recommend doin this if you want your eyes lighter. The best part about this is my eyes look transparent whenever I am outdoors or when theres bright light anywhere. This never happened before.

  • OMMGGGGGG so u seee at first i really wanted to chage my eye colour cuz i wasnt able to get contacts so i tried honey i mixed it with bolied water which is now cooled down and started putting drops in my eye probably every 1 hour but not for the whole so i did it 5 times, anyways it doesnt hurt your eyes at all trust me i was so scared at first i mean what if i go blind but nothing happens my eyes actually feel cleaner then usual so far my eyes look a little lighter than befor but then again i just started yesterday so i am going to continue doing this until i see a difference i really want green eyes

  • Please answerer below put it on photobucket or flickr. Thank you

  • it really does work.
    here is how my eye looks like now after using honey to lighten

    C:\Users\Seth\Pictures\2010-09-20 fone pics\fone pics 705.jpg

    it use to look like this

    C:\Users\Seth\Pictures\2010-09-20 fone pics\fone pics 433.jpg

    so it does work.
    dont believe those people that say it doesnt work
    they just are not paient enough to wait and see if it works
    it takes about a week or 2 for u to see a good difference but maybe a few days to notice thats  ur eyes are a little different

    if the the links dont work jus copy and paste them
    hope it works for you
    it did for me

  • yes , of course it does.

    we as muslim use honey for eye treatment and we believe that honey have

    many advantage whether you eat it or use it as a medecine.

    Honey doesn't hurt your eyes at all.

    My advise is to use natural one instead of supermarket.

    i like to use natural thing ...

  • I will answer this straight forward.

    NO urine will not change eye color. It is sterile, and contains antioxdents that can clean things such as eyes. I have heard people say they used their urine to change their eye color (desperation).But to change eye color... NO.

    YES (to a certain degree) Honey and water can enhace brown eyes as well as clean them but it wil NOT do drastic changes to green and blue. Maybe around the iris if the person has blue or green undertones in their eyes possible, but straight brown... NO!

    Sources: Chemisty Proffesor - Personally tested myself and my students.

  • alright guys after reading this i have made up my mind im going to try it(I hope everything you guys said was true) my eyes are like a dark caramel color with a little orange/brown tint, the weird thing is that when there in the sun they look a little darker but when im in a place where theres that not much light they turn extremely bright and some people even ask me what color they are, its so weird can anyone tell me why this happens, anyways im going to try the honey thing and im going to post my results in a couple days if anything happens i'll tell you guys, oh yeah one more question is it okay if you use natural wildflower honey because thats the only one i have

  • alright guys after reading this i have made up my mind im going to try it(I hope everything you guys said was true) my eyes are like a dark caramel color with a little orange/brown tint, the weird thing is that when there in the sun they look a little darker but when im in a place where theres that not much light they turn extremely bright and some people even ask me what color they are, its so weird can anyone tell me why this happens, anyways im going to try the honey thing and im going to post my results in a couple days if anything happens i'll tell you guys

  • I've been using it for up to 1 week and a half and nothing special is happening, how long more should i wait - btw what type of honey should i use instead, is it better pure? I'll update if something does happen

  • so it IS possible to turn my brown eyes green ??, or light green ,, or any difference??, IS EVERY ONE SURE THAT it wont harm my eyes coz am wearing glasses !!

  • but i have black eyes what i wanna know is can it turn my eyes hazel please say yez xD!!!!!

  • yeah it does

    start off with a cup of hot water, 4 parts hot mater, 1 part honey, mix well, let it cool, then use it as eye drops, leave in your eyes for approx 15 mins a day, and wash you eyes after,

    it really works, :)

  • I swear by this!!! Honey really does brighten/lighten your eyes. I just mixed 1 part purified/boiled (no longer hot) water and 1 part honey and put it into an eye dropper. I've been using 2 drops/eye per day for the past 2 weeks and have really noticed the difference. I'm Filipino so i have super dark the point where my iris and pupil blended into one. Now, there is a clear definition where my pupil ends and my iris begins. My irises have become a medium brown colour, with a hint of green. It's lovely and a bit unusual. My whites have also become a more pure white and sparkle. I say go for it and try it. THIS WILL WORK.

  • yeh thanks that helped but cud  u plz tell me how u put it in?i mean like u jus dip ur finger in it and out it in ur eeye?,,,

  • I've searched the entire internet looking for an answer to this... I've done a lot of research, so don't think I went about this on a whim. Honey is perfectly fine to put in the eye(Although it's not the best feeling in the world!). It was used to cure eye infections in ancient times, and many scientific trials have been done with honey in the recent times.
        To tell you the honest truth from my own experience, It does seem to work! I started doing this daily about a month ago. My eyes have gone from so dark, I couldn't see where my pupil ended and my iris started, to green/light brown. From what I understand it works because of honey's chemical composition. When honey is mixed with water(in our case, tears), it forms a small amount of Hydrogen Peroxide that lightens your eye color. I could be wrong about this, so please don't condemn my answer if I am wrong.
    I find it truly amazing how much different my eyes look. My parents were shocked when I came back from vacation, actually!
    Alot of you want some sort of recipe, well there is really no "set" formula for everyone... By that, I mean everyones eyes are different and some can tolerate more pain than others. Knowing this, I'll share with what I did.
    I used in the beginning a mixture of boiled water that had cooled down and very high grade honey( Incidentally the most expensive one too) I used a orange blossom honey, because it sounded and (to me) tastes the mildest, but there are many other options you can try!
    I really just mixed one part water, one part honey.
    After a while, it doesn't hurt nearly as bad. So, I mixed it stronger and stronger to the point where I just put a small dab of honey on my eye.
    Afterwards, I sometimes rinse my eyes out if they're feeling really irritated, but not necessary. Also, If your eyes look really bad the next day, you might want to wait until your eyes have had time to recover.

    One last note. I also bought some MSM drops online to help the process move along a bit faster, but I still did see results before I started putting a drop in before I put in the honey.

    Like I said, you really just need to work with it and see what works for you. Hopefully you have as great results as me!

  • how long does it take for the honey to take its effect i mean like change a slight colour ,, from brown to light brown ? i wud apereciate if i got a reply thanks so much

  • oh god can some one plz help !!!!!!!! i need help anybody ,,, some one ordinary who has tried using honey in theri eyes to tell me their experience ,,, plzz ,,, coz im 14 and i really wanna change ma eye colour ,, but am scared a mi go blind if a use honey ,,, cz its weird,, i mean stiky lol



  • Can you put some honey in your goggles and hold them on your eyes like that for a half-hour?

  • but wait this is one thing i dont get like everytime you use the honey your eyes get lighter or they just get a few shades lighter and then just stop lighting even if you keep using the honey?like what happenes?

  • i've been putting honey in my eyes. and to anyone who thinks it can make them go blind; i doesn't. trust me i would have gone blind by now but i'm okay. i can't tell if i've seen any change so far, sometimes they look a little lighter, but that could be with the help of the makeup i wear.

  • i have heard to mix the honey with water does that still change the eye color?and how much drops ov honey do you put in your eye?please someone responde asap..

  • ok i get it with honey ,,, i mean so u jus basically buy normal honey from the supremarket ,, is it special honey or jus normal??, nd u jus put a drip in ur eyes ,, isnt it gna stick ur eyes 2 getha though ?? i mean wat if i go blind ??, lol ok if it really was tru , then why wudnt everyone do it until now ,  i mean den da hole wordl wud sop contact nd go fo honey lol ,, ok how long does it take for mi eyes to change colour then ??, i mean atleast from brown to lightesh brown ??? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAZZZ ANSA PLZPZLPZLZPL i really need this !! tnxxxxxx soooooooo much

  • wait how does it work the more you do the lighter they get i talking about doing it wiith honey (btw)

  • yup honey works i swear my eyes were black and now there brown =D that stuff burnes like h**l but it workes im gonna keep doing it intell i get the color brown i want and for all you who say it dosent work try it and than come post dont knock what you havent tried good luck

  • what the h**l !! i don't get it ,,, are u guys faking or does honey and urine REALLY REALLY work ,,, it all sounds bullshit to me ,, and soon fake ,, i mean i have brown eyes and it had been my dream to get them green or blue i just want a change i don't care if its green or blue or grey i just wanted to change the colour of my eyes that's all please some one give me a useful and hones response  seriously really need help sp please some one send me an email on this, or rite the response here please please i would be so much grateful if you did thank you so much =]

  • i don't see how honey could lighten up the eyes and i believe that it could lead to infections as bacteria are prone to multiply and thrive on any kind of sugars. and as far as the urine goes i have never heard of that, much less doubt that it works. and while in most cases urine is sterile, how can you tell if you have bacteria or an infective agent in it or not? lets say your on the onset of some bladder or uti infection and you go put it in your eyes? id hate to think what would result of that. i DO however know that my husbands eyes were very brown and they have lighten up with a healthier diet and drinking chamomile tea every day, he drinks at least one cup. it contains a natural lightening agent and no i would not recommend putting it in your eyes, but if u do, make sure its freshly boiled(but not hot), and use a sterile dropper and please don't put sugar in it. drinking it should be enough.

  • i don't see how honey could lighten up the eyes and i believe that it could lead to infections as bacteria are prone to multiply and thrive on any kind of sugars. and as far as the urine goes i have never heard of that, much less doubt that it works. and while in most cases urine is sterile, how can you tell if you have bacteria or an infective agent in it or not? lets say your on the onset of some bladder or uti infection and you go put it in your eyes? id hate to think what would result of that. i DO however know that my husbands eyes were very brown and they have lighten up with a healthier diet and drinking chamomile tea every day, he drinks at least one cup. it contains a natural lightening agent and no i would not recommend putting it in your eyes, but if u do, make sure its freshly boiled(but not hot), and use a sterile dropper and please don't put sugar in it. drinking it should be enough.

  • i've tried urine. i haven't seen any results. i was a bit disapointed. any other ideas?

  • I did it for 3 days straight, and my eyes always sting at first and get all sparkly and clear later. It removed redness and makes my eyes clearer and spakly.

    I stopped at day 4 because I was too lazy to do it, but I'm doing it today (day 5) and will keep it up everyday and do visualization + praying.

    I will get back to you guys.

    Please if anyone else is trying honey or something else, post here and give us your updates like the guy who used honey, then urine and visualization.

    Honestly, urine is filthy and I feel it goes against my religious beliefs to use it. I feel it's a little bit of hokus pokus goin on with using it. But I'd love to know about results with honey and any other natural way like visualization + praying or another ingredient!

    Thanks alot everyone!! If anyway has a secret about eye lightening please shaaaaaare :D thanks and God bless.

  • how much honey should you put in your?

  • Honey ddnt really work for me . I am african american and it just burned . I have used it 3 days straight . No real results . So I tried urine . I peed in a cup and used me fingers to drip it in my eyes . In that same hour I stared at a picture of light brown eyes for like 10 minutes . My eyes have actually lightened up . They are chesnut brown like the uggsbut a little darker . They used to be black . I'm not sure which one of the three worked . But something did ! I'm going to do all three everyday now . Lol .

  • honey seriously lightens your eyes im indian and black with lightbrown eyes after a couple days of the honey method it lightened to hazel and or amber

  • es ce que vraiment l'urine éclaircir les yeux!

  • yes it does work but boil some water and mix the honey in it . do not put just plain honey in your eye it will burn ! its to thick by itself .

  • If rinsing your eyes with urine works, how many times a day should it be done? Do you rinse with water right after or leave the urine in? I'm so curious

  • idk but i looked at a picture of green eyes for 10 minuts went to the bathroom and looked at my eyes and i noticed some change

  • But how did you do it just straight honey?? I've done it in one eye and it hurt! And glued my eye shut for a sec!! Lol seriously

  • ive tried honey on my word!!!it really really works,,i had hazel eyes,,it turn green after a few days n now its greyish green,,n its safe because it contains purities,,im a medical student...i just did it for experimental purposes,its like natural contacts,,

  • does urine realy work?? if it does, how long does it take to actually lighten the eye colour?

  • does urine realy work??

  • I tried honey, and didn't see any results. I was disapointed and discussed the failure of it with my cousin who is very spiritual and studied buddhism in the far East. He told me that while he was there, he heard of people rinsing their eyes with urine to lighten the color. I thought it was disgusting at first, but once I looked into it more i couldn't believe people were saying it actually worked! I asked my doctor who specializes in wholistic medicine and she said that she HAD heard of people rinsing their eyes with urine, because the chemical make-up of your own urine posesses the proper components to react with the chemical make up in your eye to lighten the color or the iris, and whiten the rest of the eye, which makes the color change even more vibrant! I was still hesitent and kind of grossed out, but once I tried it I couldn't believe how well it worked! I'll never go back to colored contacts! Rinsing my eyes with my urine has made the change I have always been looking for!

  • I recommend getting something that is of the color you want andstare at it for 10 minutes a day and you will notice some change. I had brown eyes and wanted grey so i kept staring at this poster in my room with a person with grey eyes. So after a few weeks they turned like this greyyish brownish so i stopped and kept that color.

  • can anyone whos experienced this tell me if it works or not? what kind of honey did you use? organic? what grade? howd you do it? and the actual results? i really want to find out. my email is slayj26 at yahoo dot com. please dont send me spam.

  • i tried it, todays my third day, yeah it does burn but i think it sort of does go lighter. someones gotta try it right?
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